He builds stalk up entirely way to fast. First off if you need a one shot ability then you shouldn't be playing killer. Such a garbage overpowered killer. Literally 90% of my games I play now are all Ghost Face. That's got to mean something. NERF BAT PLEASE


  • JoeyjrGamer
    JoeyjrGamer Member Posts: 2

    Nerf The Ghost Face because this is exactly right...

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263
    edited June 2019

    Hello, I'm moving this to Balance Feedback, since this is not a bug. Do you have any suggestion on how you would change it? It would help out on explaining the reasoning behind your thinking!

  • Toxiic1357
    Toxiic1357 Member Posts: 2

    I have played 62 games over the past few days and about 48 we're ghostface and it has made the game unfun because he is to OP. He walks way to fast giving little to no reaction time and when you run you have about 3 seconds before he gets you. And he stalks to fast. Please nerf him.

  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    Right... no viable killers besides billy and nurse for higher ranks... thats what this games needs.

    /end sarcasm

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    He is super easy to power deny if your alert. Aside from breaking his stealth just treat him like every other m1 killer, he has all of the same weaknesses.

  • Thuron
    Thuron Member Posts: 2

    The only issue I have with Ghost Face is on xbox snapping him out of stalk seems flawed. I can stare at him out in the open and it doesn't disengage. Myself and others have tested this. I have some clips saved because it seemed odd. To look at him centering him in your screen and have the stalk continue. Other than that he seems rather normal for a killer. Spine will save you a lot of headaches and keep your head on a swivel.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Lmao so many new accounts XD

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    I think it's the first time since the forum openned that I see so many people with less than 10 post in the same thread

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    I'm going with an entire 4 man squad over alts. Wow!

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited June 2019

    Are these alternate accounts or your SWF buddies? Saw something similar happen on Reddit a couple of months ago, except the Killer being called OP was Doctor.

    Either way, you should get good. Just treat him like any other 115% M1 Killer after he's out of stealth.

  • Grobbit
    Grobbit Member Posts: 12

    If you hate ghostface, run spine chill. Its a strong perk that really counters him hard.

  • Fieryaura
    Fieryaura Member Posts: 47

    Playing at rank 3 no problem with ghost face. Is balanced and fun to play against!