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A Dwight, Meg, Jake and Claudette enter the fog....
< The rules are you can only post one or two sentences and can't post back to back....ready and GO! >
...Jake detects a bear trap with his small game...
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@MineAntoiya said:
...Jake detects a bear trap with his small game...And disarms it, which alerts the Trapper.
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The Trapper hears the sound alert and rushes towards it
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But shits his overalls in excitement, and returns to the shack.
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Where he finds a pesky meg running already around it for no reason.0
He tries to chase Meg but finds out he has no chance until she drops the god pallet
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So she looped him for good 5 minutes...
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... He eventually gets her to drop the shack pallet to only find he gets blinded as he breaks it...
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Then takes a random swing while blinded, hoping he will..
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Get one measly hit. Unfortunately, Meg was too fast for him, so he sat in his shack and...
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ate noodles, then something something caught his attention..
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he found his totem for Hex: Devour Hope and running to it was Dwight ready to break it...
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He swings at the Dwight, hoping to keep his precious totem baby safe...
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And succeeds, causing Dwight to turn into a physical salt shaker and scream "Totem camper!" as he runs away.
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The Trapper starts to follow the blood trail of Dwight and see's the Claudette tea bagging on the hill..
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@DepravedKiller said:
The Trapper starts to follow the blood trail of Dwight and see's the Claudette tea bagging on the hill..He ponders chasing Claudette instead of Dwight but soon notices her full prestige 3 outfit...
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but hits Jake, who just sabo’d his trap in front of him...
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Before escaping, Jake trips over the remains of the hook as it fell apart...
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Meg came in with a flashlight and body blocked him, allowing the Jake to use unbreakable to escape...
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But the trapper had noed and downed the meg proceeded to hook her and then saw the claudette t-bagging at the exit gate...0
Little did Claudette know, but the Trapper had swapped his Brutal Strength with Blood Warden when no one was looking...
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As soon as Claudette was hit and realized she couldn't escape, she disconnected. From a locker right in front of the exit, Dwight watched the scene.
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...and screamed: "F-fu-######### facecamper! Tunneller! #########! #########! #########!11! I COUPLATED WITH YOUR MOTHER!"
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then spammed his profile with -rep