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What can we do about toxicity ?

All Killers here have experienced it. Survivor toxicity.

The rate of toxicity among players has significantly dropped over the last months, but I still get from to time harassed and insulted for no reason in the end chat. No matter if I lose, or if I win, I get the same reactions. If I lose, I'm a "baby killer" and a "noob" (been playing for over 800 hours, but it seems like Survivors can't understand that losing in a game where one side wins and the other loses is normal), and if I win, then I still played like ######### (and seemingly won anyway but they never talk about that part, interestingly).

Perhaps my mistake is trying to reason them but I think it's kinda ######### that I cannot avoid this problem other than by outright leaving the game without touching the chat.

Thankfully I now encounter much fewer toxic Survs than nice ones, but it's still a problem. Losing for a Killer doesn't seem allowed for some reason to these ppl. They just think that winning should be mandatory for all Killers ? That's the point of a BALANCED game, but they don't seem to understand that.

Sorry for the salt, but this gets to my head sometimes. I think many of you can relate to some extent.


  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    All you can do is prepare for the worst and move to the next game, I always bring a build to cancel that type of stuff.

    Legion with Sloppy Butcher, Franklin's Demise, Barbecue and Chili and Hex: Third Seal for example.

  • Eguzky
    Eguzky Member Posts: 173

    I love when Survivors screech at me after a match.

    It means, either win or lose, I took away their fun. And the best part? Since they are raging and I did not cheat or abuse exploits? They are LETTING me take away their fun.

    So win or lose, when someone rages, I win.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Do as I do: The toxicity and hatefull messages from dead survivors? I love it! I dwell in it! I feel sparks of joy whenever dead survivors write me insults filled with their salty blood and tears. I can only experience joy from the anguish of sore losers and entitled babies. I leave my Steam Profile open so those dead survivors can leave me comments (Those are my trophies, I have like 160 of them at the moment).

    Toxic survivors that escape? I take the loss, write "GG" and be done with it. Their words can't hurt me because I have no regard for pesky survivors, they are below me. I know I will get them eventually

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    So am I being toxic when I get looped 10 times, pallets dropped on me, DH into sprint burst into window vault burst, tbagged to death, finally down the ahole just to get hit with DS, finally down them again so I face camp him for pissing me off and tormenting me with leather face. Here's a tip: if the killer is leather face, don't play toxic because I'll dish it right back and your gonna lose. Might only get 1k, but it was worth it to me and I DARE one of your teammates to make the save. Lmao

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,200

    It's almost like the vast majority of the killer roster is super underpowered at purple rank and beyond relative to equally skilled survivors. This is the double standard killer players talk about. I rarely play a game that doesn't involve an instaheal or two, multiple players with Adrenaline, etc., but rarely are those referred to as wheelchair perks or add-ons. If I play optimally, I'm sweaty. If a survivor plays optimally, that's just normal gameplay.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Pro tip: Whenever people flame you in post game chat either as the killer or survivor they are usually trying to make you mad. So the way to make the survivor or killer trying to flame you mad is to send a gg wp and once they start flaming you start talking about how they played well so they will be pissed because you aren't effected by their toxicity.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Laugh at them and say GG anyway. It'll just piss them off, making the toxicity hurt them a lot more then you, which is what they would be aiming for.

    The only time you should "attack back" is if you have a survivor agreeing on a point with you, cause if their own teammate is on the killer's side then that just makes them sputter and eventually either leave or sprout funny bullshit.

  • Hatty
    Hatty Member Posts: 121

    When i play with my premade, he usually spams "bruh" all over the chat

    i laugh while at the same time telling him to stop, since i experienced that as a killer aswell ahahah it used to tilt me so much, now my mentality has changed to "if they take their time to write something in the chat or my steam profile, that means i did a good job as killer"

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I was waiting for my chick to get ready one night, so for a laugh i booted up her dbd account (killer rank 20).

    Ya i forgot she gets public messages (ps4).

    Holy hell the very 1st person i sacrifice (some ash try hard) immediately sends me rage messages. Told me I was bad at dbd because i proximity camped and his friends couldn't save him (like ya.. you're playing ash and it's rank 20..). I told him he shouldn't have got hooked. I was playing Clown for christ sake.

    I ignore him after that, but he was soooo mad that he kept messaging! Then he got mad that I wasn't messaging! I couldn't stop laughing. Again, this was AT RANK 20! Fun times.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I actually enjoy disscusions in after game chat with toxic players. They are always so mad about everything so I very gently explain them reasoning behind all the in game decisions and wish them the best luck in their next games.

    Sometimes when they're really hopeless I'll just pity them and move on. But overall I like endgame chat and toxic (for me quite funny) poeple just make my game experience better since I find them hilarious getting mad from such small issues.

    People who dislike the salt can just disable end game chat or leave pretty fast and the problem is solved.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,366

    You say that as though clown is the worst killer in the game when he isn't, he may not be as strong as other killers but he certainly isn't bad. You also say that him playing Ash is a justification for camping, if there's 1 or 2 generators left, camping is understandable but why do you base it on the character they're playing?

  • Knuckles
    Knuckles Member Posts: 218

    I leave immediately after the match ends and I view the results. Fortunately, console doesn't have end game chat. If someone wants to harass you, as some do, they have to do it by messaging you. Set your prefs to friends only can message. I've even gotten rude comments from people that try to friend request you, then when you open the request there's the garbage. So I no longer accept FR, or even look at them. It's sad that this is what it's come to. Oh well...

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Love clown. I had forgotten about the change to MoM. Camping usually won't work past the grey ranks. At one point it was suggested a counter to MoM is to camp ash.

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    A actual system that bans people effectively