Why are Laurie Mains Hated so much?

Please explain, I'm using OoO and trying to get my adept Laurie achievement. And the killer finally gets me and while I'm on hook revs his chainsaw in my face until I die.
Good Lord why are Laurie's so hated around here hahaha
Decisive Strike
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Cause OoO is dangerous to both sides. Free info on killer, free info on survivor. However, this info is much more powerful for survivors since you're always working as a group, so a killer will immediately make sure OoO is gone asap.
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She doesn't deserve this, sometimes I feel Laurie is hated more than legion lmao
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Because of Decisive Strike and this is personal experience but Lauries seem to be decent players that can loop you for awhile as well but I am guessing that's just something personal for me so it's mostly Decisive strike
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And I would expect that because you're supposed to chase me. That's the downside of the perk, free info for leaving yourself vulnerable. But you the catch is you BETTER know how to run haha
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If you see a Laurie with OoO, she’s almost always runni D strike.
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I have no problem with Lauries. In my experience most of them have been decent players.
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Laurie has two of the most abused perks in DBD history.
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I have nothing against the horse-faced creature known as "Laurie"
Now if this was Nea, Feng, Claudette or Nea, THEN there would be a different response from me
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Its dumb as hell to hate a character because of a perk they came with. Blame developers for perks not the character.
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its a long story which involves the old DS and toxicity.
i think this sums it up pretty well:
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Her backstory is that she fights back against the killer ... The devs have actually made her somewhat weak in the game but is still hated. Decisive Strike for example should be allowed to be used whenever necessary, not on a timer that the killer can workaround...
This makes me wish characters had unique abilities. Laurie could DS anytime whereas the teachables has a nerfed DS. Claudette could heal faster, Meg has a shorter exhaustion, Jake can sabo much faster.
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Two years of DS being the most broken perk shows why that's a garbage idea.
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Don't pretend to be all innocent with unfun killer perk combos existing in the game.
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Usually they are the definition of toxic or mega noobs. There is no point in between
Toxic ones will tbag the ######### out of you and use laurie's advantage to always have DS no matter wich level are you because they cannot survive without that (I'm glad they changed it, i actually like the new DS ngl) sometimes they will also use Object of obsession. If that is the case, prepare to have a 90 min chase
Noob ones will just sandbag you, too scared to move because "nooo my clothes are too bright and shiny :'("
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Combos are not the same as a single perk that broke all momentum and could be used 4 times in a trial. No single killer perk comes close to that. Even most perk combinations don't.
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Because alot of killers hate OoO. You should hear Hybrid Panda. He despises it.
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Same reason some people hate Ash, they once had op perks that ruined the game but are now good. (well at least Ds is good, MoM is trash)
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Oh no! My Crutch Perk was Nerfed! Time to use Mettle of Ma- OOOOOOHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOO.
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You conveniently forgot NOED, can like totally change the game from all 4 escaping to a 4K. DS could never do that, it just buys a few extra seconds for one survivor!
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Only difference being Noed can be completely disabled and avoided. If a killer gets 4 kills through Noed it's cause the survivors suck
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I'm actually not complaining about NOED! It's just a lot stronger than DS (new and old).
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Stop lying to yourself.
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im a p3 laurie main and i can barely keep up with a chase against a freddy, let alone other stronger killers. im pretty much a boosted laurie main. even though lauries are very rare creatures, it would be really nice if they gave laurie some cosmetics like tapp and pig.
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shes a horse
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She’s my only p3 50 all perks so far, I’m excited for the Tapp cosmetics but I think I’d be ecstatic if Laurie finally got some. I’d like longer wavy hair (more accurate to the original movie) long sleeve Laurie (classroom “fate” scene original movie/no cardigan) or 2018 ver. With lv 3 lithe and disappearing from LoS after (sometimes use dance with me) she’s my vault master Houdini.
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Laurie is love. Laurie is life.
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You leave Maurice out of this conversation! She has seen some ######### because of that Clown. XD (I know you're talking about Laurie. Just wanted to talk about Maurice the horse.)
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This^ Before opening the thread I was gonna guess some DS PTSD from back in the day but definitely this.
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Laurie is the prettiest survivor imo. Which is why I almost always give Laurie players the hatch :)
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I get the DS PTSD and OoO hate but do people really expect a person who mains a character to use their base perks, last time I used DS and OoO was adept and that’s it. You wouldn’t really expect a Jake to run saboteur would you, does everyone hate nea for UE or meg for adrenaline or Dwight for prove thyself? She’s technically my main but I use perks like lithe or pharmacy for looting kit stocks etc, is it really that common for Laurie mains to use these perks? I feel I’ve seen more megs with OoO lately and Lauries either try hiding and go down instantly, are decent in chase or gen jockeys or lone survivors in the most literal sense (don’t go for saves unless they have to)
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Can’t edit my post at all due to the forum bug so I’ll just add I don’t think it was the fact you were a Laurie “main” it’s that you were running OoO. That’s why you got the hate.
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🐴Lauries are precious creatures🐴
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Old DS put a fowl reminder on Laurie. Plus if you see one that's the obsession, you're guaranteed a DS, and DS is just annoying too play around, even if it is easy. Killers don't like too slug, survivors don't want too be slugged.
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Lauries aren't hated, but OoO is.
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DS has a grim history.
Also anyone playing Ghost Face now automatically hates OoO.
Honestly, of any Survivor, Laurie makes a good hate target.
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So much This^^ There needs to be more customization in survivors, instead of, here's a jake skin, here's a dwight skin, here's a laurie skin etc.
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My Laurie is a precious cinnamon roll, you all leave her alone! D:
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I got my achievement never looking to the killer, just doing gens and staying in the corner. It was pretty easy. I just looked at him once or twice to guarantee he's not coming for my booty.
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It used to be able to turn a 4k into a bully fest. I don't feel bad for the Wraith to whom I did it. It was satisfying.
It no longer can do that, so I think a talk (I'm not into the whole insta-nerf thing) is needed about other perks that affect the game so much and the game mechanics behind them (NOED, Ruin, M&A, Adrenaline) and survivor instaheals.
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She is, legitimately killers will go out of their way to kill me and leave someone else alive because I'm Laurie. If it's because of OoO I don't run it, but I will now since apparently it doesn't matter.
I've come to the realization that you really need to be good if you main Laurie because she will be on the receiving end of alot of killer pent up frustrations
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@Gardenia as anyone said in this thread, is because of ds and object of obsession.
Current ds is fine by me but every OoO user i play against just turn out to br a huge ######### so i just make sure they die asap. (I dont want them to reveal my current location to their teammates)
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My issue isn't with Laurie but object of obsession. I don't even mind decisive strike but OoO is frustrating.
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she makes a good target cuz she is the "obsession" after all.. her 3 perks are all obsession perks cuz of the movie's lore i think
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Depends on the equipment.
You might wanna avoid her because of DS or STBFL.
But you may also want to get her because of Remember Me.
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Just look at her... LOOK AT HER!!!
That Laurie achievement was hard for me too, I suck as survivor XD
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Laurie is love she deserve more respect !
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I actually am a Laurie main and I can say a lot of people just don’t like her because some aren’t toxic and it’s because of decisive strike and object of obsession because you can see the killer and nobody can’t
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It's probably you the same reason why some of us Legion mains are hated.
People tend to remember the the negatives and frustrations of decisive strike and simply apply that to every Laurie they see.
Hell if MoM was as prevalent of an issue for as long as decisive strike was you will probably get the same reaction to Ash mains all two of them