Match completion bonus
As a way to discourage DCing and suiciding on the hook, why not offer a match completion bonus? Something like 5k per survivor and 8k for killer (because they have to stay longer). Or have it scale based on how long you stayed in the match. You only get the bonus if you stay till you get to the results screen (suiciding on hook is only allowed if there is one other survivor left).
This way survivors who get downed super early, or get camped or tunneled, will stay because they'll still get something out of the match. And killers who aren't doing well won't just DC to move onto the next game.
This will also help reduce the grind a bit.
I had Survivor's dcing during double bloopoint week with 2-3 Cake's burnt. I doubt it will help.
The people who DC don't care about BP's, they are just and/ angry and just want to leave.
At least that's what I have seen.
I think the dedicated servers will allow BHVR to track the repeat offenders and issue bans more consistently. I think that alone will be enough to deter DC's a lot
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The match would be complete when you get to your results screen. In my post I said suiciding on the hook would only be okay if there's one other survivor left. As far as going AFK I don't think that's worth 5-8k BP but they could probably detect when people go AFK and not award them the bonus.
That's a good point but this is mainly to encourage people who are camped and tunneled to stay. There's nothing worse than being the Dying Later survivor and the killer camps you to Mori or get you out ASAP. Coupled with the punishment of DCing I think this would help. Because we might just see a shift to suiciding ASAP rather than outright DCing.
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Yeah that's a good point but I figured it would be a nice way to reward people who do stay in addition to possible punishments when dedicated servers come.
Thanks for the response!
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A small amount of shards and bonus BP based upon all the BP gained during the trail could be something for everyone who didn't disconnect but like, as mentioned earlier in the thread, WHEN are you rewarded? When everyone's done?
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As in my original post, you only get the points if you stay till you get to the results screen without suiciding on the hook.
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I meant you just don't get the completion points if you suicide on the hook, not that you are unable to do it at all. And I like your idea of any player(s) who stays gets part of the points of the player(s) who DCed. That's a great idea.
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What if you try to Kobe. What triggers as "suicide" on hook. Would slippery meat affect it? Or monstrous shrine?
Just incremental time ban DCs and be done with it. Few BP extra wont offset the problem of people who already dont want BP.
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Suiciding on the hook means you try to escape and then don't struggle. You can try to escape and then struggle and you would still get the points.
I'm not sure why rewarding good players in addition to punishing the DCers wouldn't be more effective than just punishment. Positive reinforcement is more effective than punishment.
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Why not give people one out? If you disconnect the client just treats it like normal. The second time you don't get taken out of the game, you just stand there to get killed. Maybe third time you start losing rank and character levels. Allowing people one DC a week/month means you're not punishing someone because their game crashed or internet went down but after that it's your own fault
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They need to do straight bans. If you quit you obviously don't wanna play the game. So you probably wouldn't mind getting banned for 24hrs? Than maybe 72hrs for the next occurrence. Than a week. Than a perma-ban
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The problem is the penalty wasnt there.i dont agree with the people that down once and dc but when i get tunneld or camped i would dc when i am gonna get 3rd hooks because i knew i wasnt gonna pip even black cause as long as you reload the game you got your pips back from dcing.
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@Peanits I think it would have more of an impact than some might think. One frustrating thing that causes some DC's is being tunneled to death for no BP when you use good bp offerings. If they were to get a bonus for hanging in there, they might do just that.
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97 percent dc including
me ######### this ######### boring game. Been to rank 1.
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i actually like this change
even if you don't like it, the approach is the correct one - attempting to deter disconnects rather than defaulting to punishing them
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I think it may be of help for both the dc and the grind @Peanits