Made Up Killer Rules

Why do killers demand respect from survivors when some show little respect to begin with?

Why should I respect a killer that played toxicly versus one that beat me and my team fair and square?

Why should I respect a killer that tunnels, camps, insta mori's, bobs their heads, mori/power spams (Nurse's spamming the Blink button or Billy's revving their chainsaws over and over in a taunting matter), sends taunting messages and posts about me?

Another thing: why is it okay for survivors to get consistently nerfed over and over again but the moment the devs SLIGHTLY nerf any aspect of killer, its suddenly the end of the world? Heck, even truetalent spent several videos whining about the Ghostface changes acting like it would mean the death of killer if they kept this up.

I'm starting to think killers are just as whiny and entitled as survivors if more so coupled with the inflated egos and power trips they get from playing killer.

The devs have been holding the killer's hand since Leatherface released.

The Exhaustion nerf, the reduction of pallets, removal of the pallet vacuum, D Strike/MoM nerf, killer sided maps like The Game, the changes no vault speeds, a perk that literally breaks pallets instantly, all the exploits like the Legion's moonwalking that took months to patch. I could go on.

What more do you killers need? How many more crutches do the devs have to give you? At this point I wouldnt be surprised if the reverted the mori's to how they were in 2016 or had survivors die instantly on their first hook.


  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756


  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,359

    Nerfing overpowered things to make a healthier game is not a bad thing, no matter which side gets it, with an example of that being Sprint burst 1.0. Treating the existence of bugs and exploits as if they were intended features is also Abit...skewed. the moonwalking Legion thing was not at all intended gameplay, and did indeed get resolved. You can't complain about them not taking action on something, and in the same breath complain when they DO take action that it wasn't quick enough.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    He's going all out for this bait

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846

    1 nerf for killer

    10 nerfs for survivor

    fair 😀

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    I cannot sufficiently take the bait on a Mobile .

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846
    edited June 2019

    Myers can kill without hooked anyone is fair? Mori is fair? Hillbilly Inst Chainsaw is fair? Hitboxes is fair? EGC is fair? Gates spawn so close ir fair?

    I believe this game is balanced for both sides!

  • SaveUsY2K
    SaveUsY2K Member Posts: 43

    Comment section, don't fail me now!!

  • Sentry
    Sentry Member Posts: 124

    Egc in itself is supposed to be last ditch, but i do agreesome of the gates spawns are trash

  • DJ_2_toxic
    DJ_2_toxic Member Posts: 29

    I'm a survivor main and I don't ever really get mad at killers for doing their jobs. Whatever tactic they do as in Tunneling, or Camping I fully blame survivors for being unhelpful teammates. 1. Not having Kindred so I can see if he's camping you or if someone is already trying to unhook you. 2. Don't go in the basement because it's a impossible to get out. And 3. Healing around corners like he can't hear your grunts of pain or healing audio like #########? The only thing that isn't fair that the offering that saves my items and add ons when I die doesn't protect them from Franklin's Demise.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I tried to think of a serious response, but i just can't, it's too silly.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Can I pose a parallel?

    How is it fair for a Survivior that they are getting facecamped bc a Billy, by mere happenstance, chainsaw sprints in their direction and now he's right next to them?

    How is it fair for a Survivior to play against Nurse in general?

    How is it fair for a Survivior to get tunnelled off the hook bc they dared to flashlight/pallet/head on save their ally?

    How is it fair that a Survivior loops the killer for 3/4/5 gens and bc the killer ran Noed, they get downed and camped?

    How is it fair for a Survivior to play well, all their teammates die, and then bc the gates spawned in eyeshot of each other, they die bc the killer will know where they are and they can't do anything except run out the EGC timer and die

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    This game is about killing and surviving.

    They are mutually exclusive.

    Anyone playing this game should acknowledge that from day one.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    How is it fair that the emblem system punishes killers for doing their job but rewards survivors for gen rushes?

    How is it fair for survivors to bully killers with no fear and sense of respect for the opposite side's objective?

    How is it fair that most killers have to fight through 20 second chance crutch perks against the clock, but survivors whine that moris and destructible perks exist to not make them look like complete, impotent fools?

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    best bait of the month for sure.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237


  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    I don't demand respect, I demand blood

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    The Exhaustion nerf, the reduction of pallets, removal of the pallet vacuum, D Strike/MoM nerf, killer sided maps like The Game, the changes no vault speeds, a perk that literally breaks pallets instantly, all the exploits like the Legion's moonwalking that took months to patch. I could go on.

    Are you even trying?

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    You know it's a bad bait when OP has gone AWOL

  • Nosplash
    Nosplash Member Posts: 77

    You know killers are faster than survivors right ? They catch up to and eventually down survivors so looping for a while till u get caught isn't bad. If no one looped or at least tried to loop, the game would end pretty fast.