How to improve the game

Autoliny Member Posts: 76
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

First I would like to say I love what the Devs are trying to create and hope it will eventually be an amazing game, it's already good, close to great, but not quite there yet.

1st. I think having a functional report system would actually give people more hope for the game than you think, I got moderate abuse from someone, took two screen shots, typed them in manually and I'm not even sure anything will be done, these comments were not said out of anger as the person who said then was hooked and left. his friend however was camped because on the school map he decided to loop and pallet blind me at every chance so I camped him. you have thoughts on this, that's your own choice as that was mine.
I then uploaded the screenshots to steam and on the report function as copy in paste is not been invented it seems.

2nd. The queue system pisses me off, now sure I'm trying to snipe players, not in a malicious way, but if we queue at the same time, we both get Americans if they've been waiting more than 90 secs? wouldn't it make more sense to open up the ranks before regions, given that I am used to american pings, seems stupid that you feel a 200 ping is better than playing against someone that has more skill. Lose to skill, lose to lag... Which we learn more from.

3rd. Solve the issues, not the problem leading to the issues, this may feel like a kick in the nuts as I know you're doing it, but it's been an issue from the start and will be stated.
Infinites are an issue, create Nurse.
Camping an issue create Borrowed Time
Tunneling an issue create DS
Sabo an issue create Respawning hooks(that was fine, then you added hangmans trick)
Window abuse create Bamboozled
Hatch abuse create a close mechanic (WiP)
I could go on but I don't wish to, is it seems nit picking, you guys have a fantastic game, yet the issues are not being worked on, I get that your not a massive company and in order to fix issues you have to pay the staff which means you have to focus on content to feed the chain, but don't do an EA on us pls.

Killer IMO

Killer although can function extremely well, lacks roles on terms of play style. I feel that with the nurse being so strong, she not only outshines the other classes, but hurts them. As long as the nurse remains so strong the other Killers will not be changed to the stage that they need to be at. When one is OP and the others are close to 1/2 that power, then why play the weaker Killers?

Map dominance: Has the power to pressure the map at the disadvantage to close quarters (should be)

Nurse= The Nurse has almost no weakness, her only weakness is the experience of the player versusing the survivors, the survivor can be very skilled, but it's only down to time.

Billy =Billy has massive power but is limited the same as most M1 killers, although he isn't as weak, he's limited by windows and pallets same as the others.

See other people have a 3rd option here like the Huntress, but truth is that perkless the huntress isn't that great, if I'm wrong please tell me, I've played trapper at rank 3 perkless and got a 4k, doesn't means he's OP or even viable without perks, I've also did it with Hag, my Hag actually did better than trapper over all.
The idea of a GG is that the standard is 2 escape and 2 survive, that is the current definition of balance, it's also the current score of camping, reason that I say it as longer as campers exist, statistics mean nothing.

With the power increase coming to killers because of the nerf/massive buff to tinkerer I may be out of line here.

Survivor IMO

Survivor is fine for the most part, out of my 3khrs 1.4 is on survivor, I would say fix the hook alterations, if I unhook someone, I don't wanna be stuck there for 2-4 secs before I can start healing, also fix the unhook animation it either unhooks or not by a period, I had full unhook, yet they stayed on the hook, someone I vs'd just got the hook while I sawed them, yet the other guy got unhooked mid animation.

I have a few Ideas to say about

Survivors :

SelfCare : Why in the world would this be nerfed? it's a great perk for killers, it encourages body blocking, if they can take a hit then they have to go away and heal, less time on Gens, if you're in chase then why wouldn't you commit to it. if you don't M&A and Nurses that's your choice, stop expecting everything to be handed to you, we're not survivors!!!

Pallet/Window Inconsistency: I don't mind getting hit through a pallet when it's through lag, but when a nurse blinks no where near me and still lands a hit that pisses me off, and that's not even talking about the phantom hits through pallets, downed pallets have to have a better collision wall, I've been chainsawed through pallets with LF and Billy


Trapper: I love the idea of the changes to the trapper, but you nerfed him in terms of add-ons also, given these add-onhs where never use by how ######### they're. You're still going to have his Anti sabo #########, which will be pointless, you have global information and the anti sabo build.

Hangmans Trick: I had to shove this down here because this is the worst Anti killer perk created, people are sabo'ing hooks how the ######### cares, they're off gens, isn't that a good thing???
This has got to be the Idea of these 4K or noK fools, if they sabo then they're not on gens + for killer, "you have hangmans noose perk, why sabo, just work gens..." see, same for selfcare " if I block a hook, I get points, but I also have to hide away the corner for 3 mins to heal, I'll stay on the gen instead" it's stupid AF. If your soul reason is losing to selfcare then you have bigger issues tbh.

I was going to end it there, but I've said it on stream and so many times before, the hatch bullshit, I'm tired of it tbh, not for the 4k, I don't care cause I'm not an egotistical dick, I bait, if they come I kill them, if they don't then GG.
But I am pissed at those that have 1-2 gates open then try to search for the hatch for 10 mins for that extra 2k BP. The hatch is an emergency exit, no way that a hatch exit should give you more than an objective that helps your team. That was beyond stupid by the Devs and started 60% of this hatch stand off #########.

Hatch : When 2+ gens have been completed the hatch can spawn for the sole survivor, if more than one person is alive even with 1 gen to go, then then hatch will not spawn. Only when 1 sole survivor or the gates are powered will the hatch spawn. hatch awards 3k escape points instead of 7k, if a Gate has been opened then the hatch will not open without a key. you could even add if nobody is on a hook, when the hatch spawns, all survivors in the match lose BP per 2mins

Post edited by Autoliny on


  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    Self care is broken is broken, pallets are fine. >Entire post nullified in one sentence.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
  • Autoliny
    Autoliny Member Posts: 76

    how is selfcare broken?? your statement is that from a rank 20 player, if I want to hear the likes of you i'll go to reddit. stop relying on your Ruin and NOED and actually hunt maybe...? or are survirors still to OP, need only 3 pallets per map

  • Autoliny
    Autoliny Member Posts: 76

    @Cetren said:
    Self care is broken is broken, pallets are fine. >Entire post nullified in one sentence.

    See unlike you I actually play the game, rather than hang around the forums waiting to cry Survivor OP, Survivors are still stronger than killers, organised. this game is in the best shape it's ever been in. but yeah SC OP, trying playing back once SC gave you full healing speed lol. this perk is one the most balanced perks survivors have, it can be strong if you're a slugger, otherwise, no it's fine.

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    edited July 2018
    Autoliny said:

    @Cetren said:
    Self care is broken is broken, pallets are fine. >Entire post nullified in one sentence.

    See unlike you I actually play the game, rather than hang around the forums waiting to cry Survivor OP, Survivors are still stronger than killers, organised. this game is in the best shape it's ever been in. but yeah SC OP, trying playing back once SC gave you full healing speed lol. this perk is one the most balanced perks survivors have, it can be strong if you're a slugger, otherwise, no it's fine.

    We'll you're also the one who typed the above paragraph, so I have no idea what your first attempt at an insult was about. I've played since when self care was full speed, and yeah, it was terrible. My point is, it still is terrible. Also slugging? Dude everything you say makes me more convinced the last time you played was 2016.
  • Autoliny
    Autoliny Member Posts: 76
    edited July 2018

    @Cetren said:
    Self care is broken is broken, pallets are fine. >Entire post nullified in one sentence.

    @Lowbei said:

    good to see we have the intelligent ones her, that express their points well, tell me guys does reddit miss you much? lol 200+ and 700+ I bet if I check, it's all ######### with you spamming F13 players, and lowbei I've played against you, you shouldn't be mouth, you're 20 material m8

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited July 2018
    Autoliny said:

    @Cetren said:
    Self care is broken is broken, pallets are fine. >Entire post nullified in one sentence.

    @Lowbei said:

    good to see we have the intelligent ones her, that express their points well, tell me guys does reddit miss you much? lol 200+ and 700+ I bet if I check, it's all ######### with you spamming F13 players, and lowbei I've played against you, you shouldn't be mouth, you're 20 material m8

    lol another salty sandra steps to the plate :)

    hi. i dont remember ever playing with you, so you must not have made much of an impression on me, but clearly i was memorable.

    i usually record most games. when was this? id love to drop a video here of you getting rekt, but you will have to help me with the date.

    feel free to find yourself in my videos at and link me to it.
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    I don't mind the nerf to self care. I think it's a fair change and survivors actually have to lose the killer to do it instead of just doing it in front of the killer's face almost every time they throw a pallet down. This change won't drive self-care out of the meta. It'll still be used by just about everyone because the ability to heal yourself infinitely is incredibly strong.This adds a bit more of a risk to it, but it's still a viable perk. I agree with some of your points, like sabo being pretty overshadowed by other perks now, but self-care will be fine after the nerf.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    Lowbei said:
    Autoliny said:

    @Cetren said:
    Self care is broken is broken, pallets are fine. >Entire post nullified in one sentence.

    @Lowbei said:

    good to see we have the intelligent ones her, that express their points well, tell me guys does reddit miss you much? lol 200+ and 700+ I bet if I check, it's all ######### with you spamming F13 players, and lowbei I've played against you, you shouldn't be mouth, you're 20 material m8

    lol another salty sandra steps to the plate :)

    hi. i dont remember ever playing with you, so you must not have made much of an impression on me, but clearly i was memorable.

    i usually record most games. when was this? id love to drop a video here of you getting rekt, but you will have to help me with the date.

    feel free to find yourself in my videos at and link me to it.
    You get so many people upset without even doing anything lmao what’s your secret 
  • nhattminhh
    nhattminhh Member Posts: 16

    Yea, SC is the most balanced perk there is. Killer also have Nurse calling which is the most direct counter to SC too. If you are complaining about SC then how about get nurse calling and try to actually learn killer tips and tricks?

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    ThePloopz said:
    Lowbei said:
    Autoliny said:

    @Cetren said:
    Self care is broken is broken, pallets are fine. >Entire post nullified in one sentence.

    @Lowbei said:

    good to see we have the intelligent ones her, that express their points well, tell me guys does reddit miss you much? lol 200+ and 700+ I bet if I check, it's all ######### with you spamming F13 players, and lowbei I've played against you, you shouldn't be mouth, you're 20 material m8

    lol another salty sandra steps to the plate :)

    hi. i dont remember ever playing with you, so you must not have made much of an impression on me, but clearly i was memorable.

    i usually record most games. when was this? id love to drop a video here of you getting rekt, but you will have to help me with the date.

    feel free to find yourself in my videos at and link me to it.
    You get so many people upset without even doing anything lmao what’s your secret 
    i have no idea

  • Autoliny
    Autoliny Member Posts: 76

    @Lowbei said:
    Autoliny said:

    @Cetren said:

    Self care is broken is broken, pallets are fine. >Entire post nullified in one sentence.

    @Lowbei said:


    good to see we have the intelligent ones her, that express their points well, tell me guys does reddit miss you much? lol 200+ and 700+ I bet if I check, it's all ######### with you spamming F13 players, and lowbei I've played against you, you shouldn't be mouth, you're 20 material m8

    lol another salty sandra steps to the plate :)

    hi. i dont remember ever playing with you, so you must not have made much of an impression on me, but clearly i was memorable.

    i usually record most games. when was this? id love to drop a video here of you getting rekt, but you will have to help me with the date.

    feel free to find yourself in my videos at and link me to it.

    You never made an impression, name is familiar is all, and as for you promoting yourself, gripping gameplay. Silent stream with the occasional toke Rank 17 killer and rank 8 survivor.
    I'm curious why you came to comment on the post, do you agree or disagree, because all you've done is try to start something, take another hit m8 and chill.

    @ShrimpTwiggs said:
    I don't mind the nerf to self care. I think it's a fair change and survivors actually have to lose the killer to do it instead of just doing it in front of the killer's face almost every time they throw a pallet down. This change won't drive self-care out of the meta. It'll still be used by just about everyone because the ability to heal yourself infinitely is incredibly strong.This adds a bit more of a risk to it, but it's still a viable perk. I agree with some of your points, like sabo being pretty overshadowed by other perks now, but self-care will be fine after the nerf.

    I don't get why that annoys you, you get a free pallet without the need to loop, while keeping pressure, I love those guys that act smart healing at pallets. I've never had an issue with Selfcare tbh, 85% of survivors will selfcare over finding someone else to heal them, that in itself is time off gens.
    My fear with the SC nerf is simple, if you get hit on the way to the hook, and have to run to a corner to heal, then why take the hit, safer to sit on a gen. This will not change my style of play, nor will the change to exhaustion as survivor.