BUFF KILLER to stop camping and tunneling!

oke Member Posts: 102
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

TL;DR: It's very simple. Killers camp and tunnel because it gives them power they would otherwise not have. Discourage camping and tunneling by making it fun for the killer to chase.

When chasing the survivor, killers feel powerless. Especially when you are forced to vault safe windows or break safe pallets... It feels like being stuck in that animation for ages, while seeing the survivor sprinting away, knowing you can do nothing about it. Playing killer means you have constant pressure. You cannot afford any mistakes during chases and you have to guard your generators simultaneously.

When the killer finally gets his first hook, he will see 3 survivors working on 3 different gens using BBQ. Yet, he can do nothing about it. He can only prevent one gen from finishing, and most often when he arrives at that gen, the survivor finishes it anyway and Sprint Bursts away.

Killers camp and tunnel because they feel powerful when doing so. They don't have to worry about being looped around the same spot for a minute. They just secure their sacrifice. There certainly is no downside to tunneling and almost no downside to camping.

Killers need alternatives. Killers need to be buffed in chases, especially in early game, where he is vulnerable to being gen rushed, if the first chase takes to long (which it does because all pallets are still availible). They should feel powerful when they are hunting their prey. Killers besides Nurse, Huntress and Billy have to be viable. (Notice how Nurse, Huntress and Billy are the only killers who can end chases quickly in early game to put pressure on the map right away.)

In the beginning of the match, the Killer starts with a 25% faster action speed (pallet breaking, vaulting, hits with main weapon) and 50% faster recovery from pallet and flashlight stuns. The Killer loses this bonus if: a survivor is in dying state, a survivor is on the hook and the Killer is within 20m radius, a survivor is dead.

(Just make the stun reduction not stack with Enduring)

This would greatly power up killers in early game and discourage camping and tunneling by provinding a viable alternative: chasing.

Post edited by oke on


  • Kasies
    Kasies Member Posts: 66
    edited July 2018
    I always thought Killers Camp because they encountered a lot of toxic bodyblocking flashlight wielding  swf. Which i understand and respect.

    Just live with them Camping. If you want a solution to Camping first find one to stop bodyblocking and toxic survivors - then think about making them stop Camping -

    Although I agree Killers need to be buffed and on a second thought your idea seems pretty neat. 
  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    There is some validity to what you say here. Camping or tunneling down survivors can offer some measure of control to an otherwise powerless role versus optimal survivors. Now these strategies are not always guaranteed to be successful, but more often than not, there is solid logic behind severing the weakest link (tunneling) or camping a hook (pressure on map, baiting altruism, etc).

    What you said about killers feeling powerful in the situation is true to some extent, and it's one of the very few times where they have some small level of control over the game. Or at least their chosen victim. I agree that killers need to be buffed, and I think the power role needs to be bestowed upon the single entity who is otherwise outnumbered by four vastly superior and overwhelming opponents (this doubles in severity with things like Discord, etc).

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @altruistic said:
    Gamers will camp you regardless.  Doesn’t matter how strong the Killer is.  

    Good thing you said gamers instead of killers. I´ve seen a ton of survivors camping. It´s really disgusting.
    But i agree, that killers need to be actually way stronger, to make the game enjoyable and thus reduce camping.

    Since killers camp, because they feel to weak to go for another victim. They want to secure the kill that cost them 3 gens.

  • Siggerad
    Siggerad Member Posts: 47

    Way to BIAS; now BBQ&Chili is weak perk? LOL

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    @> @Tsulan said:

    Since killers camp, because they feel to weak to go for another victim. They want to secure the kill that cost them 3 gens.

    exactly the point
    there is NO REASON to go elsewhere
    I only go out because I use pressure tactic: injuring, slugging (sleeping if freddy) and generally wasting their time by scaring them off generators while making sure that if they're busy I can take my time to hook. And that's very hard to execute.
    But there was exception to this: Pop goes the weasel. It literally gives you reason to leave hook and rewards you for it

    On the other hand entitled survivors think that by punishing killer it will discourage camping. #########.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    Camping is just a sign that the game is in pretty good balance.

    As a gaming strategy, camping says ONE thing: I don't trust myself as a Killer to catch anyone else this round.

    Sounds strange I admit. But think about it. Killer would never camp if catching all survivors was 100% guaranteed. They would just move on to the next survivor, knowing they will eventually get everyone. And even if it's NOT true, they would do so if that was their attitude.

    So yeah, people may camp for personal reasons, like teabagging, or looping.

    Here's a truth, for killer that care about rank....they just want to at least get 2 kills out of the way, so they can sit back and actually enjoy the rest of the match.

    Some killers just find enjoyment out of the fact that survivors take is personal. I'd be willing to bet, that the day there is not another word said about camping, the amount of camping would decrease dramatically.

    The game is balanced, and camping proves this. If killers were OP, there would be no need to camp, ever.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Siggerad said:
    Way to BIAS; now BBQ&Chili is weak perk? LOL

    A perk that reduces camping should be a survivors wet dream.
    But somehow it isn´t.
    Maybe survivors really prefer to get insidious camped. Who knows?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @FSB75 said:
    Camping is just a sign that the game is in pretty good balance.

    As a gaming strategy, camping says ONE thing: I don't trust myself as a Killer to catch anyone else this round.

    Sounds strange I admit. But think about it. Killer would never camp if catching all survivors was 100% guaranteed. They would just move on to the next survivor, knowing they will eventually get everyone. And even if it's NOT true, they would do so if that was their attitude.

    So yeah, people may camp for personal reasons, like teabagging, or looping.

    Here's a truth, for killer that care about rank....they just want to at least get 2 kills out of the way, so they can sit back and actually enjoy the rest of the match.

    Some killers just find enjoyment out of the fact that survivors take is personal. I'd be willing to bet, that the day there is not another word said about camping, the amount of camping would decrease dramatically.

    The game is balanced, and camping proves this. If killers were OP, there would be no need to camp, ever.

    What about survivors being OP?
    Because right now, survivors ARE OP.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    camping is ok
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    Siggerad said:

    Way to BIAS; now BBQ&Chili is weak perk? LOL

    I was thinking the same why would a camper bother with BBQ when he has no interest in leaving the hook.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @altruistic said:
    Gamers will camp you regardless.  Doesn’t matter how strong the Killer is.  


    To think otherwise is stupid. In all games, you will always get people playing like trash (camping et al). The fact the playerbase for DbD is small means you see more of it.

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    Tsulan said:

    @FSB75 said:
    Camping is just a sign that the game is in pretty good balance.

    As a gaming strategy, camping says ONE thing: I don't trust myself as a Killer to catch anyone else this round.

    Sounds strange I admit. But think about it. Killer would never camp if catching all survivors was 100% guaranteed. They would just move on to the next survivor, knowing they will eventually get everyone. And even if it's NOT true, they would do so if that was their attitude.

    So yeah, people may camp for personal reasons, like teabagging, or looping.

    Here's a truth, for killer that care about rank....they just want to at least get 2 kills out of the way, so they can sit back and actually enjoy the rest of the match.

    Some killers just find enjoyment out of the fact that survivors take is personal. I'd be willing to bet, that the day there is not another word said about camping, the amount of camping would decrease dramatically.

    The game is balanced, and camping proves this. If killers were OP, there would be no need to camp, ever.

    What about survivors being OP?
    Because right now, survivors ARE OP.

    Survivors OP? Yea right don’t even make me laugh! This game is very balanced it’s just the skill of the player that matters and putting the time into building up perks and making good perk builds for your play style on either side. You may have a killer who makes a lot of mistakes or isn’t good at tracking that have trouble getting a kill but when you get the ones who really know their stuff it’s easier said than done to get away. BHVR is already working on hugely nerfing the survivor perks so I’m not sure what more you want other than to be able to hook everyone with no challenge right off the bat. I play both sides of the coin so I know how frustrating it can be to be looped and d striked by a survivor or insidious camped by a killer but there are always alternative strategies to counter those things. I hate camping but it is a strategy to draw out more survivors and to a survivor they always want to get that unhook especially in swf instead of just abandoning them for the gens but sometimes that’s just part of it and it’s a slasher game so people are gonna die so you can either gen rush or possibly get killed by a camper for trying to be a hero, I’m just waiting for all the survivors are op whining to get to a point where one person just starts already on the hook in the basement because nobody wants to work for anything.
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695
    Paddy4583 said:
    Siggerad said:

    Way to BIAS; now BBQ&Chili is weak perk? LOL

    I was thinking the same why would a camper bother with BBQ when he has no interest in leaving the hook.

    Think about BBQ's effect. 

    You can do it!
  • Taelance
    Taelance Member Posts: 100

    @Kasies said:
    I always thought Killers Camp because they encountered a lot of toxic bodyblocking flashlight wielding  swf. Which i understand and respect.

    no killers camp me and I do not use flashlight and I am not toxic by t-bagging,they do it as they are noticing that they are doing bad, plus I have many killers that camp me and use bbq and chilli, they then proceed to say that the survivors were close even though they were doing gens on the other side of the map.
    I also rarely play swf and still get camped.
    Your whole idea of bodyblocking gets countered by the perk We're gonna live forever as the perk literally promotes bodyblocking.

  • Lusid
    Lusid Member Posts: 12
    On tunneling the only reasons i can see a killer doing so is if they have a daily that needs a sacrifice or something else that guaranteeing a kill will help. Or they need to take out their obsession. Besides those they're just being toxic.

    Camping seems like behavior spawned from chasing survivors who have knowledge of safe loops (or possibly skilled jukes, but that cant and shouldn't be fixed. Working as intended). Ive been looped before, and when you are having that done you have two options: waste tons of time or give up and find someone else. The latter option can just get you looped by someone else. In either event its skewed way in favor of the survivor. The skill of the killer player isnt taken into consideration when looping. And to be honest, i really feel like that will hurt the ability to balance the game properly. Just look at the nurse, to a lesser extent the huntress, and to a much lesser extent the doctor.

    Nurse cannot be looped. It just does not work. Huntress can stop loops that she can chuck axes over (not applicable to full walls), and the doctor can shock at a range/through walls. They'll never go down to shocks but it sometimes gets people to run away from loops. As long as looping is the best option by a huge margin any killer who can be reliably looped will be underpowered, and any who cannot be will be overpowered. And survivors will be balanced with the ability to loop in mind. If they are given more it will feel like too much. 

    Id love to give opinion on how to fix that issue but I'm still way too new. The best i can see would be either fine map tuning to remove safe loops, or having some form of negative to the same survivor and killer repeating the same path more than once. This is somewhat addressed with bloodlust but that takes effect based on chase time, not path. It definitely should be looked at though.
  • OXY
    OXY Member Posts: 68

    @Kasies said:
    I always thought Killers Camp because they encountered a lot of toxic bodyblocking flashlight wielding  swf. Which i understand and respect.

    Just live with them Camping. If you want a solution to Camping first find one to stop bodyblocking and toxic survivors - then think about making them stop Camping -

    Although I agree Killers need to be buffed and on a second thought your idea seems pretty neat. 

    I agree with everything you said. Most of my friends who play DBD resort to camping when a survivor is being toxic, personally I've started to do the same thing. If they want to ruin the game for me then I'll ruin the game for them.

    There will always be toxicity unfortunately, I don't think there's a way to fix that. That comes down to the maturity of the individual and if he's willing to take out his frustration on the other player.

  • oke
    oke Member Posts: 102

    Okay I don't know why my comment disappeared.

    Strategical camping and tunneling has to be removed. The Killer must have viable alternatives and he must be given the incentive to leave the hook by buffing him in chases in early game, where he needs to be buffed. If the killer wants to camp/tunnel a survivor because of personal reasons (teabagging, whatever), he may chose to do so, but he shouldn't be expected to be rewarded for that.

    Just look at Nurse to prove my point. A good Nurse almost never camps. It is no coincidence that the Nurse is also very powerful in chases, a perfect Nurse can end any chase in 2 blinks. There is no need to camp, because they feel it is more rewarding end empowering to chase and down other survivors meanwhile.

  • oke
    oke Member Posts: 102

    @Siggerad said:
    Way to BIAS; now BBQ&Chili is weak perk? LOL

    Let me clarify. BBQ is very strong if you want to snowball when you already have momentum going for you as the killer. That is why survivors find it annoying to play against BBQ. But BBQ is not helping to generate pressure in the first place. I feel like BBQ should help to generate pressure in the beginning, and weaken out when pressure is already there. A sensible change would be buffing killer in early game as I suggested + nerfing BBQ so it doesn't show the auras of already hooked survivors. It would still be a very strong perk, plus it still gives double bloodpoints.

    @FSB75 said:
    The game is balanced, and camping proves this. If killers were OP, there would be no need to camp, ever.

    This would only be true, if only few killers camp. The reality is, almost every killer camps. So almost every killer feels too weak. There is a need to camp, because killers are too weak. If killers were strong enough to gain map pressure early on, they wouldn't need to camp. It has little do with if the killer's overall strength.

  • Kasies
    Kasies Member Posts: 66
    Taelance said:

    @Kasies said:
    I always thought Killers Camp because they encountered a lot of toxic bodyblocking flashlight wielding  swf. Which i understand and respect.

    no killers camp me and I do not use flashlight and I am not toxic by t-bagging

    You aren"t yes but roughly half of our so called community is. Maybe they are pissed because the last Match was full of toxic survivors? I noticed people - sadly including myself - often hold a grudge against a specific survivor. For me it"s claudette. More then half of them (that i have encountered) often try to bodyblock my hook.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Yknow...I have an anecdotal story about this - true one. A good friend of mine who plays survivor only, has started to dabble in the dark side and play killer to get some rituals done. She went in as trapper and come away upset because the survivors just looped, flashlighted, teabagged, ran around for 30 minutes. Her response ? "Next time im playing killer i'm camping the ######### out of them"

    No smoke without fire

  • oke
    oke Member Posts: 102

    @Kasies said:
    You aren"t yes but roughly half of our so called community is. Maybe they are pissed because the last Match was full of toxic survivors? I noticed people - sadly including myself - often hold a grudge against a specific survivor. For me it"s claudette. More then half of them (that i have encountered) often try to bodyblock my hook.

    Judging by the rest of the comment, I think he meant "No, killers camp me [...]"

  • oke
    oke Member Posts: 102
    edited July 2018

    @TeambossFloze said:
    Yknow...I have an anecdotal story about this - true one. A good friend of mine who plays survivor only, has started to dabble in the dark side and play killer to get some rituals done. She went in as trapper and come away upset because the survivors just looped, flashlighted, teabagged, ran around for 30 minutes. Her response ? "Next time im playing killer i'm camping the ######### out of them"

    No smoke without fire

    If killers were powerful in chases, that wouldn't happen that excessively.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    Killers don't camp and tunnel because they feel powerful. It's the only way you can win vs competent survivors at high ranked, doing so will safely guarantee you with at least 1/ 2 killers

    While BBQ helps with less Camping yes, it's a trash perk for any killers that is not Nurse and Billy, killers without map wide control are bad with it. and will get looped to death even if you find a said survivor

    It's toxic and something does need to be changed, but I doubt it, Devs will never work on a solution we all know it

    If you do not tunnel and you chase/ go after other survivors, they will loop you for another 2-3 minutes, all gens will be done, everyone will escape. Killing one person makes the gen progress slower and you just have to since survivors have 3 lives

    the first hook means you lost 1/2/3/4 gens depending on survivor skills, vs good SWF second hook gens should be completed/ 1 gen left. Hence why Killers camp

    4 gens, in 3 minutes while Ruin active, no BMP only 1 uncommon toolbox used

    This shows what it's like on high ranked, a killer can only chase one person at a time, so you can't really put pressure on other survivors unless you play Nurse, Billy can somewhat but he's loopable

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @oke said:

    @TeambossFloze said:
    Yknow...I have an anecdotal story about this - true one. A good friend of mine who plays survivor only, has started to dabble in the dark side and play killer to get some rituals done. She went in as trapper and come away upset because the survivors just looped, flashlighted, teabagged, ran around for 30 minutes. Her response ? "Next time im playing killer i'm camping the ######### out of them"

    No smoke without fire

    If killers were powerful in chases, that wouldn't happen that excessively.

    killers are getting a massive buff over the next few patches - Post is redundant sorry

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @TeambossFloze said:
    killers are getting a massive buff over the next few patches - Post is redundant sorry

    That has nothing to do with camping and tunneling through, Killers will still do it at high ranked cuz it's the only way they can win vs competent survivors. Sprint burst and DS were overpowered, DS especially if all 4 survivors have it

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @Someissues said:

    @TeambossFloze said:
    killers are getting a massive buff over the next few patches - Post is redundant sorry

    That has nothing to do with camping and tunneling through, Killers will still do it at high ranked cuz it's the only way they can win vs competent survivors. Sprint burst and DS were overpowered, DS especially if all 4 survivors have it

    Well OP was make killers stronger to stop camping and tunnelling.

    I just said they are making the killers stronger so your post is redundant - not really sure what you aren't getting buddy :)

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    @TeambossFloze said:

    Well OP was make killers stronger to stop camping and tunnelling.
    I just said they are making the killers stronger so your post is redundant - not really sure what you aren't getting buddy :)

    Honestly, unless they rework and rewards Killers for chasing new survivors instead of focusing on one that got hooked this issue will never be fixed

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @Someissues said:

    @TeambossFloze said:

    Well OP was make killers stronger to stop camping and tunnelling.
    I just said they are making the killers stronger so your post is redundant - not really sure what you aren't getting buddy :)

    Honestly, unless they rework and rewards Killers for chasing new survivors instead of focusing on one that got hooked this issue will never be fixed

    Damnit man you could win the lottery and still complain you haven't received enough.

    Killers getting stronger,
    Survivors need to get better,
    Toxicity needs to be deleted from this damn game
    and fun will be had

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    @TeambossFloze said:
    Damnit man you could win the lottery and still complain you haven't received enough.

    Killers getting stronger,
    Survivors need to get better,
    Toxicity needs to be deleted from this damn game
    and fun will be had

    It has nothing to do with buffs, no matter how much they buff Killers it would be the same. There's no incentive for Killers to chase new survivors, it's better to just tunnel one person till he's dead is what I'm saying

    the current system in place encourage Killers to camp and tunnel at High ranked

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    If almost all Killers Camp, then why do I rarely encounter one? The only time people get camped in the majority of my matches is when they BM the Killer or we pop gens left and right. In the second instance the Killer absolutely HAS to get the match back under control. Camping will either help the situation or make it worse. There's no middle ground, but the Killer's best bet is to Camp. Why? Because Survivors will stop all generator work to go save their teammate instead of finishing those last couple gens and leaving. In the first instance, ######### that person. I won't even attempt to save them. Toxic douchebags should be Camped in every match.

    There are many reasons to camp, and Survivors cause most of them. I'm not saying to not prioritize generators, but you need to be cautious when popping them. If you overwhelm the Killer, whoever is in his/her crosshairs is going to pay the price. As I get higher in Ranks though, I see less and less Camping because most Killers understand that map pressure is how to get the win. Killing 1 person does nothing, and the smart high ranked Survivors know to just do generators instead of wasting 2 minutes standing around looking for a safe unhook.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @Someissues said:

    @TeambossFloze said:
    Damnit man you could win the lottery and still complain you haven't received enough.

    Killers getting stronger,
    Survivors need to get better,
    Toxicity needs to be deleted from this damn game
    and fun will be had

    It has nothing to do with buffs, no matter how much they buff Killers it would be the same. There's no incentive for Killers to chase new survivors, it's better to just tunnel one person till he's dead is what I'm saying

    the current system in place encourage Killers to camp and tunnel at High ranked

    The current system encourages survivors to run BNP and finish game in 5 minutes not allowing the killer to do anything but chase a looping meg Thomas

  • oke
    oke Member Posts: 102

    @Someissues said:
    Killers don't camp and tunnel because they feel powerful. It's the only way you can win vs competent survivors at high ranked, doing so will safely guarantee you with at least 1/ 2 killers

    No, they feel powerful when they camp and tunnel, and feel powerless when chasing. That is why they camp and chose not to chase.

    @TeambossFloze said:
    killers are getting a massive buff over the next few patches - Post is redundant sorry

    No it is not. Killers will STILL have no incentive not to tunnel. He just gets stronger but he will still be tunneling, making survivors even more toxic.

    @Someissues said:
    It has nothing to do with buffs, no matter how much they buff Killers it would be the same. There's no incentive for Killers to chase new survivors, it's better to just tunnel one person till he's dead is what I'm saying

    the current system in place encourage Killers to camp and tunnel at High ranked

    This is correct. And this is why I propose the change that the killer gets buffed as long as no survivors are slugged, camped, or killed. So killing a survivor (=tunneling) early on debuffs him to normal values. This should be more fun for everybody since more survivors live longer, but chases are shorter overall.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @oke said:
    TL;DR: It's very simple. Killers camp and tunnel because it gives them power they would otherwise not have. Discourage camping and tunneling by making it fun for the killer to chase.

    When chasing the survivor, killers feel powerless. Especially when you are forced to vault safe windows or break safe pallets... It feels like being stuck in that animation for ages, while seeing the survivor sprinting away, knowing you can do nothing about it. Playing killer means you have constant pressure. You cannot afford any mistakes during chases and you have to guard your generators simultaneously.

    When the killer finally gets his first hook, he will see 3 survivors working on 3 different gens using BBQ. Yet, he can do nothing about it. He can only prevent one gen from finishing, and most often when he arrives at that gen, the survivor finishes it anyway and Sprint Bursts away.

    Killers camp and tunnel because they feel powerful when doing so. They don't have to worry about being looped around the same spot for a minute. They just secure their sacrifice. There certainly is no downside to tunneling and almost no downside to camping.

    Killers need alternatives. Killers need to be buffed in chases, especially in early game, where he is vulnerable to being gen rushed, if the first chase takes to long (which it does because all pallets are still availible). They should feel powerful when they are hunting their prey. Killers besides Nurse, Huntress and Billy have to be viable. (Notice how Nurse, Huntress and Billy are the only killers who can end chases quickly in early game to put pressure on the map right away.)

    In the beginning of the match, the Killer starts with a 25% faster action speed (pallet breaking, vaulting, hits with main weapon) and 50% faster recovery from pallet and flashlight stuns. The Killer loses this bonus if: a survivor is in dying state, a survivor is on the hook and the Killer is within 20m radius, a survivor is dead.

    (Just make the stun reduction not stack with Enduring)

    This would greatly power up killers in early game and discourage camping and tunneling by provinding a viable alternative: chasing.

    Couldnt agree more, but survivors are effectively preventing most of the killer buffs, just look what happened to freddy or the hatch mechanic.

    Fact is that they seem to prefer dealing with campers in some games if they can bully killers in other games.
    its sad, but apparently this is what they want and they represent 80% of the wallets, so the devs listen to them

  • oke
    oke Member Posts: 102
    edited July 2018

    I have the feeling that lowranks (which are most of the players) have the most fun. The chases are short and most killers don't camp on low ranks. Nobody complains. Everybody profits.

  • Aoiyama
    Aoiyama Member Posts: 16

    Camping and tunneling is a legal move in any game ! As a survivor you are to work as a team !! You are suppose to use your intelligence and to be in the shadows !! Not openly in sight of the killer and single handedly changing the round to the survivors ! That is why there is 4 vs 1 !!

  • oke
    oke Member Posts: 102

    Yeah it is a legal move. It is also "legal" to run the same loop spots for 5 minutes. But is it fun? No. But the game currently promotes looping and camping. That has to change.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @TeambossFloze said:

    @Someissues said:

    @TeambossFloze said:

    Well OP was make killers stronger to stop camping and tunnelling.
    I just said they are making the killers stronger so your post is redundant - not really sure what you aren't getting buddy :)

    Honestly, unless they rework and rewards Killers for chasing new survivors instead of focusing on one that got hooked this issue will never be fixed

    Damnit man you could win the lottery and still complain you haven't received enough.

    Killers getting stronger,
    Survivors need to get better,
    Toxicity needs to be deleted from this damn game
    and fun will be had

    Sadly, toxicity will always exist in games involving others.

  • oke
    oke Member Posts: 102

    Actually... You know what? To a certain extent, I agree.

    It should ultimately be at the killer's hand to judge if he wants to camp a survivor.

    BUT: It is objectively much more fun, if the killer doesn't camp: Every survivor gets to do everything for a little bit: do some gens, unhook and heal some mates, juke the killer, etc., while when the killer camps, one survivor is just doing nothing or spamming Space, while others are just doing gens. And it is even boring for the killer, since he doesn't do anything meanwhile.

    I do enjoy playing killer. I never camp except when someone is exploiting bugs. I just sometimes wish that non-camping, which benefits everyone by making the game more interesting, would be rewarded in some way.

    If killers were buffed in early game chases, fewer killers would camp. This is something proven by The Nurse. But especially Nurses take it very personally if they are juked for over a minute. They will probably camp you. And they will most definitely tunnel you. But you know what? I am fine with that. If the killer wants to camp for personal reasons, or desperately wants to secure that kill, yeah, why not? All I am saying is that camping & tunneling should not be the only viable strategy to secure kills because chasing is too weak. Buffing the killer and only permanently revert the buff after he killed someone someone would greatly encourage killers to adapt a fair playstyle by rewarding it.

    If you disagree with my opinion that camping is boring, fine. But I personally wouldn't spend 20€ on a game just to stare at killer or survivor faces depending on what I play.

  • Aoiyama
    Aoiyama Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2018

    No as the killer , we meant to stop you the survivor from escaping and the job of the survivors is to stay out of sight and work as a team ! Killers are not there to let you walk around the map as you please !! If want hand out go play Friday the 13 th

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 171
    oke said:

    @Siggerad said:
    Way to BIAS; now BBQ&Chili is weak perk? LOL

    Let me clarify. BBQ is very strong if you want to snowball when you already have momentum going for you as the killer. That is why survivors find it annoying to play against BBQ. But BBQ is not helping to generate pressure in the first place. I feel like BBQ should help to generate pressure in the beginning, and weaken out when pressure is already there. A sensible change would be buffing killer in early game as I suggested + nerfing BBQ so it doesn't show the auras of already hooked survivors. It would still be a very strong perk, plus it still gives double bloodpoints.

    @FSB75 said:
    The game is balanced, and camping proves this. If killers were OP, there would be no need to camp, ever.

    This would only be true, if only few killers camp. The reality is, almost every killer camps. So almost every killer feels too weak. There is a need to camp, because killers are too weak. If killers were strong enough to gain map pressure early on, they wouldn't need to camp. It has little do with if the killer's overall strength.

    I love love love love your BBQ idea!!!! It makes it a little more fair and goes so much better with the second half of the perk!!!!! Good thinking Oke! :)
  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 171
    oke said:

    Yeah it is a legal move. It is also "legal" to run the same loop spots for 5 minutes. But is it fun? No. But the game currently promotes looping and camping. That has to change.


    One way to change things I think should be to slow the game down a bit. Long chases wouldn't hurt as much if you had more time and bloodlust should continue to grow every 10 or 15 seconds until the chase is over. If matches were longer camping could be countered by maybe a longer hook time so survivors have extra time to make it hurt by completing more objectives if the killer doesn't move off the hook to stop them.

     Also the scoring/ranking system should be changed to not need the sacrifice to score. If chase and the hook were the cream the small cherry of the actual sac wouldn't be worth sitting in one spot to protect.
  • oke
    oke Member Posts: 102

    You know what? To a certain extent, I agree.

    It should ultimately be at the killer's hand to judge if he wants to camp a survivor.

    BUT: It is objectively much more fun, if the killer doesn't camp: Every survivor gets to do everything for a little bit: do some gens, unhook and heal some mates, juke the killer, etc., while when the killer camps, one survivor is just doing nothing or spamming Space, while others are just doing gens. And it is even boring for the killer, since he doesn't do anything meanwhile.

    I do enjoy playing killer. I never camp except when someone is exploiting bugs. I just sometimes wish that non-camping, which benefits everyone by making the game more interesting, would be rewarded in some way.

    If killers were buffed in early game chases, fewer killers would camp. This is something proven by The Nurse. **But especially Nurses take it very personally if they are juked for over a minute. They will probably camp you. And they will most definitely tunnel you. But you know what? I am fine with that. If the killer wants to camp for personal reasons, or desperately wants to secure that kill, yeah, why not? **All I am saying is that camping & tunneling should not be the only viable strategy to secure kills because chasing is too weak. Buffing the killer and only permanently revert the buff after he killed someone would greatly encourage killers to adapt a fair playstyle by rewarding it.

    If you disagree with my opinion that camping is boring, fine. But I personally wouldn't spend 20€ on a game just to stare at killer or survivor faces depending on what I play.

  • oke
    oke Member Posts: 102

    You know what? To a certain extent, I agree.

    It should ultimately be at the killer's hand to judge if he wants to camp a survivor.

    BUT: It is objectively much more fun, if the killer doesn't camp: Every survivor gets to do everything for a little bit: do some gens, unhook and heal some mates, juke the killer, etc., while when the killer camps, one survivor is just doing nothing or spamming Space, while others are just doing gens. And it is even boring for the killer, since he doesn't do anything meanwhile.

    I do enjoy playing killer. I never camp except when someone is exploiting bugs. I just sometimes wish that non-camping, which benefits everyone by making the game more interesting, would be rewarded in some way.

    If killers were buffed in early game chases, fewer killers would camp. This is something proven by The Nurse. But especially Nurses take it very personally if they are juked for over a minute. They will probably camp you. And they will most definitely tunnel you. But you know what? I am fine with that. If the killer wants to camp for personal reasons, or desperately wants to secure that kill, yeah, why not? All I am saying is that camping & tunneling should not be the only viable strategy to secure kills because chasing is too weak. Buffing the killer and only permanently revert the buff after he killed someone someone would greatly encourage killers to adapt a fair playstyle by rewarding it.

    If you disagree with my opinion that camping is boring, fine. But I personally wouldn't spend 20€ on a game just to stare at killer or survivor faces depending on what I play.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    There's times when I go "He should camp me..." and its because I ran him on a 4 minute chase with a flashlight to every pallet break, with multiple 360s and just generally being a pain in the ass to catch.

    and if that's the case, I so encourage it. ######### those people.

    But if it's the first hook with 5 gens, I just don't understand. I don't. Someone explain how this lazy tactic is fun. I want to know what's enjoyable with just standing there doing fuckall :p

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @FSB75 said:
    I've tried for 2 years to be polite, using logic, using supportive statements to back up my declarative statements....not today. Not really in a mood, but doing the same thing over and over again....well, you know what that is....so here it goes:

    Okay all you special little snowflakes.....camping has always been a part of the game, and it will always be a part of the game.


    People come to these forums at least 4 or 5 times a week, all claiming to have the "answer" to camping. Problem is this, no one asked a damn question. We don't need your "answers", we don't need "suggestions" about camping. MAYBE, just MAYBE if camping was something new, introduced about a year after the games release, it was based on some change, or it wasn't a DEV SUPPORTED STRATEGY....you might have something useful to say. However, seeing as how NONE of these fit into the idea that camping needs fixed in the first place....then continuing to talk about it like it's an issue will not make it [BAD WORD] so. It's a non-factor, a non-issue, a waste of time.

    Now....I understand that I don't have to read the complete bile of post complaining about camping. I get that...and yes, I'm here bitching about people bitching....but it's been 2 YEARS!!!!! Like, one day my kid couldn't even walk....and DBD was released....now 2 years later, my kid can run like the wind and people are still talking about this like it's an issue and it makes them important. Ohhhh Ahhhhh, camping, OH NOES?! What do we do????

    I'll tell you what you do, take a little bit of responsibility. If you got all jacked up, hooked, and killed, because you decided that you weren't going to let the big mean killer stop your efforts at becoming a hero for a MICRO-SECOND to some strange you never met on a P2P connection....tough #########. Try being a hero to your remaining 2 survivors and work a damn gen for longer than the time it takes to microwave ramen noodles. Just try it some time. The very next time some random survivor gets hooked because they want to test out the flashlight like Ochido and gets hooked 45 seconds into the round....tell yourself, "Damn, sucks to be you. Pass the wrench". MAYBE if you had just a shred of personal accountability for your actions in game, you wouldn't have the nerve to act completely surprised because you and everyone else in the match decided that the killer had free methadone in his pocket, and damned if your not willing to do a lot for just one more fix. I swear...I've seen it, over and over and over again. One player gets hooked, and it's like someone rang the dinner bell at fat kids camp!

    Or maybe you got camped.....maybe this was your time to pay for the team. I'll let you in on a little secret....just [BAD WORD] on hook if your feeling like a real douchebag....or hang tight and KNOW that a new match is just 5 minutes away. See, it's not a very big deal. You got camped...accept it, embrace it, learn from it, move on.

    Look....it's super simple ######### here folks. If the killer is camping your friend...that's their purpose! Time! Every hook is time. Time for others to escape....I'm sorry the emblem system has made this behavior mandatory....but maybe finish that gen first, then be the hero.

    If the killer is camping a fellow survivor you have 2 choices. Attempt a save, or do something else. What you DO NOT get to do is make your choice, it's goes wrong, than come here and complain constantly that something is wrong with the game. Well buck up little camper...I got you a mirror, MAYBE, just maybe they didn't tell you this when you got your participation trophy for 3rd grade kickball when your team came in 8th place...it's not the game....it's your playstyle!!!!

    This couldn't be said any better.

  • Aoiyama
    Aoiyama Member Posts: 16

    I do try to be understanding.. but as killers we are not your puppets . You are not to Walk as you please . Everything in this game is not to be nice and the same goes as the survivor! They meant to work as a
    Team and escape !’ Everyone is
    Use intelligence and adjust play style to their roles !!

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    @Brady said:
    There's times when I go "He should camp me..." and its because I ran him on a 4 minute chase with a flashlight to every pallet break, with multiple 360s and just generally being a pain in the ass to catch.

    and if that's the case, I so encourage it. [BAD WORD] those people.

    But if it's the first hook with 5 gens, I just don't understand. I don't. Someone explain how this lazy tactic is fun. I want to know what's enjoyable with just standing there doing fuckall :p

    I really really miss those days. I'm only rank 6 now....but 1st hook with 5 gens? HA-LARIOUS! Hasn't happened in a very very long time. Billy, Doc, Tums, and Bunny Mom.....tried them all. Lucky to get 1 hook with 2 - 3 gens left. Players rarely make a mistake. I've been considering making a video where I just find a corner with insidious to hide, and just watch NOT ONLY how fast it goes, but how few mistakes are made.

    Usually I find a survivor and it's tunnel time. Like I'm gonna stop chasing the one survivor I actually found for one with a fresh SB and DH cooldown. So it goes, the chase begins...three times loop, pallet drop, Bloodlust lost, and off to the next pallet. I've tried pulling off and chasing someone else, but even when they are not in SWF, they all know the deal. They take no chances and make no mistakes.....I can't emphasize that enough. I've been in trials where I didn't even see a survivor until it was down to 2 gens. As in, did NOT see them! Worst part about it....on my way to rank 6, through ranks 15 - 10...with BBQ&C I easily got 60K per match.....now that the rounds are so fast, even WITH this Double BPs event, I'm lucky to get 60k or 70k.....the rounds just go so damn fast. 5 - 7 minutes and they are fighting over who gets the hatch. I picked the wrong time to rank up, I can tell you that much.

    1st hook and 5 gens left....no chance.