BUFF KILLER to stop camping and tunneling!



  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @FSB75 said:

    @Brady said:
    There's times when I go "He should camp me..." and its because I ran him on a 4 minute chase with a flashlight to every pallet break, with multiple 360s and just generally being a pain in the ass to catch.

    and if that's the case, I so encourage it. [BAD WORD] those people.

    But if it's the first hook with 5 gens, I just don't understand. I don't. Someone explain how this lazy tactic is fun. I want to know what's enjoyable with just standing there doing fuckall :p

    I really really miss those days. I'm only rank 6 now....but 1st hook with 5 gens? HA-LARIOUS! Hasn't happened in a very very long time. Billy, Doc, Tums, and Bunny Mom.....tried them all. Lucky to get 1 hook with 2 - 3 gens left. Players rarely make a mistake. I've been considering making a video where I just find a corner with insidious to hide, and just watch NOT ONLY how fast it goes, but how few mistakes are made.

    Usually I find a survivor and it's tunnel time. Like I'm gonna stop chasing the one survivor I actually found for one with a fresh SB and DH cooldown. So it goes, the chase begins...three times loop, pallet drop, Bloodlust lost, and off to the next pallet. I've tried pulling off and chasing someone else, but even when they are not in SWF, they all know the deal. They take no chances and make no mistakes.....I can't emphasize that enough. I've been in trials where I didn't even see a survivor until it was down to 2 gens. As in, did NOT see them! Worst part about it....on my way to rank 6, through ranks 15 - 10...with BBQ&C I easily got 60K per match.....now that the rounds are so fast, even WITH this Double BPs event, I'm lucky to get 60k or 70k.....the rounds just go so damn fast. 5 - 7 minutes and they are fighting over who gets the hatch. I picked the wrong time to rank up, I can tell you that much.

    1st hook and 5 gens left....no chance.

    You didn't explain to me why you would camp with 5 gens left.

    You just told me how that doesn't happen.....................................

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    They could buff killers so that everyone that’s not even good(players) could murder everyone within minutes and you will still get camped and tunneled.#Nothanks
  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    @Brady said:

    You didn't explain to me why you would camp with 5 gens left.

    You just told me how that doesn't happen.....................................

    Okay....fair enough. If there are still 5 gens left when I hook someone....do the math. I can camp this survivor for the entirety, and unless the survivors came prepared, they will still have 2 - 3 gens left. That, to a killer is a fair trade off, as opposed to the time it might otherwise take to track the survivor down again, get 2 more hits, and re-hook.

    Being conservative....each survivor hook takes 2 - 4 minutes to down and hook. Twice is 6 - 8 minutes.

    With all 4 survivors working a gen, not counting travel time to the next one, it's roughly 30 seconds to complete an entire generator.

    From this: Each attempt has a 4% chance to succeed and will cost 16.666% (or 20 seconds) of the remaining Health Bar.

    We can see that 16.666 health equals 20 seconds. As such, there are 6 16.666 in 100 health. At 20 seconds each, a first hook survivors takes 2 minutes to camp.

    So where does that leave us? The fastest possible time to complete a gen (without addons or perks), with all 4 survivors working the same gen is 30 seconds. A single survivor under the same conditions will take 80 seconds, again no travel time.

    Survivors take 2 minutes on the hook.

    An unhooked survivor may never be caught again.

    I'll camp the first one with 5 gens, take my chances on how many gens get repaired, and have one less survivor you help with whatever is left.

    Now, if you have read this far, you've earned a killer secret. The current emblem system pretty much mandates that survivors unhook a survivor. As such, hook a survivor and they come to the killer at ranks below 8. So what you may consider camping, is just me chasing all your friends away....HOPING they actually get you off the hook, but super close that I ca just one shot you and rehook you (sandbagging).

    Any questions?

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @FSB75 said:

    @Brady said:

    You didn't explain to me why you would camp with 5 gens left.

    You just told me how that doesn't happen.....................................

    Okay....fair enough. If there are still 5 gens left when I hook someone....do the math. I can camp this survivor for the entirety, and unless the survivors came prepared, they will still have 2 - 3 gens left. That, to a killer is a fair trade off, as opposed to the time it might otherwise take to track the survivor down again, get 2 more hits, and re-hook.

    Being conservative....each survivor hook takes 2 - 4 minutes to down and hook. Twice is 6 - 8 minutes.

    With all 4 survivors working a gen, not counting travel time to the next one, it's roughly 30 seconds to complete an entire generator.

    From this: Each attempt has a 4% chance to succeed and will cost 16.666% (or 20 seconds) of the remaining Health Bar.

    We can see that 16.666 health equals 20 seconds. As such, there are 6 16.666 in 100 health. At 20 seconds each, a first hook survivors takes 2 minutes to camp.

    So where does that leave us? The fastest possible time to complete a gen (without addons or perks), with all 4 survivors working the same gen is 30 seconds. A single survivor under the same conditions will take 80 seconds, again no travel time.

    Survivors take 2 minutes on the hook.

    An unhooked survivor may never be caught again.

    I'll camp the first one with 5 gens, take my chances on how many gens get repaired, and have one less survivor you help with whatever is left.

    Now, if you have read this far, you've earned a killer secret. The current emblem system pretty much mandates that survivors unhook a survivor. As such, hook a survivor and they come to the killer at ranks below 8. So what you may consider camping, is just me chasing all your friends away....HOPING they actually get you off the hook, but super close that I ca just one shot you and rehook you (sandbagging).

    Any questions?

    None :p That's what I wanted to hear was an actual reason to camp

  • Madsick24
    Madsick24 Member Posts: 3
    Instead of crying about tuneling, get better. If you are here to complain about tuneling, go play Barbie, 'cuz you suck at Dead by daylight. 
  • JaPonii
    JaPonii Member Posts: 91

    As a Killer main i say LET THERE BE CAMPING!!!

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @TeambossFloze said:

    @oke said:

    @TeambossFloze said:
    Yknow...I have an anecdotal story about this - true one. A good friend of mine who plays survivor only, has started to dabble in the dark side and play killer to get some rituals done. She went in as trapper and come away upset because the survivors just looped, flashlighted, teabagged, ran around for 30 minutes. Her response ? "Next time im playing killer i'm camping the ######### out of them"

    No smoke without fire

    If killers were powerful in chases, that wouldn't happen that excessively.

    killers are getting a massive buff over the next few patches - Post is redundant sorry

    Seems like the "massive killer buff" streak is over already.
    Some QoL changes for mediocre killers are now "massive"