Spirit OP? Let's ask the audience...



  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    My main issue is that people are obviously using the best perks on her, when she is already a very powerful killer.

    I don't care much about nurse or billy with ruin to be honest ... BUT ... most spirits I face use "both ruin + pop to kill any gene progression" and stridor to prevent any counterplay

    Typical game is 1 dead with 3/4/5 remaining generators. At this stage with pop perk, the game is just over: 4 kills or 3 kills with hatch escape if the killer does not slug for his "precious" 4k.

    I would like to see some popular streamers, who already made interesting challenges (for instance Marth with to-rank1 perkless killers, swf generush , ...), doing something like this: 100 games as spirit with non-op add-ons but good perk builds.

    Output would be varied statistics about escape rate, number of survivors who escaped through exit gate and number of games where all gene were completed!

    Builds to consider: ruin + pop + stridor + (bbq / sloppo / nc / stbf / ...) ; I don't care much about 4th perk to be honest

    I'm pretty sure that a good killer with this kind of build can 3k (hatch escape) or 4k in 90-95 games out of 100 !