Top 4 Killer Perks (July 2019)

Hi Guys,

I want to hear everyone's opinion on the top 4 killer perks and why. I know some perks work better with certain killers, but I want you to think about that when you submit your opinion and decide which you think are the best overall.

In my opinion, the top 4 are:

- Ruin (Obviously)

Single handedly the best perk for slowing the game down. Even if the hex is cleansed early game, it still requires the survivors to look for it, distracting them from gens.

- BBQ Chili

To me this is in the top 4 purely for the 100% bp bonus, but obviously the survellience element to this perk is also very strong. Being able to see the auras of survivors in the distance eliminates the time spent searching for survivors.

- Nurse's Calling

This has to be my favourite and most useful surviellience perk because it gives away the position of survivors when they're most vulnerable. Very useful when you're chasing multiple survivors. Slug one, chase the other and keep an eye on the downed survivor being healed. I love using Spirit, Pig, Ghost Face and Myers and NC works so well with them for stealth kills.

- Make Your Choice

There are 2 reasons why this perk is in the top 4. Of course the 1st reason is the exposed effect, I don't need to explain why this is useful. The 2nd reason though, is it encourages you not to camp and rewards you for it. It seems I always walk away with a huge difference in the amount of bloodpoints when I use MYC and the games are much more enjoyable to play. Combine this with BBQ Chili and you'll be swimming in BPs.

Runner Ups:


- Survellience


@Peanits @Patricia


  • Spaceman94
    Spaceman94 Member Posts: 164

    I never really use Enduring to be honest as I'm usually pretty good at avoiding pallet stuns. What's the most effective way of using it?

  • hahugow
    hahugow Member Posts: 126

    you forget about sloppy butcher, I would say half+++ of killers equip it

  • Spaceman94
    Spaceman94 Member Posts: 164

    Out of the 4 I've suggested, which would you swap sloppy butcher for?

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442


  • Spaceman94
    Spaceman94 Member Posts: 164
  • s0cial_outc4st
    s0cial_outc4st Member Posts: 59

    Monstrous Shrine is decent, but I personally don't think it's top 10.

  • Spaceman94
    Spaceman94 Member Posts: 164

    That's fair enough, I hadn't considered this. I'll try it out next game and see if it works for me. Cheers for the advice.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    Ruin has the potential to be the best because you can stall the game. if it's found fast it has no effect obviously and goes to one of the worst. RNG at its best

  • iLikeFun
    iLikeFun Member Posts: 1

    I personally like running sloppy butcher, nurses calling, thanatophobia, and BBQ on legion or ghostface

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    Ruin is not the best killer perk but ok

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    In regards to useful on any killer perks...

    1. BBQ and Chili

    2. Sloppy Butcher

    3. Nurses Calling

    4. Brutal strength

    My basic build for any killer. Favorite on trapper though.

    BBQ obvious, bp and wall hacks are too precious.

    Sloppy + NC means I smack all the survivors (if I can). Find them while healing and I can usually follow that up with 2 hooks pretty quick.

    Brutal strength. I respect pallets to a certain degree, but when I can force a drop, I can break it quick and keep on after the survivor.

    Thoughts? I'm always open to up my game.

  • s0cial_outc4st
    s0cial_outc4st Member Posts: 59

    A lot of killers use it, but I don't believe Sloppy Butcher is top 4.

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    Get the hell outta here lol. The worst killer perk of all

  • lostandelirious
    lostandelirious Member Posts: 12

    Surely this is purely killer dependant. Perks are definitely way stronger on some killers and are trash on another. Mobility being a defining issue with determining some perks viability/strength.

    If we are talking across the board, most universally strong perks, then I don't think 'make your choice' cuts it, skill is rarely useful on any killer lacking mobility. Ruin, is a given, BBQ 'for the blood points', IL give ya and nurses is a strong choice.

    Other choices,

    Monitor and Abuse - why was this not on your list, or is this a hidden gem no one talks of?

    Surveillance/Discorcordance - these two work together or on their own and can be used on any killer.

    Whispers - when mastered it is scary how accurate a good killer can pin point locations of survivors and again just as useful with slow killers as mobile ones.

    Overcharge/Pop goes the weasel - need to mentioned?

    Devour hope/Huntress Lullaby - call me crazy, but I play killer like a made man, I dislike using ruin. Personally I think it wastes a perk slot. I understand it has the potential to slow the game down a lot, but the fact the survivors become aware of it marks it down. Also it limits builds, I often opt for either DH or HL, for their stealthyness. DH when you are one shot downing ppl, it's like a non discriminate 'make your choice', also promotes moving away from the hook and allowing hook rescues (more hooks, more points), and if they don't find it by 5 charges it's Mori time! HL slows the game down and will halt the game if you snowball momentum. But as soon as you put Ruin on these become casualties and are often destroyed in the search for Ruin.

    Just my thoughts....

  • PalletOrWhat
    PalletOrWhat Member Posts: 265

    I am kinda surprised that Whispers is not on the list. Imo the best tracking perk.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Here is my top 10:

    1. Ruin
    2. BBQ
    3. PGTW
    4. Enduring
    5. Whispers
    6. Discordance
    7. Nurse's Calling
    8. Surveillance
    9. MYC
    10. Sloppy Butcher
  • Spaceman94
    Spaceman94 Member Posts: 164

    First of all thank you for the amount of detail in your post, this is exactly the sort of stuff I was after. I agree determining a good or bad perk is killer dependent but there are some which are good across all and I believe my top 4 are.

    Monitor & Absue doesn't really aid me much with the killers I use to be honest. I believe the perks I've suggested are better, or at least I play better with them. That's why I want to hear other peoples opinion, because everyone has a different one and I'm curious to see which perks everyone seems to agree on.

  • Spaceman94
    Spaceman94 Member Posts: 164

    Great perk, just not as useful to me as the one's I've mentioned.

  • semaj_leachim
    semaj_leachim Member Posts: 48

    I will only run ruin if I'm trying to get a killer challenge. I have more fun if everyone has fun but them swetty survivors can make it hard. I like end game builds like running noed with blood warden. Obvi bbq is great for the wall hack and BP bonus, but I also like the perk that recovers from missed attacks, cause I do it all the time lol.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    BBQ is number one because of the points bonus. Without it, it would not crack the top 10.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Monstrous Shrine is probably one of the single worst persks in the game.

  • lostandelirious
    lostandelirious Member Posts: 12

    Cheers and yeah I can totally appreciate play style comes into it a lot as well. The perks I mentioned I use on all the killers I play. It is fair to say that the killers and even the perks have skill ceilings with some being higher than others. In unskilled hands Whispers or Nurse can be worse than useless, but let's be honest, Nurse is strongest killer if you can use her.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Depends on the killer.

    If you're an M1 killer, Enduring and Spirit Fury are staples.

    If you're a top tier killer, then tracking perks become more valuable.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    Let's say we ignore the BP bonus from BBQ & Chili. Let's also go killer by killer before doing an "all killers".

    Note: The below is just my opinion based on my personal playstyle.

    Freddy is left out due to the upcoming rework being so close.


    The best perks on Nurse are Hex: Ruin, Barbecue and Chili, Nurse's Calling, Shadowborn, Monitor and Abuse, and Make your Choice.

    The best perks on Hillbilly are Hex: Ruin, Barbecue and Chili, Enduring, and Spirit Fury.

    The best perks on Spirit are Hex: Ruin, Surveillance, Make Your Choice, Monitor and Abuse, and Stridor. Surveillance is basically required with how good it is on her.

    The best perks on Myers are Hex: Ruin, Monitor and Abuse, Bamboozle, Enduring, and Spirit Fury. M&A is basically required on Myers.

    The best perks right now imo on Ghostface are Hex: Ruin, Haunted Grounds, Surveillance, Enduring, and Spirit Fury.

    The best perks on Hag are Hex: Ruin, Make Your Choice, Corrupt Intervention, Pop Goes the Weasel, and Monitor and Abuse.

    The best perks on Huntress are Hex: Ruin, Whispers, Iron Maiden, Enduring, and Spirit Fury. Whispers is essentially required imo.

    The best perks on Plague are Hex: Ruin, Monitor and Abuse, Enduring, and Spirit Fury.

    The best perks on Doctor are Hex: Ruin, Distressing, Unnerving Presence, Overcharge, Hex: Huntress' Lullaby, Whispers, Enduring, and Spirit Fury.

    The best perks on Clown are Hex: Ruin, Bamboozle, Enduring, and Spirit Fury.

    The best perks on Pig are Hex: Ruin, Enduring, and Spirit Fury.

    The best perks on Legion are Hex: Ruin, Sloppy Butcher, Franklin's Demise, Bloodhound, and Save the Best For Last.

    The best perks on Wraith are Hex: Ruin, Sloppy Butcher, Enduring, Spirit Fury, Bloodhound, and Stridor.

    The best perks on Trapper are Hex: Ruin, Corrupt Intervention, Pop Goes the Weasel, Enduring, and Spirit Fury.

    The best perks on Leatherface are Hex: Ruin, Insidious, Enduring, Spirit Fury, Agitation, and Iron Grasp.


    The following perks appeared at least once in the above:

    • Hex: Ruin
    • Barbecue and Chili
    • Nurses Calling
    • Shadowborn
    • Monitor and Abuse
    • Make Your Choice
    • Enduring
    • Spirit Fury
    • Surveillance
    • Stridor
    • Bamboozle
    • Haunted Grounds
    • Corrupt Intervention
    • Pop Goes the Weasel
    • Whispers
    • Iron Maiden
    • Distressing
    • Unnerving Presence
    • Overcharge
    • Hex: Huntress' Lullaby
    • Sloppy Butcher
    • Bloodhound
    • Franklin's Demise
    • Save The Best For Last
    • Insidious
    • Agitation
    • Iron Grasp

    The following perks appeared at least 3 times:

    • Hex: Ruin
    • Monitor and Abuse
    • Enduring
    • Spirit Fury
    • Make Your Choice


    Note that Make Your Choice appeared exactly 3 times, while the other 4 appeared significantly more often. Thus, just looking at frequency, my personal opinion would have to be that purely looking at viability the best 4 killer perks in the game are:

    Hex: Ruin, Monitor and Abuse, Enduring, Spirit Fury

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    I think ruin is a bit overrated, the perk is pretty heavily reliant on where it spawns and if the survivors are good at hitting skill checks. I much rather prefer the other generator slowing perks

  • Ghostingmyteammates
    Ghostingmyteammates Member Posts: 216

    Woah there satan, calm down.

    (I tried it on the game, it was gg ez after popping inf T3)

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    M&A is only a good perk for Myers, and has niche uses for Hag or Spirit. I don't get why people praise this perk so much. The reduction in TR is countered by aura perks, Spine Chill, and Prem. Also just good awareness "oh hey I think this killer has M&A". Against good survivors it does a whole lot of NOTHING. Against potatoes that don't know how to track the killer it will seem good.

    And whatever argument you want to come up with to say M&A is a decent perk, it's DEFINITELY not top 5 in the game.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    Most people don’t run detection perks. And survivors can’t see through walls. The vast majority of survivors even at red ranks get a lot of their info from terror radius.

  • Ninjazowski
    Ninjazowski Member Posts: 2

    My two favorite perks that work together are sloppy butcher and blood hound. They make tracking down survivors so easy.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Discordance is good. I think PGTW deserves the spot of MYC.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    1. BBQ - not only because of the points, this perk allows you to snowball like crazy when you detect survivors that a injured and pretty close, you can counter insta saves with that and patrole generators that you would not expect that would be repaired.
    2. Pop goes the genrush - I preffer this perk over Ruin cuz Ruin is to random and unconsistent, if you are lucky it will stay for a long time and CAN slow down the game alot, but it only relies on a lucky totem spot and bad survivors that cant hit great skillchecks. Pop in the other hand can ACTIVLY slow down the game and rewards you pretty damn good, I mean, I won alot of games only because of 25% pops.
    3. Sloppy - usefull on many Killers, slows down there healing speed, that means slower gen repair, if the survivors decide to not heal, you have a slightly better tracking ability because the blood dropps more frequently.
    4. Enduring - You can get some free hits with this Perk, if you are getting stunned and you run then immediatly around the loop, you may catch the survivor before he can vault the pallet. And pretty usefull to bait some good pallets early out.
    5. Burtal streangh - Underrated as #########, really strong on killers that can instadown you and allow you to catch survivors after breaking a pallet BEFORE they can reach another save spot, really good on certain killers such as: Myers, Clown, Plague, Legion, Ghostface, Trapper and Pig.