I despise Ruin

The only reason I absolutely hate when a killer runs this perk is the simple fact that I’m the only one trying to get Gens done while the other 3 are all looking for it, can’t find it, and end up getting killed in the process. Meanwhile I finally get the Gen done now there’s 4 more. Does anyone bother to attempt to work on them? Nope just me every time. I understand people would rather just have the perk gone for the match rather than deal with the skill check etc but still come on 3 people do not need to be all looking for the perk. At least do a gen Pop it and then look for it a little after the gen. Can’t find it? Move to another gen. Point blank period. Games would go a lot smoother if people just did the gens. I’ve had games where no one found ruin but we got all the gens done and escaped. It’s really not that hard of a concept to grasp.
I search for a little while, but if I realize I'm not getting anywhere I just go back to the gens
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Run Stake Out then
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Some can hit great skill checks and even though sitting through it normally takes less time they prefer too look and that is their choice.
You can still get the hatch so it's no big deal it's a game let them do as they wish.
They could of course also be going for the destroy 100 hex totems achievement and since ruin is the one consistent hex why not look for it.
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So its not Ruin that you despise but rather bad teammates.
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Just work through it, not your fault if you die, it's your team's fault.
(Actual question, why do people despise gen tapping?)
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>when u read the title and not the post
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Pretty typical tbh 😅
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Ruin is no problem if you run small game/detective's hunch, or if you can't hit the skill checks, you can gen tap. Yes, you can do gens without clearing ruin, but why not claim the points from clearing the totems?
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Then run Small Game.
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Just rank up. 90% of people in red ranks have no problem blazing through Ruin.
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Everything you complained about - that's kind of the point of it. To slow the game down. Just a little bit.
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I know what it’s for I run the perk on my killers. My complaint is that everyone doesn’t need to look for it.
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Ruin is just a lazy way to defend the generators, my opinion is if you can't play without it you aren't as good as you think.
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For all we know, they LIKE Totem hunts.
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Bu..bu...but ruin always gets destroyed within 30 seconds...?
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When I'm killer yes
When I'm survivor....
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It is basically required at red ranks if you are playing a killer who can be looped. The gens just explode when you have 3-4 competent survivors in the game; there isn't really a good answer to 4 toolbox lobbies beyond ruin. And even then at high ranks people plow through it regardless. My ruin typically lasts me until my first hook and I consider that a "good trade" most of the time. Otherwise, in the 40 or so seconds it takes to find and down someone you are liable to lose 2 gens for your first hook at the start of the game.
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If you can't play rank 20-5 without it maybe. Once you hit red ranks the genrush is just too fast without it.
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Every perk exists to help the player in some way. That's literally why they exist.
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I wish I could face OP in a match. When I run Ruin, it's found, 9 times out of 10, within the first 30 seconds.
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It's funny because for me when I play survivor no one can find the ruin that quickly sometimes it happens but that's not as common. But when I play killer that thing is gone right at the start I'm like really -_-
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That is the literal point of ruin... To slow the game down, Just a lil bit
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I typically just look around the general area of my gen and if i cant find it, hop on said gen. I also typically prefer to do a gen solo if ruin is up, so if a teammate hops on, ill find another gen and check that area.
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I despised being Gen Rushed so. If Im playing trapper and im setting up traps one or two gens get done by the time im done. I use ruin because I want to be able to use my power.
Hillbilly doesn't need ruin but killer's like Myers (especially in tier 1) need ruin so they can actually find someone and get something going before gens are popped.
I dont want to run ruin but gens get done so fast if you're just an M1 killer with no mobility. I can be in my 1st chase (if ruin is gone) and by the end of it 3 gens will be done.
We use ruin because we want to actually play the game for a substantial amount of time and not have it be over in 5 minutes. Killer's have such a long queue times I think that we are allowed to try and make the game last longer
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Blame the devs if gens didnt get done so fast then ruin wouldnt be needed
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i usually try to power through the gens, but if i find myself not being able to hit those hex skillchecks (e.g. first game of the day / tired) i go and search for it.
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Because it's slower then just consistently hitting greats or even just hitting a few ruin skillchecks
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@Ember_Hunter because it is a cheap tactic. its despised for the same reasons as survivors despise camping. both are cheap tactics to secure a part of your objective without having to have any real skill.
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Either work through it and become good at hitting greats (I'm worse than many at it but on good days I hit like 80%) or learn totem spawns really well. While in a perfect world people would just work through it becoming a totem guru might be a decent idea if you play solo in lower ranks as there's a lot of people that refuse to work through it AND they don't know where totems spawn.
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People who hate ruin let me ask you a question. Do you know how much time do most killers need to get to the furthest gen on most maps?
Tier 1 Myers says hi.
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I think everyone hates Ruin, killers included.