The Doctor: Reworked

Yukari's Doctor Rework
Base Kit
- The Doctor no longer generates a static field in Treatment Mode.
- The Doctor is no longer slowed down while charging or using Shock Therapy.
- The default range of Shock Therapy has been increased by 75 percent.
- Madness gain from the use of Shock Therapy has been increased by 50 percent.
Madness 1 Afflictions
- Survivors hear the terror radius as if The Doctor were at a distance. This plays regardless of if The Doctor is nearby or not.
- While both in and out of a chase, survivors perceive broken pallets as if they were not dropped yet or have been dropped but not broken. These fake pallets are shown to The Doctor by their auras
- Survivors can "snap out of it" to remove all madness by standing still and filling a progress bar for 5 seconds. Stopping the action manually, getting hit by , or getting shocked while performing the action will require the survivor to start over, as well as make the survivor scream and reveal their location. Survivors are prompted to "Snap Out Of It" while crouching.
Madness 2 Afflictions
- All previous afflictions.
- While in a chase, survivors perceive the red stain as if the doctor was right behind them.
- While in a chase, decoys of The Doctor will spawn around corners nearby, and out of that survivor's view, each with their own red stain. These decoys are shown to The Doctor by their auras.
- Survivors scream every 5 seconds while within The Doctor's terror radius.
- All skillchecks have a 25 percent chance to go in reverse.
- All skillchecks have a 50 percent chance to appear on a random part of the screen rather than the center of it.
- Survivors can "snap out of it" to reduce their level of Madness back down to Madness 1 by standing still and filling a progress bar for 10 seconds. Stopping the action manually, getting hit by The Doctor, or getting shocked while performing the action will require the survivor to start over, as well as make the survivor scream and reveal their location. Survivors are prompted to "Snap Out Of It" while crouching.
Madness 3 Afflictions
- All previous afflictions.
- While in a chase, shocking the chased survivor while they are at Madness 3 will prevent that survivor from interacting with anything for 3 seconds.
- While in a chase, survivors cannot perceive The Doctor's red stain.
- While in a chase, The Doctor appears to shake and fidget slightly, as well as constantly appear to change direction, making it difficult to determine where he is moving and looking.
- Decoys created by The Doctor appear to run after you for 4 seconds and then disappear. These decoys can run around loop spots.
- Survivors cannot work on generators, heal, open the exit gates, or cleanse totems.
- While in a chase, survivors cannot determine the direction of sounds being made.
- Survivors can "snap out of it" to reduce their level of Madness back down to Madness 2 by standing still and filling a progress bar for 15 seconds. Stopping the action manually, getting hit by The Doctor, or getting shocked while performing the action will require the survivor to start over, as well as make the survivor scream and reveal their location. Survivors are prompted to "Snap Out Of It" while crouching.
(Common) Moldy Electrode - Increases the amount of time that a survivor cannot interact after being shocked in Madness 3 by 0.5 seconds. Reduces the maximum range of Shock Therapy by 10 percent. Increases the amount of time required to charge Shock Therapy by 30 percent. Stacks.
(Common) "Restraint" Class 1 - Increases the amount of time required to "snap out of it" by 2 seconds. Stacks.
(Common) "Order" Class 1 - Slightly increases the charge speed of Shock Therapy. Stacks.
(Common) "Calm" Class 1 - Slightly increases Madness inflicted by Shock Therapy. Stacks.
(Uncommon) Polished Electrode - Increases the amount of time that a survivor cannot interact after being shocked in Madness 3 by 1 second. Reduces the maximum range of Shock Therapy by 15 percent. Increases the amount of time required to charge Shock Therapy by 40 percent. Stacks.
(Uncommon) "Restraint" Class 2 - Increases the amount of time required to "snap out of it" by 3 seconds. Stacks.
(Uncommon) "Order" Class 2 - Moderately increases the charge speed of Shock Therapy. Stacks.
(Uncommon) "Calm" Class 2 - Moderately increases Madness inflicted by Shock Therapy. Stacks.
*NEW* (Uncommon) Treatment Procedure Guide - A detailed guide explaining how to properly treat different patients with different therapy methods. Survivors afflicted with Madness 3 are [i]Hindered[/i] by 5 percent.
(Rare) High Stimulus Electrode - Increases the amount of time that a survivor cannot interact after being shocked in Madness 3 by 1.5 seconds. Reduces the maximum range of Shock Therapy by 20 percent. Increases the amount of time required to charge Shock Therapy by 50 percent. Stacks.
(Rare) "Order" Carter's Notes - Considerably increases the charge speed of Shock Therapy. Stacks.
(Rare) "Restraint" Carter's Notes - Increases the amount of time required to "snap out of it" by 4 seconds. Stacks.
(Rare) "Calm" Carter's Notes - Considerably increases Madness inflicted by Shock Therapy. Stacks.
(Rare) Interview Tape - Shock Therapy attack changes from a cone to a beam with a 35 meter range and a 3 meter width.
(Very Rare) Scrapped Tape - Shock Therapy attack changes from a cone to a wall, cast 8 meters in front of the doctor and has a length of 5 meters. This wall causes survivors to gain a shock of Shock Therapy when passing through it. Survivors passing through the wall are shocked 2 seconds later. The wall persists for 5 seconds. Using Shock Therapy again will instantly remove the last wall placed.
*NEW* (Very Rare) Broken Knight - Attacks made by the doctor in punishment mode apply a single use of Shock Therapy. Moderately increases [i]The Doctor[/i]'s movement speed in punishment mode.
*New* (Very Rare) Carter's Journal - A journal written by Doctor Herman Carter at the Lery's Memorial Institute. Moderately increases the charge speed of Shock Therapy. Increases the amount of time required to "snap out of it" by 2 seconds. Slightly increases Madness inflicted by Shock Therapy. Stacks.
*New* (Very Rare) Darkened Electrode - Survivors who are shocked in Madness 3 are applied with [/i]Deep Wounds[/i]. Considerably increases the amount of Madness required to put a survivor into Madness 3. Reduces the maximum range of Shock Therapy by 50 percent. Successive Shock Therapy attacks decrease the survivor's [i]Deep Wounds[/i] timer. Hooked survivors are instantly reset into Madness 2.
(Ultra Rare) Iridescent King - Allows [i]The Doctor[/i] to instantly swap places with a Decoy by using the alternate ability button while looking at it. The swapped Decoy will be placed at [i]The Doctor[/i]'s original location and face the same direction. This ability can only be used once every 45 seconds. [i]The Doctor[/i] can only swap places with a Decoy if they are within a 16 meter range.
*New* (Ultra Rare) Carter's Twisted Journal - A twisted and darker version of Carter's personal journal, forged by the Entity. Survivors in Madness 3 cannot lose Madness. Allows survivors in Madness 3 to repair and cleanse. Moderately increases the amount of Madness needed to reach Madness 3.
Let me know what you guys think!