You just MUST play the Nurse

Like really, she's the best, well why you even play other characters, ofc i understand console players and ofc you don't need to play her all of the time, bc it's boring, but trust me, most of your killer games, you should play as a nurse. u don't think sometimes some bullshit game design, expolits aka infinite loops should just be go, here's the nurse your answer, answer to every other survivor advantage, distance, height, walls, objets, pallets, windows ect. only except stealth, but really...this aspect of game is so weak then you even can hear breathing survivor around you with good headphones. if you're skilled player like for example Zubat, he said mastering the nurse to level when he can just stomp literally everyone requires around 50 hrs of gameplay, even if you're totally noob like me, i spend on her around 200 hrs to get with her r1. now i just have on her idk 700hrs? yea ikr everyone on the start just is in fear from defeated, like "i just can't play with her","she's just too hard","i'm garbage/potato with her","this is not killer for me". But trust person with experience, mastering the nurse is the most rewarding thing, what you can experience in this game.

P.S pls more Nurse players/main, she is very rare killer to see
