Have you ever played DBD with anyone from the forum?
Can say i have :) @GrootDude @pemberley @KiraElijah also some others too who may or not be on the boards and also VietFox and @PhantomMask20763 (if this is the right Phantom lol)
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@Boss aw :( well i will be your friend to the end ^^
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@Boosted_Dwight once, by mere accident
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Feel like I probably have, but peoples forum names arnt necessarily their in game names, so...
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i use Mushwin for my ps4 name too :)
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I use KingDogoran26 because my brother didnt like "Andreyu44".
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i mean i haven't but im willing
I've only really played dbd with people i've met there and irl friends
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Yup, a bunch of disconnecting crybabies, so I'm not going to give names. But it was kinda disappointing to be honest.
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I played against @SovererignKing a long time ago. And @woundcowboy a handful of times. I also survived along side another member that rarely posts these days.
My PSN isn't identical to my forum name at all.
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Yeah, vietfox but he's not on here anymore 😔
And a few others I don't know the forum namens from.
Post edited by NeonAlien on1 -
I am garbage with names, so I wouldn't remember even I ever have.
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Never, not once. I could of come across them in Red Ranks while they were a Survivor, but I've never seen any of them use their actual Forum names. So its entirely unknown if it even happened in the first place since a lot of forum users don't use their forum names in-game.
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I played with VietFox and Orion on KYF xD
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I believe I have but my psn name is different, Animalheadskull psn
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btw, you can add me if you want, Gorgeepooh on PS4
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I don't know...
But if someone has to pre patch Legion times encounter a Legion in the EU region, that has just make crazy chases, or sometimes m1 mind games and down survivors just to carry them to the gates or the hatched... Then you have maybe met me :).
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I've recognised a few names from the forum in game, both when playing Survivor and Killer.
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Lots of past and current users on the forum.
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I don't pay attention to names, might have at some point both killer and survivor XD
I switch around Ember_Hunterfire, Hex: Spare, Hex: SlugSpare (for killer sometimes), and currently Ember :D (Includes smiley).
Sorry if you met me and thought I sucked though, trying my best, promise XD
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I have.:P
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Do you play killer a lot? I feel like ive seen that name recently.
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I think it happened once or twice, randomly. I've no idea if i faced people with different names here though. 😅
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I’ve played with @Vietfox @PhantomMask20763 @Mushwin @pemberley and @TrueKn1ghtmar3
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Not that i'm aware of sadly.
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Not that I'm aware of.
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Yeah a couple of times, with real cool guys that have long been banned from here.
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@Mr_K :)
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@Theluckyboi Too bad it started lagging :(
It was still fun tho :P
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No...well not that I know of. It anything 1 time. ☺😌😔
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@Boosted_Dwight or maybe it was though the force was there and bought you both there at that time!
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Yes a couple of people. One became a good friend.
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@Mushwin It was such a surprise honestly. I didn't realize it was @Theluckyboi until he sent me a message asking if I was the same Boosted_Dwight from the forums. :P
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I’ve played with @Mushwin and @GrootDude as well as a few others. Very lovely, fun people!
My psn name is different from my forum name. Jaustengirl.
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I'm on Xbox so I have no idea who really has dead by daylight on Xbox in here
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I've played with a couple of you without any of you knowing since I have multiple platforms. Mori'd a couple of you as well do not give your steams/psns/gts out on the forums you aren't safe (:
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@KillermainBTWm8 u right, please don’t mori TreemanXD... oh wait... :P
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@KillermainBTWm8 You'll never get me! >:/
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What happened to TreemanXD? Haven't seen him/her in awhile...
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@Ember_Hunter I also wonder.🤔
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@Ember_Hunter Just Incase you’re serious I am TreemanXD, I got my name changed.
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@pemberley Thank you! It is fun playing and talking with you. :)
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Ohhhh should have known, "Grootdude" XD
Man, I am an idiot :P Probably why killers love to tunnel me, the idiot. XD
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@Ember_Hunter Let me bt save you! D:
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i've played vs several killers on this forum and a few survivors, no names though
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@Boosted_Dwight I will I will I will I will find your psn/gt/steam name and greet you with either a mori or if your on my team a good game stalking intensifies
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damn this post was buggy it copy'd I will 3 times for no reason and then the font was slanted o.o
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@KillermainBTWm8 Oh yeah! You'll never beat my ultimate trump card....
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I've been outplayed.