
I will add some Dead by Daylight secrets most of you don't know about!
1) The Game map has a secret. Hit the blue plastic barrels as Killer and listen!
2) One of the Nurse's addons is incorrectly written. Pocket Watch says it slightly decreases the blink charge speed, but in reality, it slightly decreases blink movement speed (–9% blink movement speed)!
3) There is a small, yellowish-tinted rock in Suffocation Pit map that all players can climb on top of it, including the killer!
Has anyone else discovered something small in the game that most people don't know about?
Remember... Do not discuss game exploits (it is a bannable offense).
If you read the power boxes by the exits there will be a yellow caution symbol that reads...
"CAUTION: Who takes the time to read this is a real DbD hardcore player or has a lot of time on their hands."
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Specifically on the game.
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Oh, I forgot another one.
Most of you probably know this, but...
There is an easter egg included in all maps in Dead By Daylight.
Every map has a golden toolbox hidden somewhere in the map.
Have you found them all? ;)
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Crouching makes your madness decrease faster.
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Really? That's fascinating. Huh...
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I remember reading that! Wraith and Nurse are the only ones who have the light burn mechanic. =)
It works well on Wraith, but I find it way too risk to try that on a Nurse, lol.
I forget. I forget if you can only light burn a Nurse who's clenching her fist (max charge on her first blink)?
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Oh, I almost forgot another one!
Although incredibly difficult, it is possible to flashlight blind a Hillbilly during his chainsaw rush! It requires the flashlight blind to happen just as he's finished charging his bar and enters the chainsaw rush.
I forget what happens though. I don't remember if that cancels the chainsaw rush.
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Ahhhhh! Yeah, thanks. I forgot about that. :D
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Oh, I almost forgot these gems.
There's a small easter egg in Lery's.
You can find a dead cow on one of the many patient stretchers located on the map!
Another easter egg can be found on Yamaoka Estate...
The katana that killed Rin is missing from the rack of weapons there!
In a nod to the film, the 2010 Nightmare on Elm Street remake...
There is a hidden crawl space in the lower floor of the school next to a mattress. Try crouching and look inside of it!
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The effectiveness of treatment mode is based on proximIty.
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Yep! I wish someone could write up a stat block for the values. I imagine there's like 3 different circles that have different rates of % increases per second inside Doctor's terror radius, but I've never tested for it.
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The Clown ‘s horse is named Maurice. It’s real and the entity gave it a 3rd eye to “cure” its blindnes
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It seems to be linear with a constant at 32m that’s unaffected by the size of your tr.
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VIle purge doesn’t Count as an aggressive action.
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Hahaha... I remember that.
I don't miss old Nurse.
Old Nurse was mechanically much harder to play because you had to 100% commit to your blink distance and could not compensate in any way, especially if you charged her first blink for too long.
Old Nurse did have that autoaim hit box lunge though (I think it was like a 90 degree cone area?), but that was offset by the fact that if a survivor memorized old Nurse's charge time, the survivor could just walk right up to the Nurse.
Old Nurse couldn't do anything about that and would blink WAY further than needed and end up overshooting by a large margin.
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I feel sorry for that horse having to heave that carriage around with fatty inside it.
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Huntress hums her lullaby in different ways depending on how frequently you find Survivors.
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Nor does throwing Clown's bottle! That was semi-recently patched.
You can also cancel an aggressive action, such as Hillbilly's Chainsaw or Leatherface's chainsaw and have it not count against you in terms of perks like Play With Your Food.
I'm pretty sure Spirit's Phase Walk doesn't count as an aggressive action either.
BONUS FUN FACT: Pulling/interupting someone isn't counted as an aggressive action! You won't lose a Play With Your Food token if you window grab, totem cleanse interrupt, generator grab, Billy box grab, or gate switch grab someone!
Hatch interrupts are no longer a thing, however!
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Very interesting! I could never figure out that pattern.
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She also laughs sometimes, you can hear it here
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Next time you play as her, just stand still looking straight up to not activate any chases.
You'll hear it. 😊
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ah it is a easter egg? i thought it was just a map object.
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For some reason sausage boxes are widely available throughout different DBD maps.
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Oh, I almost forgot this one.
If a Killer stand still for a certain amount of time... If they start moving again, there's this specific audio soundclip that plays called the "stinger" if I remember correctly.
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If Michael Myers tiers up into Evil Within Tier III, look at his left hand (the hand not holding the knife).
If his left hand is open, it means Myers is running a tombstone addon (Myers can insta-mori a survivor at full health).
If his hand is clenched, it means the opposite.
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I would love to hear it, do you know about any clips of the stinger?
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It kinda sounds like that loud string section during the shower scene from Psycho. But it's a single note. It's also only heard from the survivor's POV. The killer doesn't hear this note play.
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That's sounds like the noise the killer makes when moving after using Insidious....
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in all of my hours, I have never heard that. I truly hope that I never do. That's actually terrifying.
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I wouldn't really call it much of a secret, but have you ever just stopped and looked at the paintings that are on some maps, specifically on Haddonfield? It's worth it if you haven't.
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Ah, yes! I remember that. It shows portraits of various other locations in Dead By Daylight such as the Farm Maps.
Mother's Dwelling has a very interesting family portrait on one of the walls in the house itself. ;)
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A couple:
- The Game map is full of easter eggs. You can see a spare of Pig's mask on top of a shelf near "her room", the bathroom has a heart drawn in one of the toilets, TVs showing static will sometimes briefly change to show the puppet's face.
- Maybe it happens in Mother's Dwelling as well, but the Killer Shack in Temple of Purgation has a really soothing sound effect as rain drops crash against the metal/wooden walls.
- As Huntress, you can aim your hatchet at the cow trees. Hitting one will produce a unique sound effect. (They will also behave hilariously glitchy sometimes)
- Killers can hear a "sigh" randomly. Its like a David breathing out. Not sure if its intended or not, but it can really trip some Killers while looking for Survivors nearby.
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Here are some more fun facts:
1) There exists, or at one point existed, in the game's code fragments of two killers that for one reason or another were scrapped from the game and never released or even see a PTB. One was a killer that had a "Teacher" theme to them whose power revolved around survivor debuffs I think, and the other killer was apparently a HUGE killer whose power was the ability to destroy the actual environment of the map, but this latter idea and the killer itself was scrapped due to the notion that such an ability would be too overpowered.
2) At one point in development, survivors could climb trees. If I remember correctly, this might explain why at one point Nurse could blink on top of the killer shack, but I'm not 100% sure of that.
3) Over time, certain assets in Dead By Daylight have changed or replaced:
☼Hillbilly used to have a different audio clip play whenever he slammed into something like an object, which sounded like he was disappointed "Awhhhhh!".
☼When she was first released, Kate had a very different scream when she was hooked and after many complaints it was replaced with a different voice actor.
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Indeed! Insidious perk uses that same sound clip. I think the timing's the same too for how long the killer has to remain stationary for the "stinger" to play for the survivor to hear it on their end.
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I would classify 2 as a bug then and not as a secret.
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Yeah, I forgot that killers do sigh, or huff every now and then. I'm not sure if it's the same sound clip that plays that for all killers, but I'm tempted to say it's the same sound clip that plays across the board.
Another fun fact for you! This one's actually helpful.
If you hook a survivor, they start screaming loudly. If you hit them as soon as they are hooked, they will scream their usual scream, which sounds moderately less loud and therefore lets you hear if other survivors are creeping about nearby the hook! =)
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@tehshadowman33 If you're already copying stuff you found on the Wiki, at least do it properly. The climb mechanic has nothing to do with trees and the Smasher could never be found in the game files, the devs simply told us of him.
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No, the sound effect Im talking about is shared by all Killers and plays randomly through the match.
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Not really a secret, but...
A sizable amount of the Killer sounds are from BHVR employees.
Notably, Pig's pallet stun noise. =)
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Im pretty sure his hand is only open with Judiths Tombstone, not a tombstone piece
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Spirits sword used to shatter when hitting an object
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Interesting. I'll have to test that!
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There are newspaper articles in the Autohaven Gas Station. I don;t know if anything is readable, since I play at low graphics...
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Huntress hatchets are made from 100% recycled wood.
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On the Haddonfield map of you go near the police vehicles, you can actually hear police officers talking on the speaker