Why you shouldn't dc SWFs

Why you shouldn't disconnect Swf ? Cause SWF is a really more challenging than solo gameplay. Think about it, they have the voice chat against you, while you have the mindgames to go against them. Also, they probaly know to play the game (with some rank 20 in their team) so they are in your level. So why you keep dcing ? It's the same thing when they get a really good killer. They dc.
Sorry about my bad english, I'm learning all by myself ...
I don’t dc ever. Worst thing I’ll do is lobby dodge 3 toolboxes during an event.
Theres no point to dcing against SWF bc those are the easier games.
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Don't worry,I understand what you were trying to say ^^
The problem with going against an optimal SFW squad is that, sometimes ,it cannot be considered a challenge 'cause the opponets have an unfair and big advantage: communication (keep in mind that dbd wasnt designed with communication in mind)
But disconnecting is something you shouldnt do regardless of the situation.
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Thank you for the response @Andreyu44 !
I think that Instaheals and op flashlights can have their counters, For example face walls and wait for the dumb guy to instaheal his friend and use a chainsaw. The thing is, they have a really strong power against you, and tbh Idk a really good counter against them
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"More challenging"
Yeah if you mean in an unfair way that busts the balance in a way the devs didn't really intend.
SWF voice comms give the Survivors like 10+ free perks, while nullifying over half of Killer perks.
I'm good bro
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You're welcome xD
The things you listed aren't 100% OP with no downside,but they can be considered too strong when more than one person has them.
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i only dc when i am like "######### this" because either survivors in my team are complete dumbasses or the killer just want ME when i didnt do anything at all (loop for 3 gens or tbag) i didnt do anything so why do i deserve this? that'S the only time i dc, just when i don'T want to deal with this kind of #########, when 1 survivor dc at teh start of the game, i am often the only one who stay even if i die, no point in dc
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Just to clarify, I don't DC. I just dodge the problem altogether.
Or just play solo survivor. Which I prefer to do anyway.
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Killer should have challenge because you have brain dead easy mode...
Make sense to me.