What annoys you the most?

Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

For me, playing as:

Killer: Rage quitters who can't take an L

Survivor: Face campers (are you really that bad so that you need to literally stand still?)

Edit: For survivor, when the random in our team disconnects... Happened to me yesterday... Again...

I'm ok with being tunneled, you need to have a good team to avoid this, so I take it as "part of the game".

Post edited by Carlosylu on


  • chunkycheese21
    chunkycheese21 Member Posts: 27

    Killers camping hooks and only tunneling me during the whole duration of the trial

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    1. People who DC when found first.

    2. People who DC when loading in a specific map (mostly The Game) or when the killer uses a map offering (Lèry's or The Game) or a Black Ward.

    3. Facecampers (not necessary campers in general)

    4.Tunnelers. and I do not mean those who are just lucky to find you again.

    5. In your face Kobe.

    6. Those who bring the killer to you intentionally.

    7. When you are hooked, those who just do something else first before they unhook you so you're dead on hook.

    8. Flashlight clickers

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    the fact that Trapper is still utterly broken.

    Trap hitboxes are a JOKE

    Trap locations are restricted (really unnecessary, especially with the multidirectional unhook. or that you can only place a trap at least 5m away from another trap..)

    Emblem gain is BS


  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    1. Teammates who run away from the hook when I got We'll make it
    2. Being farmed off the hook
    3. Ruin being broken in 1 min
    4. Teammates who don't help out for #########
    5. Camping
    6. Blood Lodge in general
    7. People who disconnect from the game for the dumbest reasons
  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    As Killer:

    1.) Dcing survivors - Try hard a 3-man or let them leave and I de-pip. That or DC so hatch insta-opens another mechanic idk how it is considered 'fair play.' That or pulling the plug to prevent point registers or keeping the items they had.

    2.) Quick Gen Tap regressing gens. (This mechanic is so beyond idiotic idk why it hasn't been fixed yet. Base kick to a gen should do something at least. .28 regression or whatever it is vs half a mouse click to stop it is ridiculous.

    3.) Semi-Infinite abusers. I main huntress things like wretched shop, iron works main building, and a few other spots that you can go around 6-8 times against me I find is practically worth being called an infinite. (But Jdsgames just stop letting them go there!) Many people that are experienced auto-run to these locations and it is annoying. The entity blocker here is also broken where it is long enough or you lose chase and it doesn't count etc etc.

    Most of these are broken mechanics of the game which I find that are easily and frequently exploited.

    As Survivor:

    1.) Dcing killers - Pulling the plug to prevent escape points. Every killer has bad games as do some survivors. However, there are several 'frequent flying' dis-connectors that play that actually ruin many games in a row. (de-rankers and etc.)

    2.) Although, I really don't care about this I find it 'funny' but 'rude' at the same time. That some players you face as a killer will turn around have you in a lobby and bring a one-person mori just to 'get even' with you. Tunnel just to get it as well. Like if you bring a 4-man mori have at it. I just find the general revenge/ruin someones day specifically is off-putting. (Secretly, I like most mori animations jokes on them.)

    3.) Slugging Nurse/Billy like you have enough momentum and power. Do you really need to? Specifically against Nurse.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    Hope a survivor doesn't dc or suicide. Otherwise RIP your emblems. (Victory Cube was better at this point)

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529
    edited July 2019

    Tunneling is just a sound tactic. As killer If you can get rid of one survivor quickly your chances of winning the match go up tremendously. When I play survivor and someone tunnels me I get it. I don't like it, but I get it.

    The best counter to being tunneled is to get better at looping and escaping the killer. When I play killer if someone gives me a hard time in a chase, I won't tunnel them. I think "okay that guy is good better look for someone else." And if kiler isn't that smart then they get to chase you around for ten minutes while all the gens get done.

  • Botiz
    Botiz Member Posts: 483

    For Killer, the main thing that annoys me is constantly going against SWFs. It's such a pain at higher ranks and definitely decreases the amount of fun that can be had in matches.

  • Hag.is.Dtier
    Hag.is.Dtier Member Posts: 1,398


    1) Playing killer doesn't feel like playing a killer, it feels like playing an old person, babysitting bratty children.

    2) Default FOV is crap (FOV increase when?).

    3) All gens can be repaired in -5 minutes.

    4) Interesting or good killer perks either get nerfed or they come with ######### numbers.

    5) 4 out of 16 killers are viable at high rank, the rest get stomped by optimal survivor.


    1) I hate how easy it is because this is supposed to be a survival horror game and it's far from that.

    2) Crutches reward me for failure.

    3) SWF is fun but makes the game even easier.

    4) Chase mechanics are cheesy and boring.

  • InkedRaider
    InkedRaider Member Posts: 19

    As a killer and survivor it's gotta be those people who DC on the first hook/down/hit. I had people DC 5 games in a row while I was playing survivor because they got hit ONCE, or got hooked ONE TIME. I HAVE A FIRST AID KIT FOR A REASON CLAUDETTE!!! Why you gotta DC when I'm 3 feet from the hook? It's your first hook, I'm literally right there, I know you can see me, I'm gonna unhook you just chill. It's infuriating as a survivor to have such a crappy team and as a killer I always feel bad for the last person left and it's no fun having people DC like dominoes.

    You won't always win no matter what side you play on. Just play the game and don't be such a sore loser, especially if you haven't lost yet.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    SWFs that play party streamers, genrush and then hide every time I get near.

    If I don't get to chase anyone, you've wasted your streamers!

  • WaffleFalafel
    WaffleFalafel Member Posts: 384

    I honestly couldn't care less about DCs if instead I have a free loading "stealth" teamate contributing nothing to OUR escape as a survivor. As killer, its SWF with BT. Yes, I know that Borrowed Time isn't overpowered, but the sense of hopelessness I feel from this combination is tremendous. No longer do I feel like I'm even a person or even the powerful role I'm supposed to be as I get to watch all that I worked for crumble before my eyes.

    Long story short, it annoys me when I can't do anything to control my outcome because of other people's decisions.

  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502

    Disconnects and Lag mostly.

    can't wait till dedicated servers come out.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Getting a terrible map for a specific killer. Or just in general (haddonfield, Thompson house)

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109

    Sure getting camped by a killer sucks. Especially with the tunneling. One or two survivors chose to leave me on a hook to die is very annoying. I think what truly pisses me off the most has to be toxic players.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    As Killer:

    1. People who die and still have the nerve to call you trash, etc.
    2. Hits that clearly should have connected but didn't because autolock screwed me
    3. People who will break your hooks or go to a specific area of the map where they know you can't make it to a hook with them.
    4. People who will intentionally hop in a locker to rob you of a mori with a tombstone when playing Myers (like is is really that deep?)

    As Survivor:

    1. People who play like idiots and cost the team the match
    2. Killers who go after you directly after you're unhooked because they have a mori (once again, is it really that deep?)
    3. Killers who will bring you to hatch and close it in your face/wait for you to die on the ground due to endgame (because it wastes time)

    As Either Side:

    1. People who disconnect because they were found/downed/hooked first
    2. People who disconnect because of a mori or map offering
    3. People who leave the lobby right before the match starts so you are stuck looking for another survivor after 20 minutes of waiting and your lobby might now be bugged
    4. People who play selfishly and get their team killed because of it (Bringing the killer to someone, unsafe unhooks, Waiting for people to die so they can take hatch, etc)
  • citron
    citron Member Posts: 78

    Totems as a killer... not all of us play nurse and billy and fly across the map to protect them.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    someone refusing to save me and letting me die instead because the killer is remotely nearby

    even if they come back and tunnel me to death, if the alternative is just letting me die on a hook, at least give me the chance to get away

  • JustJess
    JustJess Member Posts: 154

    Survivors who kill themselves if a killer is camping them.

    If you stall the camper the other 3 survivors can do gens, it's a sacrifice but still you die the same, then why not dieing and making killer's work harder?

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I dislike Bm'ers.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    I rarely get annoyed when playing killer. I try to play fair, but if survivors want the attention I will give it to them.

    Incompetent team mates annoy me the most. This clip is perfect example of those team mates and Im sure many here can relate.


  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    1/ Pop Goes The Weasel activating after last gen is repaired

    2/ People suiciding on first hook

    3/ As survivor: cocky teammates who think Urban Evasion is for noobs

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328
    edited July 2019

    1) Crybabies on both sides

    2) Illogical devs` decisions

    3) hypocrites who yell about killers/survivors ruining fun which usually means that only they are allowed to have fun

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Yes! I don't get the urge of getting the mori as soon as they're unhooked! You get more bloodpoints if you focus the rescuer and if the other guy has the bad luck to run into you later on THEN you do the mori, if they rage or send hate messages you can answer "how are you complaining, I gave you a chance to keep fighting for your life when I didn't tunnel you to insta mori"

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Rage-quits in general. People who DC when they see the map, people who DC when they see the killer, people who DC when they get downed.

    I'd be less pissed if the killer had to hook the DC anyway to get a hook state. Gives the killer emblem progress, takes a lil bit of pressure off the survivors that they were owed.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    There are two things that really annoy me:

    1. Bad teammates (which is very common even at rank 1)
    2. Cheaters/Lag switchers/Laggy killers.
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Survivor DCing/killing themself on hook very early on.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    As a Survivor:

    • Facecamping Killer
    • Megablink Nurse
    • Lerys
    • Me playing bad
    • Teammates playing bad

    As a Killer:

    • Me Playing bad
    • Flashlight Clicky
    • Tbag
    • Combo of all 3
  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I loved how you mentioned yourself when you're playing bad, LOL

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I typically don't do it because I have been on the short end of the stick many of times and know how terrible it feels. The only time it might get me is when a survivor got cocky and decided to be toxic. At that point I don't care about my points, it becomes my personal mission to kill that survivor and deflate their ego.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    As Killer:

    Entitled Survivors who think that I should play by their made-up rules

    As Survivor:

    Nurse, I'm bad at juking her most of time, and that helpless feeling annoys me.

  • JustJess
    JustJess Member Posts: 154

    Also this:

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    YES! OMG! Why don't people get we can use thir time on hook! They always (well, almost always) want to get unhooked as soon as possible!

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175
    edited July 2019

    Toxic SWFs. A toxic solo I can beat. A chill SWF is aware they had an advantage.

    Toxic SWF completely change the feel of the game to a mission to prevent terrible people from being happy/avoid being mocked in the post-game chat. There's just no fun allowed once you hear a gen complete at 20 seconds, as even winning is a pyrrhic victory.

    Oh, and the in-game BP cap. Why is saving teammates suddenly worth no BP? Why do I deserve nothing because I'm too good at trapping Survivors?

    Post edited by Captain_Doomsday on