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Homebrew Chapter: Neon Nights(WOP)

ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333
edited July 2019 in Creations

Chapter Title: Neon Nights

Killer: The Party

Backstory: Alexander Rostov on the outside looked like the average 80’s Yuppie. He worked as a stock broker during the day and partied hard at night. Nights filled with neon lights, loud music, hard drugs, and every couple of months a dead body or two. No one really suspected that Alexander, the life of the party, was psychopath with a taste for blood. Everything seemed to be in the palm of his hands until one night he killed the daughter of a cop. His weapon of choice was a syringe filled with a lethal dose of hallucinogenic. Every victim spent their last moments on a hellish trip filled with ghoulish sights and sounds be fore succumbing to respiratory and cardiac arrest. His last victims had suffered the same gruesome fate, but unlike his other victims they became a local sensation. Rostov couldn’t feel the fear a normal person would at having the cops becoming aware of his existence. It didn’t take long before the father of his latest victim pieced together that Alexander was the last person she was seen with. Alexander was caught by surprise at his favorite club and forced outside by the cop. Revenge was what the officer wanted when he pulled the trigger intent on killing Rostov. As if by an unseen force the bullet missed and shattered a neon sign behind the serial murderer flooding the alleyway with darkness. For Alexander the darkness seemed like a chance to escape, but instead it would trap him forever in a party where only death could be found.

Power: Party Monster- The Party can switch between two melee weapons. His first weapon is glowing neon light tube that delivers basic attacks. The second is a syringe filled with a never-ending supply of hallucinogenic that when injected cause survivors to see horrifying visions and increase the difficulty of moderately increase the difficulty of skill checks. Survivors are affected by the drug for 20 at base. Syringe attacks injury the survivor but cannot put them in the dying state. Multiple hits with the syringe increase the visions and adds 0.5 seconds. Terror Radius is slightly decreased while wielding the syringe and slightly increased while wielding the light tube.

Mori Kill: Party’s Over-The Party hits the survivor in the legs as they try to stand tripping them back to the ground. Next he stabs the syringe directly in the heart of the survivor and injects them with huge dose of hallucinogenic. The survivor screams and foams at the mouth while writhing in pain before falling over Dead.

Killer Design: They Party needs to be visually distinguishable from his nearest comparison The Doctor. Lean into the 80’s party yuppie/monster aesthetic. Kill should have custom TR music that is a mix of 80’s synth and horror. Hair should be neat looking; the clothing should be a bloodied in some spots and torn. Embrace neon or day glow coloring with clothing that should be a mix of yuppie business and party fashion. Syringe is crafted by the entity and is a mix of modern and older looking glass syringes. The liquid inside should have a faint glow or tinge by default. The neon light tube should be about the length of a baseball and have cracks running along it. Should flicker when striking terrain or survivor. When in a chase it should glow brightly, but while out of a chase it should be dim.

Addons: Focus on syringe effects, Successful attack recovery, and Terror Radius effects.

Killer Perks

Life of The Party: Being the center of attention makes your heart pound. The Terror Radius of the killer increases by 2/3/4 meters every time you hit an uninjured survivor. Survivors within your Terror Radius have an increased chance to trigger moderately/considerably/tremendously difficult skill checks.

Bloody Trade: The Entity drives you to increase your murderous output. When you injure a survivor within 18/24/32 meters of another survivor gain a decaying burst of movement speed towards the uninjured target for 1/1/3 seconds. If multiple survivors are within range this perk applied to furthest survivor.

Break Dance: The rhythmic pulse of a generator brings out a reckless fury in you. When this killer damage a generator their Terror Radius is temporarily cloned to the damaged generator for 3/4/6 seconds.

Post edited by ReikoMori on


  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Aw! That's it. I was all into this and seen no perks and other things.😔 However, what is here is great! I love the story and his abilities. How can a survivor get out of hallucinogenic state? Is it like wears off over time? Or like Plague and have to do a certain thing to take it off? Later if you have the time add perks and a survivor if you want. I like it so far.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    Interesting idea! I'd love to hear more on the Perks. Also if it would be a chapter with a Survivor I'd love to hear on that too! 😁

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The a hallucinogenic wears off over time. At base it lasts 20s and if struck again with the syringe is increases the time by half a second. I'll have the perks when I post the survivor.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Now updated with perks. Survivor coming soon.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    Good job, i like the Perks, especially the last 2. I feel like Life of the Party is in a weird position. It looks like it includes the Unnerving Presence perk of the Trapper, so it looks like a direct upgrade.

    This is of course if i'm not misunderstanding what you meant. 😃