Question to Vets: Learning the maps

Would you guys say it is better to try to learn the maps on Killer or Survivor? Learning the maps is my major flaw right now, and I main killer. I'm feeling like I should go Survivor for this . . . .
I’ve been playing for a little bit over a year and I’d say both sides, you can learn the layout a lot easier that way.
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@GrootDude Yeah, I really need to go Survivor this month. I have like two-hours on Survivor, if that. I've been playing extremely one-sided for too long.
Hell, I'm still a Rank 20 Survivor and guarantee you that I'm going to blow skill checks. I have that little time on them so far.
Guess it's time to go take a ######### in the tall grass. 😀
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@GrootDude Last time I played them, even though my bar was green in lobby, I always ended up with a very short delay between pressing the key and the damned needle stopping. This is on PC, and was quite annoying. It was the primary reason I stopped Survivor.
I don't know what it is, but I'll just have to adjust. Hoping dedicated servers removes whatever is causing it.
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As Killer it is better to learn the type of loops and to learn to mind game by hiding your red glow. As Survivor look for you next 2 moves when near a gen (escape route), look behind you, learn the spacing before just throwing a pallet, so you can start to learn how to loop the killer to burn more time.
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Use Feng’s Technician skill to help out with those skill checks. But yeah, you’ll also notice that when you start getting your bearings as survivor, you’re going to improve as a killer. When you learn to think like a survivor, you can better anticipate their moves and have better results when mind-gaming them!
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Survivor. Lets you memorise strong loops and unsafe pallets.
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You need to see it both ways. Playing as Killer you may see a survivor run the map differently as well as you will see good killers by playing as survivor shutdown things in a way you may not approach.
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Great replies everyone. Thanks for the advice!
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I know it sounds like a cop-out answer, but playing both sides really is the best way to fully understand and get to grips with maps and loops.
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@ASpazNamedSteve I don't think it's a cop-out. Like I said, I've been 99% killer, and I see the flaw in that already. I was just curious if I was viewing it right. Seems that I was.
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I have like 800 hours ,not counting the sitting in a lobby hours, and i still dunno some maps. Just the general "THIS IS HERE"
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Experiencing maps is actually very different.
You might learn the lay-outs, but the feel is just different.
I used to see a lot of comments saying you should try the other side to learn how people play them, and i think that applies here as well.
Not to learn them, but to learn how they see the map.
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The best way to learn maps is to use KYF mode, but you don't play a normal game, instead you take your time to walk around the mapy and analyze.
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For me it’s more like “THIS IS HERE??”
For the life of me I can NEVER find the entrance to the basement when it’s beneath the Ormond lodge!
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@NoShinyPony Yeah, but sadly zero of my friends or family play DBD, and I don't use Steam enough to have friends on it. I own precisely three games on Steam: Borderlands 2, DBD, F13. So a KYF isn't doable.
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Yep I've got a decent amount of time in the game and if it's not under the killer shack I usually wont even waste my time trying to carry someone there unless I've scoped it out first.
There's this but I don't know how effective it is for finding people. I'd imagine there's a thread somewhere on the Steam discussions page. I've never played a single SWF game so it's something I should probably do sometime myself.
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As a killer main, I learnt the maps as to predict where survivors would want to run. I would say that it would be wiser to learn from the killers eyes due to the fact that when you play survivor, you can use your knowledge to play unlike most other survivors.
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@JESUS_CHRIST If I wanted to SWF, the DBD Discord has it set-up for that anyway, including with pre-made voice channels for SWF groups.
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Huntress lullaby:
Am I a joke to you?
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@Condorloco_26 You mean Hex:I tell survivors I exist? :p
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Parroting everyone else: Yes, both sides will give you a better map knowledge.
But I may add: Survivors run the map all the same way, they're just skins anyway.
Killers don't. When I play Myers I maximize LOS blockers until I'm on top of them, it's completely different to playing huntress. When I play billy I always look for alleys, Doc I'll heavily patrol the middle of the map, etc. I think rotating killers will give you the edge in the long run.
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Hex: Only good for R20 -R17
Yes that one exactly
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It's good to play both killer and survivor, your skill will boost a ton if you try both sides. If you're new to killer I'd recommend picking up wraith or hillbilly. Wraith gets bullied in higher ranks, but if you're new you don't have to worry about that.
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@Condorloco_26 and @ygnea Thanks for the tips.
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If u have troubles withskill checks, try this one:
Learning maps: Best for this is KYF, if u have no one feel free to hit me via steam.
In general, try to get an understanding, how the maps are designed. For example MacMillan Coal Tower: The coal tower and the shack are always at the same position, also the alley. But its RNG if theres a jungle gym, a hill or a T-L-wall, and so on.
And this, best statement. As killer, u remember, when a survivor lopped u forever and a day around a safe pallet, and vice versa. U get a better understanding of the other side,
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Learning pallets and vault locations would be easier on killer since survivors will typically bring you to them. Just about everything else I would recommend doing on survivor
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Deffinately play both to Learn maps! Maybe even get into a kyf and tour around different maps?
Good survivor perks for beginners (which are sadly only on Kate and Feng) are technician and windows of opportunity. Amazing for preventing skillcheck blowup, and for learning loops and where windows/pallets will spawn.
Best thing I can say to do though? Play both consistently. For the longest time I only played kyf as survivor, but then I actually touched the online game and played killer and I began to love it! Practise practise practise makes perfect!
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I tip I'd like to provide is survivors tend to spawn next to the gens that the killer spawns furthest away from.
Only time it gets hard to apply this is on the game map and haddonfield.