Is it just me or do the devs not care about the game

Like they nerf ghost face even before the community had time to test him at all ranks, the new freddy rework has taken so long to come out and his rework looks like it might be weak, because 1. before u had to wake up by destory gens which would make freddy find u fast or by finding teammates which could make freddy get 2 people to sleep now there is just a box that doesnt even give a notification. The gens dont go slower when u in dream stat so whats the point of waking up, freddys snare traps dont work if u have calm spirit on, when he teleports to a gen u can easily get away before he is even their. Another thing is hit boxes have been broken for such a long time and devs have done nothing. I know they said it will be fixed once dedicated servers come out but before when they had the dedicated servers in dbd pts me and my friends got hit with even more broken hits than before. Devs havent made a counter for mori. i dont mind the green or yellow one cuz thats just for 1 person but the red one (i know for some they would say its pink) its too op, you have to do so little and u can just end a survivors game meaning a game can lasts around 1 to 2mins depending on how fast u get found and thats many of the games im in. Mainly only spirit and nurse are killers which are good on all ranks no other killer is there (some say billy).

Another thing when a perk or add on is bugged instead of being smart and taking it out of the game or making it so people cant select it until it gets fix the devs just ban people who use them and what if u didnt know the perk was bugged (forexample when wake up was bugged i didnt know it was only cuz one of my friends was nice enough to inform me else i would have continued to use it) As well ive heard they will add later one if u dc u will be punished, now i do think this is a good idea but in some ways its bad as well. Its good cuz you have a higher chance off escaping. The bad is more killers can just lag switch, camp and tunnel survivors because survivors cant leave without being punished. I feel depiping twice is fair enough punishment for dc its okay if they increase it to 3 or 4 but no other punishment as well when i played the killer i loved finding survivors that dc when i was in game and i know thats just me and my friends (i know we are toxic). Another thing is there is no point in prestiging your character unless you want a blood skin which for some characters doesnt look nice (for example feng min head). I know some say to increase your chances of getting high items but for me at least i cant speak for anyone else i got tons of ultra rare items at prestige 0 and when i reached prestige 3 i dont get as many. And lastly there is no reason to get to rank 1 unless u want the achievement ultra hard survivors/killers and long waiting time (at least for killer) For me the devs dont care or want to ruin their game for some reasons


  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,047


  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    tl;dr where? its too much text for a single paragraph, i dont plan on reading all of that

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    It allows them to buy food and stuff, so i'd say they care.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    Another one of these...

    I couldn't even get through the first paragraph... but I will say if you actually listened, they did say that his add ons will allow for gens to go slower (They didn't elaborate further) but that is still a thing.

    Again. Wait until the rework is here, test it out and then give an opinion.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    The problem is the want to make fun killers not viable ones they care about the game but they obviously don't want to balance around high ranks for some reason.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    @Johnny_XMan That's the problem. His power shouldn't be add-on reliant.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    @AStupidMonkeyy Again. They didn't elaborate further, but I was correcting OP for mentioning the wrong information, because the gens can be slowed down in the dream state.

    There has to be some balance...which is why add ons is the way to go. We'll wait and see they did say that some things will change from what they showed, but everyone seems to want to jump the gun.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    They only care about the money that newer players and survivors will bring them (since survivors are the majority and they can actually their characters in game.

    Plus the devs don't test or balance things to make it fair they balance for casual players to be to jump off and jump in anytime.

    Regardless of perk's being countered , useless , or not being looked at since 2016 , as well not giving a ######### about changing the meta or making old perks worth running .

    This is how DBD dies of becoming too stale with recycled assests, cosmetics, and a new grind to get your mind off the bloodpoint grind .

    Its been over 2years and the last NEW gamplay changing addition was totems. Just let that sit

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    @Johnny_XMan A slow down like 20% should be standard since you got an enormous alarm clock to wake you up whenever you feel like it. I wouldn't say 50% because that was a bit annoying but 20% is like a slightly stronger thanatophobia and a weaker Dying Light 3.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @ItsYourBoyGuzma The issue is that Dead by Daylight suffers from the same thing Overwatch does: lack of competition (and Paladins isn't even close to competition against Overwatch).

    Friday the 13th failed. Last Year:The Nightmare committed suicide via the Discord store exclusive. DBD has no other game to worry about, so they can afford to remain on the track they're currently on. They won't die, because the people who love this style of game have nowhere else to really go.

    Now, if the genre would get something meaty and new released into it, something that isn't the clustered mess that F13 and Last Year were, then they might be in danger. But until that time, their numbers generally hold steady and they've no reason to try harder. Obviously, what they're doing now is working for them from a business perspective.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    @Peanits You are a god, Bro. Thank you for replying. Do you mind if I copy and paste your response about the hit boxes on my discussion? I literally tried explaining that in a post and I tagged you to see if you would verify it but this is more than enough. It's the 2 things that I said affected the hit boxes to make them look funny.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    They do but it is hard to make everyone happy and balance asymetrical game.

    I only wish they care more about the bugs and test things more before release.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    You hit the nail on the head with that , just glad someone understands my view as actual issues that be fixed to improve the game rather than someone just assuming im bitching

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    I think they do care about the game and balance but do not care about RED RANK balancing that's quite different. As an exemple the doctor is OP at low ranks but at high ranks he is just another shadow of himself.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    I have directly written to you multiple occasions that it would be cool to get some insight in how the devs are thinking when they are creating a killer or a change.

    I asked about insight for the Legion rework, asked about the lead devs opinion, vision and plans behind his rework and mechanic. Why? We can collaborate as a community, understand how you think and maybe, with dialog, finding new creative solutions.

    Same on Plague and Ghostface.

    As it is now, we just only see the facade and without the option to look behind, we all left with assumptions.

    It is no wonder that you get perceived as careless uninterested.

    I know for a fact, that some, if not all of you are really passionate about the game. That you try your best, to make things right and improve your idea of the game.

    That's why I love the game, because I can see it's potential and can feel that you are in not just for the money.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Please be clear what "deadliest at rank 1" means.

    Does it mean he's actually a good killer, or that there's a million Nurses that average 3ks and one person masochistic enough to play Ghostface at rank 1 that gets a lot of 4ks so has a higher 'average?'

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Your dedication to your job is admirable, but I think, sometimes the people would like to talk with you guys a bit more.

    If I think back on the Legion threads as example - we had wait very long for a response and the response we finaly got... This response was more a general text.

    The problem with that is, that you can't get understanding with a general text towards killer X/survivor main players, because players who main something have probably spent much time with the thing, they are main and have a brighter understatement of the things they are talking about, as the random player that is maybe happy with a general text.

    So, I think sometimes a more "in depth" answers would be appreciated and also when you guys would a little bit discuss with us.

    And hey, waving the Legion flag we are still waiting for a discussion :).

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    GhostFace is alright tbh, alot of people are overreacting in my opinion. 1 adjustment and people are screaming he's like Freddy, wut? No.

  • GamerJack
    GamerJack Member Posts: 8

    @anarchy753 I personally find Ghost Face pretty good at red ranks and the fact that a majority of my games are 4Ks with no add-ons proves that he is playable at rank 1 with proper mind games and red glow tricks. Ghost Face is no nurse or spirit but he is definitely not bad. In terms of placement he is around high Mid tier or high tier. I consider him good against average red ranks, but if you're going up against a really good Survive with friends group the game isn't going to be easy.

  • GamerJack
    GamerJack Member Posts: 8

    @LonlyGamerX I feel like you went on a rant just over the fact that some people are saying that Freddy is going to be bad. To be honest, this Freddy looks a lot more fun to play and to play against. He certainly has a possibility to be high tier or high mid tier depending on what people do with him. Most of the issues that you are talking about hare either false or they have already been discussed. As well Peanits brought up all your points and answered them off shift which shows how much these devs care. The devs only have so time and have the best interest for the game. If they didn't care, Freddy would be the same as he has been for the last two years and it looks well polished and better than the previous Freddy by a long shot. Even if he is a little weak, this Freddy has the potential to be great with tweaks and small fixes. So before you go on saying this and that maybe look at the bigger picture instead of ranting about things that aren't worth ranting about.

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86
    edited July 2019

    I know you may care about the game im not saying specifically u don't care about the game, im saying the options you chose to make for the game feel like you don't care. Freddys rework i know you normally should make assumptions before he is our but take on how its been in the past i think you made him more weaker than he is now. Freddys rework like his snares are easy to counter so u don't scream just put on calm spirit and they become unless, Players normally dont fall for fake pallet. Take for example doctor with his add ons to make fake pallets i rarly see anyone fall for that and i mainly only see it working for survivors at low ranks. Another thing before the things that made freddy a little bit stong was he could see where everyone is when they are in dream stat which u complete took out. And the perk and add ons bugged i only mentioned wake up becuase its the most recent, take another example the legion bug with his add ons, my friend used them a lot when they were bugged and he didnt know they were bugged he just used them becuase they were good. he never got the ingame message saying you could be banned for it. Luckly he didnt get banned but other of my friends did.

    You said ghost faces was one of the deadliest killers at rank 1 which i would say you are joking. The only two killers are the deadliest at rank 1 is nurse and spirit and some say as well billy. Ghost face also know as jokeface is extremely weak. Ghosts face is basically extremely weak and im not the only one who thinks this a lot of streamers do as well. Before the nerf he might have been one of the strongest but now he is one of the weakest

    Another thing will the new system you are making for the discounting be able to tell if a person dc on purpose. What i mean by that is some people like me have sometimes had where the internet just goes off and it disconnects you from the match and when this has happened in the past i have lost my ranks because it takes as i left the match even though i didnt mean to and when there is a power out as well it happens. Another thing that makes it look like you don't care is you mainly make decesions to fit causal and low rank survivors instead of looking at everyone like the ghost face nerf i mainly saw it was only low ranks that complain and rarly any high ranks (8-1) complain. I know its hard to make everyone happy and do both sides but as least try, it feels like you pick causal survivors ideas only and not any high ranks. Another thing is the exit gates are in the most worst spots most of the time the killer can see both doors while being in the middle giving no chances of escaping.

    And lastly the other thing i forgot to mention in the post is your anniversary. I normally wont celebrate 3 years but thats not the big issue. The problem i saw with your anniversary was you didn't do anything cool or amazing in game, you added a party starter same as the winter party starter at least you could have done is added add ons like make the blind longer, make so you drop it fast or an add on that allows to go off like a trap. You added a cake which worked like a bloody party streamer but add 3% more percent which for me it feels like a joke. I felt the lunar event was was cool than this one - it added skins, in game objectives. As well you havent added any new modes since the game has come out and playing the same mode over and over again makes the game feel extremely boring both for survivor and killer. And there is a hugh gap between points for survivor and killer. When i was playing a killer i was afk for a match because i had to help my friends out with something and when i came back the game had end i had earned 16k which is the same as i would earn for a survivor if i escaped. So killers gets the same about for doing nothing and when he is doing something i normally see many killers gets at least 2x as much bloodpoints as survivor. As for the dc i havent seen a lot of people say yess they are gonna make dc more punishable, i mainly see on discord and on forum many are saying rip and they might not play that much becuase they loved getting survivors that dc or killers that dc. I get at high ranks if a person dc then it puts a high disadvantage for the other survivors and the way you can easily fix that is making them instead of depip they derank from their color to the previous one (forexample if you were red you would go to purple and purple to green and so on)

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    Huntress 's hatchet hitboxes are definitely not working as intended.

    Unless you wanted those hitboxes to be larger than Mars.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    Thing is that Ghost Face is still new and if DbD's history has shown anything, it's that Survivors are unwilling and slow to adapt to new stuff. It's been the same with Legion and Plague before, until Survivors started figuring out how to play against them. Legion and Plague have since become extremely rare occurrences in red ranks in comparison to Spirits, Nurses and Billies.

    I think the same will happen to Ghost Face, his kit does not contain the tools that make the aforementioned Killers viable on red ranks.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I've been saying this for a couple of years...its the lack of identity in this "balance" category that is one of the core problem with the community being so divisive.

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    I singlehandedly blame the poor design choices on Legion and Plague for the reason you see a general, noticeable increase in "git gudness" at all ranks of survivors except the bottom of the bottom (people with less than 48 hours of game play).

    The devs, by creating these two killers, basically taught survivors the most efficient way to do generators and avoid healing.

    You can thank the current state of the game due to Legion and Plague.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    i hope u dont have high hopes about freddy after the ghostface fiasco my friend

  • Yikes_A4K83
    Yikes_A4K83 Member Posts: 30

    1. They probably can't disable perks without making a patch go through and that probably costs money

    2. Mori s aren't supposed to be countered. Memento Mori literally translates to Remember Mortality. It does exactly what its supposed to do. Remind that being hooked is a gift to continue the trial. Just dying points out that you are a survivor, you are the one who is not in the power role. Sorry.

    3. Supernatural killers are supposed to be more powerful than killers with more conventional powers. A man with a bottle of piss is not going to ever rival ghosts who can teleport. Again, sorry.

    4. Someone should not want to play try hard and rank up unless they just want to be competitive. Those who relax and want to enjoy just having fun should not loose out on content other get just for being sweaty.

    5. Please stop thinking you're smart.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    Ghost face is way better now imo, Killer in general is better now, without that ridiculous music that would lowly play and you couldn't hear footsteps/breathing. My only concern is playing with his detection range, i feel like if you're worried about controller users why not just balance it out for consoles? I've ducked behind stuff with a purple "considerably" decreases the detection range and people who use mouse and keyboard are much quicker in comparison. It's easy enough for Michael/amanda to be spotted but their power doesnt end if they get found. Ghost Face just because an m1 killer after exposed

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    You're describing two completely different things here. The detection area that was increased is just the portion of the screen that needs to cover the killer in order to reveal them (i.e. how close to the center of the screen the killer needs to be). Detection range, like the add-on effects, is the distance at which they can reveal you.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    @Peanits I try to say this every time people mess it up. As far as we are concerned the area we can see ghostface is his 'detection range' That includes how far away. They generally mean that sweet spot type area not distance. Distance is fine sweet spot is too wide. Although, I know these "Devs don't care" posts would make me want to just quit and stop working on the game all together.