
Teabagging,Looping in the same old spot,Plank flashing,Body blocking..
But the killer is not allowed to tunnel,Camp or cover the hooking area.. "Ohh that's camping,Noob!"
It's like the Survivor is in control off the game and its sad...
I only do these things if there just toxic, Taking out my Hex in the first min off the game makes me camp because i only have 3 perks.
Ironically,on these forums ,killers cry way more than survivors.
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oh no what have you done! inb4 the angry comments.
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You must be new here.
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How is 200 hours new?, iv been on these forums for a long time, Just get your facts right before saying anything else.
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Then you must be blind.
Or biased,lol.
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Its pretty even actually.
People that say "one side crys more than the other" usually have a biased view for one of those sides...
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One side does cry more than the other, but the reason for this is because of the crap killers currently have to deal with. Although I will admit I see some very biased killer threads here as well but that's only a very select few
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Yes,the 900 threads crying about Freddy being weaker before he even comes in the PTB....
Or people complaining about a few minor bug fixes over GF...
Im definetly biased,lmao.
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And when DS was nerfed and MoM the forum went into ablaze, your point?
When something for one of the sides gets changed, that side will cry about it more than the other side obviously. I'm talking about regular coming and goings in the forums.
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Regardless, whenever something major happens like say (The freddy rework) the Killer sides gonna freak out a bit more than the Survivor side...
I'm talking like when the forums normal. People complain and talk about subjects on their side pretty evenly.
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The difference is that survivor whiners got 9000 downvotes for their whining.
With killer whiners is actually the opposite,doesn't matter how childish their posts are.
I just see more killer crybabies than survivors,even when there is no balance change involved like this thread.
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That's just you then I guess? If its actually happening is a different story...
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It's like the Survivor is in control off the game and its sad...
Are you talking about SWF of Solo? SWF, sometimes depending on team. Solo, yeah, no. Most of the time when I complain, it's due to those who are just trolling to give the other team a bad time or to be toxic. Honestly it's better to go to the next target, though, and not stick around the hook. If you can get BBQ, it's good for points too. c:
Ironically,on these forums ,killers cry way more than survivors.
There's a lot of killer mains on here.
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There's just not much going on with the survivor side and people can only cry about MoM so much for so long. I do agree that people should wait until Fred goes through the PTB to see where he actually lands first before crying.
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But the killer is not allowed to tunnel,Camp or cover the hooking area.. "Ohh that's camping,Noob!"
Being camped, tunnelled sucks. But it is a strategy
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In all honesty, I've seen more survivors cry, but killer's are diverse in what they cry about.
I like to think it's because killer's have 2 "bad" thing about them (NOED, Ruin), but survivors have multiple "bad" things about them (adrenaline, second chance perks, MOM (old), Instaheals, B.N.Ps, gen rushing, infinites, ######### generation giving survivors too many extra chances etc.)
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Quote: "I only do these things (camp/tunnel) if there just toxic, Taking out my Hex in the first min off the game makes me camp because i only have 3 perks."
So cleansing your hex totem is toxic? What are survivors supposed to do when they find your totem? Ignore it?
I can tell you only have 200 hours in the game. When I was new I played without ruin (and without noed) till purples as huntress - a 110% killer. that was when survivors had:
- twice the number of pallets on some maps
- stronger windows
- pallet vacuums
- multiple sprint bursts (before the exhaustion nerf)
- borrowed time that protected BOTH survivors
- old decisive strike
etc. I still won more often than not despite all that. If YOU basically give up just because your hex gets cleansed too early then you have to git gud.
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You do what you need to win, just don't take it to a toxic place. You could be halfway across the map and still be called a camper can't really do anything about that other then disable comms
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Survivors cry for nerfs waaay more than killers cry for buffs.
Survivors: Nerf Nurse, Hillybilly OP! NOED OP!
Killers after DS nerf: ....Buff Ghostface?
A buff doesn't mean it becomes more powerful than the opposition. A nerf (based on devs previous nerfing experiences such as Freddy and Ghostface) quite often means it becomes too weak to even consider using.
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@Yamaoka That's a bit unfair, those are 2 separate examples, not together.
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A small minor change I would like to see in the game is if a killer has someone and is at the hook they are able to hook them no mater if another survivor is blocking.
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I'm in control of the game whether I play survivor or killer. That you allow anyone to control the video game you paid for is sad. Play your game and have fun.