Thantophobia (again)
Yep, let's rehash this one. It seems like a relevent topic to necro, due to how the EGC works (last survivor ALWAYS has a chance for hatch now) But maybe it's because I actually have this mental illness, that I want to see it's game reflection make some sense. (off topic fact: I'm a war vet. hence the rl thano)
Thano actually gets weaker as the game goes on. And that makes no sense. This is a fear of death. this fear tends to permeate everything someone does in life. So it makes no sense that as people are dying around the survivor, they get less scared of dying. In fact, that's the complete opposite of how Thano works IRL, in my experience. The more messed up stuff around me, the more I have to control my anxiety.
So i'm going to propose a couple different changes, and see what the community thinks.
1: Keep thano the same, but keep the penalties after sacks/kills.
Self explanatory.
2: Like Dying Light, but not:
This one makes sense from an IRL perspective. As the killer Sacks survivors, all actions get slower by 10-20-30% these numbers will need p[layed with, but it reflects that as people die, the fear makes doing anyhitng much harder.
3: Opposite BBQ: hooking a survivor will make all survivors in your TR scream, and reveal their locations.
I like this one, it's simple, it makes sense, and fills a hole in the killer perk builds.
With Legion,Thana is amazing.
I don't think it needs any changes,maybe only the first one.
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The penalty should stay after the survivor is killed, I agree. It also should be buffed a bit so that having 4 injured survivors should actually be a problem, would really help plague and the issue where no-one cleanses.
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the first one is the one I'de want. The third one would be neat for a future perk as well. I'm just tired of killer perks that get worse as the game goes on. It should be the opposite. Another perk that does this is Huntress' Lullaby. stacks 2-4 are AMAZING at ranks 1-4. But at 5 stacks, red players have no problems hitting the skill checks. That perks works by screwing with muscle memory.
Thano works ok, sure. But let's be honest, you can often put something else that is more effective at slowing the game in that spot. ie: Pop is now really good. So why would I switch from Pop, which always works, and gets stronger as the game goes on, to thano, which is weak in the start of the match and the end of the match (but strong mid game, if you are keeping pressure on, and are Legion or Plague)
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Fair point .
Although I use both thana and Pop with Legion and its an efficient combo.
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Honestly I finally feel like the perk's alright. Feels very nice on Legion, and being a completely passive debuff that requires no input from the killer whilst it's active should never be too strong.
Personally I would bump up the values by 1% on each tier, so tier 3 is 5% per person injured, but that's just me. I don't think it's 100% necessary.
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I am definitely supporting your suggestion.
To lose hope, and feel less scared of death just lacks the common sense!
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But thats already a perk - Dying Light... If it means so much to you they can just swap the perk names?
Thanataphobia is one of my main perks (I favor it over ruin as it cant be destroyed). Combined with Sloppy and its amazing. I dont think the proposed buffs are need or justified...
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I think they are. The first proposed buff is a QOL buff. The other twos are more alternative perk ideas for Thano. It really could use that QOL buff. Yes, it can be used decently on two killers. But even those two killers do have better options for game slowing. the simple change of stacks staying after death would make it almost an equal pick to Pop. Because Thano works on all actions.
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Option one definitely, I’d also like to see it reflect that most will only get 2 injured in most cases at any one time so maybe a better penalty at these levels but not sure how well this would go over in the case you get all 4 i.e. legion and plague. I’d be REALLY happy to just see a slight increase in number at each level (1-2%), keep after deaths and not effect healing speed.