Unpopular opinion

Billy is the fourth best killer. Spirit can go invisible and appear behind people, Nurse teleports everywhere and hag (if played right) cannot be looped.
Unless billy is right behind your Claudette booty then you can usually dodge the saw. He can still get looped (although not as easily as other killers) all he really has is map pressure.
Hag when facing SWF with a flashlight is an 110% ms M1 killer.
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Hag against an agressive SWF is not strong. Billy is better.
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Debatable. Depends on who you ask.
Personally I put them on the same level.
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What if I'm not playing Hag?
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POPULAR OPINION: Freddy is trashed
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What do you think about Leatherface with Carburetor Tuning Guide and Beast Marks? I think that makes him really strong.
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@ShrekIsHot I think those make him good.