DbD mobile is laggy af

Just me? I think a have a decent phone, Xperia Z5. Not the knewest I know, but a flagship at his time and still doing his job in all other games I play on it (including Identiy V).
I wonder, is it really my phone beeing so bad?
First time playing I thought "wooow this is an extreme downgrade in graphics. Even Minecraft looks better". But it was lagging a lot, couldnt enjoy it at all. Why is DbD such a bad optimized game on all platforms? Its really weird.
Someone also noticed how big the game on steam is? I mean, calm down devs. Maps and stuff arent even that big and rich of content, Other games can handle way less space (Dark Souls for example, HUGE world, probably 10x bigger than all maps combined of DbD with a lot of different enemies, weapons, armor etc and even after installing high resolution 4k texture mods its still running smooth without using much space)
Because devs does not focus so much on optimization. Just look in last patches and see how much they said they have "optimized" the game. The optimization team is not really big and they focus on dlcs and cosmetics.
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Almost like it's still in beta...
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You have phone from 09/2015 with Snapdragon 810 well know for over heating issue and complaining about beta?
From today's standards 810 is low SoC so you got low profile...
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Don’t know about the specs but what I do know is that I’m good since I have an iPhone 6s
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This is what the LOL emote was for xD
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Yes,they are super Laggy.
Seems like Behaviour has a kink for bad optimization xD
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Pretty good Job so Far >.>
Seriously though, these guys are Bad at optimization.
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No lag at all on iPhone 7 plus
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Question: Are y'all playing from one of the four countries where the beta originated from, or did you procure the beta through other means and are playing from a different country?
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My ex is from Norway and I have an Apple account with his address. He told me the game was there so I switched and downloaded it
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I signed up for the testing program and had a swedish buddy sign into my email and send me a copy.
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I mean, the pc version is officially out of beta but in reality everyone knows it's unofficially still a beta game at best. I personally don't value titles much.
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Have you even bothered reading everything? I don't have issues with other games. Also, we are talking about a game with graphics beyond garbage with distance limitations. I mean, if you wanna tell me that I can only play a FREE MOBILE CASUAL GAME by paying 600+$ for the best specs smartphone to run it properly that's on you lol
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Sad but true
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Graphic is garbage because your SoC is out of date…
If this game is using graphic profile based on mobile spec as most of mobile games do go find spec for Snapdragon 855 and watch your phone burn…