Killers Cleansing Totems
So I was playing the plague today and I think the idea of objectives the killer can do to make themselves stronger is a pretty cool thing and it got me thinking about how this could be added to killer.
My thought: "What if Killers could cleanse totems to get super temporary bonuses?" After the bonus duration, the perk would then be spent. Here are some examples of what some perk bonuses could potentially look like.
Ruin: If killer cleanses ruin themselves, ruin remains active for 120 seconds and the great skill check is removed for generators
Devour of Hope: If the Killer cleanses D of H, per perk level 1/2/3 tokens of D of H are immediately added to counter for 90 seconds
NOED: If killer cleanses NOED, a pulse the size of the killers terror radius emits every 5 seconds for 60 seconds causing survivors within it to scream
Haunted Grounds: The Killer can cleanse the totem themselves and expose everyone, enough said I think.
Thrill of the Hunt: All survivors auras are revealed to killer for 15 seconds (including survivors in lockers)
Huntress Lullaby: All Survivors skill checks are invisible for 60 seconds
Third Seal: Don't really know for this one, maybe something like all survivors currently effected by third seal are put into the injured state (Idk about this though)
The ideas are high risk and high reward for killers, I think also analyzing the best time to cleanse your own totem or choosing to just leave it up could have serious impact on the killers game. However, I think for multiple totem builds, a killer should have to figure out which totem is which by current observations. This would be to discourage from the meta turning to running 4 hex perks per game. But how many games you have it that you run ruin and Haunted, and ruin get cleansed. You could say, okay, I will get my haunted no matter what.
If you are at two stacks of devour, you could say "Lets try to get a mori, real fast"
If a survivor finds your totem and you notice, you could cleanse it so you can garuntee your bonus and save yourself from totem patrol.
Tired of camping with noed? Cleanse it and find those survivors hiding from the power
Survivor knows where ruin is? cleanse it yourself and stop the gens in their tracks
Losing alot of time trying to find that last survivor who is looking for easy hatch? Cleanse Thrill of the Hunt and get that sneaky bastard.
Maybe you wouldn't call it cleansing, rather something like consuming totems.
All right, what do people think of this idea. Personally I think this would make the game way more interesting and give Killer (much needed) control of the game.
Nice idea! I would never do it though, I prefeer to kill whoever finds my totem. I would like that to be an option too.
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This goes along with the newer mechanic of killers opening the exit gate. I like it.
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"Fine, I'll do it myself"
- New Thanos build. All Hex Perks, all 5 hex totems will be destroyed by the killer for a limited time huge power-up. 💪
Jokes aside, I really like the concept of Killers making their choices with this new mechanic. 😁
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im actually okay with these
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Would killers cleanse a totem at the same speed, or double speed?