Long queue times for both killer and survivor

If there are currently a lot of people wanting to play killer, it makes sense that queue times for killers aren't good. In that scenario, I'd assume that survivors should be able to find a lobby pretty fast.
However, I'm experiencing long waiting times no matter which role I play. Do you guys have the same problem? I'm on PS4 btw.
Yes I experience the same problem,Im on ps4 too.
Finding lobbies takes ages no matter the role I play.
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There tends to be a reverse trend on consoles when compared to PC. More people tend to play survivor than killer on console while more tend to player killer on PC. Consequently, the queue times tend to be reversed for the two roles.
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@Dehitay The problem is that you have long waiting times for BOTH roles. It doesn't matter if I want to play survivor or killer, I constantly have long queue times. That doesn't make sense.
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Oh, that's probly due to the new matchmaking system. The intended design is for it to wait to get all 5 players and then make a lobby with all 5 players in the lobby already. However, it's clearly busted and does some kind of complicated search that makes it take around 5 minutes to make a lobby which may very well not have a full set of players, and then proceeds to do the original kind of search in order to fill the empty slots which can take another 3 minutes. The original system instantly made a lobby and then filled it as best it could. Consequently, when there's a close to 4:1 ratio of survivors:killer, the survivors also end up affected by that around 5 minute wait for a lobby to be created before they're allowed to be added.
Of course, BHVR is adamant that the longer queue times are due to there being more killers than survivors, but anybody who was around for the previous attempt at this kind of matchmaking system remembers very well that it also came with a significant increase in queue times. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the most likely culprit is the matchmaking system, but for some reason BHVR won't concede to that possibility. At least the last attempt at this kind of matchmaking system was actually successful in having all 5 players in the lobby when it was finally made.
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@Dehitay My lobbies aren't filled with all players. The survivors still come in separately, one by one.
I wonder whether this is a console issue. I haven't read that PC players have the same problem.
It would be nice if the devs could give us some information about what is going on with the matchmaking.
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The penny slowly drops that 'population imbalance' is not a valid explanation for what has been happening with the match-making since it was re-worked.
They keep telling us a lobby isn't created until four survivors are found to fill it, then we go into a lobby which is unfilled and takes minutes to get filled, no different from the system before except now killers have this pre-wait tacked on that feels artificial and never changes in accordance with peak and off-peak times.
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On ps4 it takes me around 5 mins to get a killer lobby and about 3 as a survivor.
The matchmaking is broken, that's the truth
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On the PC, the survivors have a lower enough than 4:1 ratio to killers. Which means that there are enough extra killers to where more lobbies will already be made and they can join one of these existing lobbies and don't have to deal with the majority of the wait time it takes for a lobby to be made. Since consoles seem to have a greater than 4:1 ratio for survivors, they still have to wait on the majority of lobby creation time. And of course, killers always have to wait on the full lobby creation time.
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I’ve been getting instant killer lobbies but my survivor lobbies usually take 3 minutes or more.
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PS4 btw
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@Dehitay and remember, this problem will be "solved" by giving survivors more blood points.
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@GrootDude On which rank are you playing killer at the moment? (Although I'm not sure if that really makes a difference as long as green and red ranks get matched with each other.)
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@NoShinyPony R6 Killer
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The devs can not simultaneously claim that the match-making delays are caused by too many killers with not enough survivors and that the new system only creates lobbies when four survivors are found to match to it.
If the both of these are true, after a long delay for the killer, a lobby should be full seconds after it opens. Survivors should not be waiting in the lobby at all, but they are.