Add-on Crafting System

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

If you main a specific killer or survivor, odds are you have over 250+ common add-ons. While some killers are great with common add-ons, most aren't and need more power to become viable.

Crafting System

To keep it simple, you'll need 1,000 BP to perform this action. Once you have collected 1,000 BP for the Crafting System, you'll have to pick 3 add-ons of the same rarity to covert to an add-on that's 1 rarity higher than it. The add-on you want will be the outcome of the conversion.

For example: The Pig

I want "Last Will" (Uncommon)

Combat Straps (Common)

Combat Straps (Common)

Shattered Syringe (Common)


Last Will (Uncommon)


"What's going to stop killers or survivors from stockpiling their OP add-ons?"

Simple, everytime you use the Crafting System, the cost increases depending on what rarity was the outcome.

Uncommon: +500 BP

Rare: +1,000 BP

Very Rare: +2,500 BP

Ultra Rare: +5,000 BP

Therefore, if you got 10 Ultra Rares from using 30 Very Rares. You would've spent 235,000 BP plus 180,000 BP from the BP you have spent to get those 30 Very Rare add-ons. This totals up to 415,000 BP spent on Crafting 10 Ultra Rares.

You can only craft 50 uncommon add-ons, 25 rare add-ons, 10 very rare add-ons, and 5 ultra rare add-ons per day.

The Crafting Cost is reset back to 1,000 BP every 24 hours.


These numbers and values can be changed later on to fit the balance of the game. However, this is the main idea, I want something like this so I can get rid of useless add-ons. Sure, you might see more overpowered builds, but at least they had to spend a lot of BP to get them. :)

Post edited by NMCKE on


  • Riddick
    Riddick Member Posts: 121

    Simple yet effective idea. I like it. The bloodpoint cost is too high as in the true cost of the final add-on seems to be too high. Given how big the grind is, I would like this idea with smaller costs so it doesnt add to this game's grind and instead complements what a killer already has to go througg.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    I'm a bit sceptical about lowering the price because if we do, more iridescent hatchets, tombstones, instant heals, keys (Milky Glass), and etc. We need to find a balance, I'll let more forum users comment about the price before I decide on changing it. :)

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    It sounds cool and all, but how will the price and how will the chance of crafting a certain add-on with green add-ons produce let's say a Iridescent head? Or will it not be luck/chance based? I'd prefer from whatever rarity you have and make it into a chance system.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    If you use 3 common add-ons, you'll get to pick an uncommon add-on.

    If you use 3 uncommon add-ons, you'll get to pick an rare add-on.

    If you use 3 rare add-ons, you'll get to pick an very rare add-on.

    If you use 3 very rare add-ons, you'll get to pick an ultra rare add-on.

    There is no luck involved, through there could be luck involved when you repeatedly use the Crafting System within a day. Maybe when the price to craft an add-on reaches above 50,000 BP, there's a 25% chance of it not working and you'll get nothing. Just spitballing some ideas here.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    I definitely understand how this would be useful, but I also have the concerns about whether this might be too good at gaining really powerful addons. But at the very least, I wish there was something we could do to convert or sell less useful addons like Beast for Wraith.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited July 2019


    We could have a limit to how much you can use the Crafting System per day.

    Furthermore, like you said, we can also have an option to sell add-ons for 50% of their orginal price. Again, it doesn't have to be 50%, it could be lower or higher depending on the balance of the game.