Generators are genuinely done too fast and I'm sick of it

Let's keep this a civil and salt-less discussion please.

Hello everyone. I am a Killer main who has hit rank 1 several times if that means anything.

I just played 2 games in a row where I'm chasing a survivor for about a min and a half and already 2-3 gens are done. This is normal and is a normal complaint but what I don't understand is- Why is no one doing anything about it. "Gen rushing" has been a problem for almost this entire games lifespan, why are there so little changes to generator speeds. Personally, I think toolboxes are overpowered. Generators are already done fast enough but now there's an item that makes it faster? Now I wouldn't be completely angry about this if not every single survivor in one lobby would bring one. It's like its the only thing in any survivors bloodweb. Imagine this: 4 Survivors with engineer toolboxes that have a brand new part and instructions or socket swivels. This is almost every game for me and it's genuinely frustrating. Now a lot of people say "Just run Ruin". Ruin is the most unreliable perk I've seen in any game. I run it in literally all of my builds and a gen will still get done in a couple seconds. I had a game a couple mins before I started writing this (The game that drove me to write this) I was so tired of my Ruin getting destroyed right at the start of the match so as soon as the match started I decided to head over there. Like 1/3 of the way there I hear a sudden CRASH and see my Ruin is deactivated-



I don't understand someone please comfort me because I am actually in so much distraught and anger while writing this and I don't know what to do.


  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    @Yamaoka I agree 100% I've even felt myself chasing too long, and all of a sudden I hear gens pop. Of course it makes a TON of difference when people bring boxes is when I notice it the most.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Still think having entity blockers on all but 3 generators starting off is what we need, then as generators get done, more unlock. Corrupt Intervention would need a rework, but I feel like this would be good for both survivors and killers.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    When I play Survivor I can agree that the higher I get in Rank the faster the Gens go and it really sucks when the Killer doesn't have Ruin because they go so fast that I barely get to do one myself. I'll get chased and lose him, go to a Gen, not get halfway done before being chased again and finally downed. At that moment all the Gens are done and no one wants to save me so I die and de-pip because I didn't get to do anything. Yes that match was a combo of the Survivors doing their job and the Killer not being able to defend his Gens but still, the Gens are flying and I can't catch up.

  • 3 gen strat at the beginning ######### imagine doctor. Maps need less safe pallets and more mindgameable (word) pallets. Also smaller maps too. Red forest is huge. Also no infinites like Ironworks.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited July 2019

    So where were the complaints about the gen rush "issue" oh I don't know, say 2017?

    Far as I am aware, the gen speeds have been the same since around launch, and we are just in the past year or so complaining about it? Ran outta things did we much?

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited July 2019

    @OKUL_COCUGU I didn't say the 3 closest gens to each other. I said 3 (random) generators. Imagine the chances of it being the closest 3 gens and it being a doctor. If it became a problem they could always make sure one was far enough away from the others so that patrolling is slightly more difficult. I do think all maps need to be the same size though personally(with the same amount of things in each trial, although obviously not in the same places, with the doors however in the same places every time). It'd bring better balance opportunities if all killers were on an even playing field on all maps.

  • What do you mean? This is a legit complaint. Trying to snowball and hook survivors asap isn't easy and can be stopped by survivors if the killer can't catch up. Which is why Hag and Nurse and Hillbilly are top tier. Ive had so many games as Clown where i would start a chase and by the time i hooked the survivor other survivor would get rescued and they would resume their gen progress. I can't just let surv go after 1 hit because they immediately go for the gen, much like mending right after Legion goes away.

  • Could be, but i believe it is much safer to just remove infinites and reduce safe pallets along with smaller maps.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Swiftblade131 Gen charges got increased from 70 to 80 charges. Old BNP let you repair a gen with one click.

    At the same time, survivors did not play as efficiently as they are doing nowadays. Infinites and other stuff gave them still more than enough time.

    Players get better and learn to come closer to playing the optimal way. It's absolutely normal that game mechanics have to get adjusted on a regular basis.

  • MarksmanSpecal
    MarksmanSpecal Member Posts: 117

    The funny thing bout this dicussion are the great hints given.

    Run ruin, to slow the game down. Literally, ruin marks the spot where survivors spawn....

    Run thana or thrilling tremors, or even PGTW. Yeah, great input. But: all of these perks request inquired or hooked survivors.

    Playing survivor and killer at red ranks, no one gives a badword bout ruin, survivors r able to hit the skillchecks. Its just a skillcheck, not something like rocket science.

    Playing a M1 - Killer like trapper, wraith, doc, myers and so one is a pain in the butt, when u have to deal with a huge amount of pallets at Blood Lodge, and most of them arent even mindgameable. Last week i had a match against the army of Claudettes, farm map, jungle gym with 2 pallets into cow tree into jungle gym with another 2 pallets.

    And the argument, no whole team is using only toolboxes with BNPs may be correct, but only cause 1 or 2 of the team use instaheals. During the double BP event, and even now, i barely have a game, where arent at least one green toolbox and one purple insta brought in. I used all the BP to go full perk with my killers, and if i remind correct, i managed to to this with Trapper, P1R1, i prestiged Plague from P1 to P2, and some with Legion. Means, 50 webs with Palgue, 50 with Legion, 50 with Trapper for P2, another 50 for P3, and 180 webs to get him fullperk. So, 280 webs. As survivor i only play with Jake, he´s already fullperk. If i had spent this 280 webs for Jake, guess how many Toolboxes and instas i´d have. A friend of mine is nurse main, he´s now able to play 250 games omega-blink. Just saying, actually the armory of everyone is quite full ^^

    If u r told to figure out new ways to win, here´s a suggestion from my side: dont play M1-killers with no anti-loop, try to get good with Nurse or Spirit, so u can deal with Blood Lodge, Ironworks of Infinite or other crappy, unmindgameable pallets. Feels fun, to have 16 killers to play with, and most of them feels like a pain in the a** at red ranks.

    And yes, i would suggest i know how to play, devotion 7, 2k hours, and every season red ranks with both sides.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited July 2019
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited July 2019

    Chasing the first Survivor for a minute and half, especially if they aren't injured, is a bad idea. I'd consider leaving the Survivor after 40-45 seconds, unless you really think you can get the down.

    I'm kinda surprised that the devs haven't really talked about something to stop gen rush that is not a perk, add-on, or part of a Killer's power. With how long this problem has persisted (at least a couple of years now), I would think that the devs would at least share their ideas for a secondary objective or something that slows the gen completion speed with us. This is probably the biggest problem in the game. At red and purple ranks, if you end up going to the wrong side of the map, there's a pretty good chance you'll lose 2-3 gens just because of one mistake. You shouldn't be punished that hard for one mistake. You have play near-perfectly to actually stand a chance against gen rushers. None of the perks designed to counter gen rush really help either. Ruin can be worked through or found easily, Thrilling Tremors and PGTW require you to down a Survivor, and Thanatophobia is nearly useless on every Killer except Plague. I wouldn't be surprised if Survivors just keep recommending these perks so they don't have to get good and can just gen rush all day.

  • dannyfrog87
    dannyfrog87 Member Posts: 568

    ps4 enough said. people do play on pc its a whole different ball game lol .... a whole other level

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    So you abandon all chases against high rank survivors?

    Sounds... efficient

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    The issue is that both base generator progress and overall perk-adjusted progress have barely increased whilst chase-duration has massively gone up. The one increase in base progression of 10 seconds was more than cancelled-out by the time added to each hook-stage.

    Oppose survivors constantly lobbying for ways to extend chases and more 2nd-chance perks.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570


    I'm on PS4. It's no other world, gen rush exists there as well. I assume @Sleephartha plays exclusively solo surv and just has bad luck with teammates who don't play well.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @ShrekIsHot Yup. But as a survivor I can goof around with fun builds and still win.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278


    You'll have Survivor reliability which is always good, beginning game pressure is ESSENTIAL to winning as Killer, if I can pressure all Survivors with Leatherface or something like that in a corner of the map or one area, it's a pretty solid win if done right, don't get me wrong, I am not a bad Killer, nowhere near beginner, just there somtimes is no control of gens at the beginning and you have to start the game with 1 to 3 gens done.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @ShrekIsHot I agree with you. What I wrote above, I didn't mean it as a joke.

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    holding m1 for 90+ seconds is super fun, u kno.

    I agree, that gens are being done super fast, but nerfing toolboxes\adding extra repair time isnt the solution, cause its the only viable survivor action atm. Thats the only way to escape.

    Maybee, we should get a different NECCESARY type of action for escaping. Like someone complained, extra totems, or fueling the gens. A lot of stuff may come in.

    said, as i play both sides. like 45\55

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Just use NOED and own them at the end. It works half of the time in my experience

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    I agree. Gens pop way to damn fast in this game. You can say run ruin, PGTW, or any other perks, but let's face it: If your going against a good, not even great SWF group, those gens are popping every 30-45 secs. There is no stopping it and that's a big problem. Make them fuel them up first or have to find spark plugs or wires to even start them. Cmon survivor mains, let's hear all the negative comments about this and cry your little eyes out. God forbid the killers get fair play.....

  • iiExploit
    iiExploit Member Posts: 5

    See that's the problem, I'm not having fun (Which is obviously subjective)

  • paint1210
    paint1210 Member Posts: 95

    Just play nurse and bring noed to slug

    "Or play something else"

  • BembridgeScholars
    BembridgeScholars Member Posts: 68

    very disturbing :/

  • Puppt
    Puppt Member Posts: 7

    So find plug. So destroy game for rank 20 #########