Survivors dropping items
I've been curious about this for a long time and can't seem to find an answer that makes sense, so I'll try here. There are random games when I'm playing as killer that I'll see a survivor drop their item before I down them mid chase. What's the reasoning for this? It doesn't save their item, unless they expect someone else to pick it up, but then someone might pick it up if they die anyways. Is there some kind of exploit I'm unaware of? or is it just random nonsense?
I haven't seen this at all. Very odd.0
Some times its just in a joking sort of "offering" way.
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I've heard some people see it as a "mercy request" lol.
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That too, I've never honored such a request before as killer, but if I'm having a good game with a killer when playing survivor I'll do it if I find something in a chest.
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I did that in my first few matches... accidently hit the wrong button and dropped my item while trying to run because I was so nervous
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It's supposed to be a request for mercy. Could also be to let other Survivors pick them up before they're sacrificed.
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Sometimes I do it mid chase if I know I'm going down anyways. I do it as a kind of peace offering. About 20% of the killers I've went against accepts it (Especially if it's a flashlight lol).
I've also had a guy who dropped his flashlight before going down and his SWF (I assume) ran and picked up the flashlight while the killer was in picking up animation and managed to flashlight save.1 -
Could also be that you are running Franklin's Demise and they do not want their items to lose charge.
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i assume its mostly swf and the item is a bnp toolbox or a medkit with insta heal. i have play survivor occasionally and i give away my most cherry items before i prestige....
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Usually it's so their team mates can get it so it's not useless while on the hook.
Other times it's an offering to the killer for mercy.
Maybe a bit of a mixed meaning if they drop it near the exit so take it how you will.1 -
I try to drop my item when:
1. i ran into a corner with no escape
2. everyone is dead and i just let the killer kill me... the item is just "here you go you beat us"0 -
Pretty good answers, they all make sense, it's still odd/funny to see sometimes.