Legion rework idea
Bass stats 115 movement
32 meter terror radius
The legion moves faster than normal 130 meters
Can vault pallets
When you hit someone with deep wound they get the hindered status effect until mended or for x amount of time
When miss attack 1/4 of power bar will be drained
Can use power at 50%
When end power 2 or 3 sec fatigue Has old (or new) vault speed
When deep wound is applied others who dont have deep wound will show in killer instinct
One last edit
Deep wound take 5-10 second and cannot be done all at once
I really love everything about legion except for their power and if freddy's rework works and he becomes mid or high tier then legion will be one if not the worst killer Plz devs he needs a rework
I completely agree that DW should also apply the Hindered status effect, it doesn't have to be huge but it would seriously help Legion out.
I just woke up so I can't remember what the other awesome rework idea was but yes, Legion is not fun for me anymore and I'm sad. I Prestiged them to 3 recently but only because I was at 2 before the changes were made and even though I love Legion I don't have fun playing them anymore. There is a difference between balance and nerfing, some of his changes are balance changes that are fair, most of it is just a plain nerf.
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I feel the same way
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Well they feel like nerfs because legion got nerfed pretty hard