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my killer idea number 1 the murder

ohen Member Posts: 21

the murder is a crow based killer that can send forth a flock of crows to slow survivors for a second or become a fast moving flock that can vault windows and pallets but only lasts for a few seconds or if you get to close to a survivor the murder passively makes more crows spawn in the map making spies from the shadows a good perk idea the murders perks are as follows 1 disruptive crowed this perk causes crows to land on generators working on a gen with crows on it will make make skill checks smaller and increase the penalty for failing a skill check if more then 1 survivor works on a gen the crows will begin to caw giving the survivors away to the killer the 2nd perk is hex black death imagine ruin but for healing however to overcome a plague you must face it at its most dangerus moment who ever cleanses the totem will suffer the broken status for a while risk it or just pull through it the 3rd perk is clear sight this perk makes the maps more light allowing you to see better it also outlines surviors within a rang not if i could make this cleaner plaese tell me it would help ill finish the details later for now tell me what you think :)


  • Ksoni
    Ksoni Member Posts: 607

    I really like first perk. Next time when you will be descriping killer do something like this



    Killer power:


    The murders perks are as followed:

    dispurtive crowed:


    And so on, so it will be much easier to read.