Community Results: What killer is in dire need of a REWORK or OVERHAUL?



  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911
    edited July 2019

    poor bubba needs a lot of love. his power is so bad it can hardly even be used to punish mistakes mid chase unless you run beast marks (and i swear those are so rare in my bloodwebs these days). he also gets screwed over super hard by wonky object hitboxes - the fence openings on preschool immediately come to mind, it feels like those edge hitboxes are the size of the entire map

    as for legion, i'm fine with where DW is but his frenzy could use some tweaking to facilitate the stab multiple people playstyle he was meant for; unless people are really clumped up it's hard to make it to another target before your power ends

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Leatherface, Clown, Trapper, in some order.

    People have covered LF and Trapper. I think Clown is pretty terrible. His entire identity is centered around being good at chases but he isn't even that good at them.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    clown is good at chases

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2019

    Clown only needs brutal strength, because his slow is enough to outplay a survivor where a legion couldn't. So experienced survivors know this and they drop the pallet on his face after 1 loop. He sucks because there are so many pallets and bullshit windows.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    forcing early pallet drops is a huge component of being good in chases

    clown's issue is map pressure, not chases

  • Yeah, i know that. Freddy has gen teleportation so it'd be good to think about Clown again.

  • SomeGuy7000
    SomeGuy7000 Member Posts: 27

    Honestly most of the m1 killers are decent, its just that the maps just keep getting larger and larger, most m1 killers just don't have a way to get around fast enough. Leather face is isn't a terrible killer due to how he has an insta-down but it just takes him to long to get around and find survivors. Trapper too, he is more based off of the survivors not looking where they are going but he can end the chase if they walk into the traps, he just doesn't have the time to run around and get all his traps set up, and on the extremely large maps he just doesn't have enough traps. I would be much more interested in seeing new maps that are smaller or a rework of some of the giant maps (looking at you Thompson House) to make them a bit smaller. I think that would help all the slow killers in the game more than just buffing everyone.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Major rework? Probably some killers could use some tweaks but I'd rather see survivor gameplay rework. Adding some more ######### to do for survivors would do the trick and then we can look at what needs work next.

  • Riddick
    Riddick Member Posts: 121


  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @NMCKE There's a lot of fun ways you could improve the Clown by adding some new things to him.

    Looking back at my old Clown buff thread, there was plenty of fun suggestions. Like, having the Clown release gas while reloading and such. Cranking the stats up is a pretty boring (albeit effective) way of improving him while adding new tricks into his arsenal would be preferred.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Thank you for your effort. Would do it by myself, but I am not registered by twitter, facebook, or any other social network like this.

    I stick more to good old forums software like this dbd forums as example, or also some much bigger ones.

    How ever, they should not be able to forget the Legion, no matter how hard they are trying.

    Besides necessary and obviously changes to the Legion, I think the Clown can also something become what helps him with map pressure.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    Here's how the Cannibal is currently:

    Easy down on anyone who is caught in the open, otherwise power is useless in a chase

    Super hook defense, especially in the basement, total camping master

    The 0.01% of the time you can get a multi down you feel like a god

    That's it

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @NMCKE He lost his uniqueness. Now he´s just another M1 Killer.

    The Aura reading was great for positioning and mindgames. He lost that.

    Being asleep barely affects survivors. Once they got used to him, he´ll be right where we started: Bottom tier.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Leatherface needs a rework.

    His defensive base chainsaw doesn't serve much of a purpose outside of camping.

    The only time Leatherface is really frightening as if he's on a basement build and even then you basically just have the proxy camp.

    After Leatherface I would say Legion I don't think they need a complete overhaul I just feel like frenzy needs a couple of tweaks.

    The basic concept is fine.

    They just need to add something to make the power more impactful for example a reward for chaining hits together. Like giving frenzy a speed boost every time you apply deep wounds or reducing the fatigue time for each person you apply it to.

    Also get changed of the addons that require you to hit same person multiple times in frenzy Franks mixtape and the pins do not work with their new kit.

    Honestly after that I don't think any Killers really need reworks.

    Just buffs in certain areas and an add-on pass (basically a similar thing that they did with Wraith) at that point I would say Amanda and Doctor should be next time

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I have to agree, here. Personally, I prefer his rework now than his current kit, but it doesn't feel like Freddy. Just feels like a stir fry of ideas with no real connection between them. Again, rework over current kit anyday, but it doesn't have the Freddy vibe to it.

    As for reworks, I'd go Legion or Clown. At least some revamping is in order.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    As far as Trapper, I don't think "X player can play Trapper well" is a good argument because it doesn't analyze what about the Trapper works or doesn't work; all it does is blanket cover any discussion with the gameplay experiences of one person.

    I think Trapper's mechanics are from a vision of DBD that is not consistent with how the game is played today. I think he needs to be updated as though he were a character made for today's game instead of back when DBD was still in beta.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    LF has the seniority over Legion........ LF deserves his overhaul....

    I'd ######### if they gave him the ability to throw his chainsaw.......

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Thats not a bad idea. I would love to throw that ######### at a tbagger for a insta-down once you hit full rev. It would have to be on a cool down though, and you would have to retrieve your chainsaw also, like trapper picking up traps or something. But that could work. Also boost his speed by 10% when using the saw would help out too.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Some of us actually like the fact you can "hold" his chainsaw and use it whern you choose to, its good that Billy and LF chainsaw mechanics differ imo.

    being able to hold that chainsaw until you need it works wonders sometimes, why fix what is not broken.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    I'd love to see Trapper reworked/

    Something like:

    1) Starts with at least 2 traps

    2) Disarmed traps rearm themselves after 3 minutes.

  • LieutenantRaage
    LieutenantRaage Member Posts: 21

    As someone with a lot of trapper time under his belt, I'd be fine starting with and extra trap base. But what I'd really like to see is for the match to start with his traps spawned active and place at chokepoints around the map. Windows, pallets, narrow areas, maybe doorways. That'd be much better then having them sitting around doing nothing but telegraphing which killer it is.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184

    I would say doctor. His power is useless against good survivors

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    The doctor isn't that bad as others make him out to be, he just need a few add-ons baseline, and he'll be set and stone!

    Personally, Leather Face needs the rework more than the Doctor in my honest opinion. His power allows to camp only, and is rarely ever used successfully while in a chase. Even billy can use his chainsaw while in a chase such as curving around objects for a insta-down.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    Either The Cannibal or The Legion.

    For the most part Cannibal needs some tweaks to his base kit and a complete rework on the majority of his addons. Afterwards I believe he would be in a good spot.

    I'm not a Legion main but after the "rework" The Legion seems to have lost their identity. There is much to be desired with that killer and I can't really think of a redeeming quality about Legion aside from the perks.

  • BlackMercury
    BlackMercury Member Posts: 172

    A lot of killers could definitely do with some love, but Trapper's power is just so archaic and self-destructive, it desperately needs a serious redesign. He doesn't need a new power, they just need to re-look at his power concept and redesign it from the ground up with the current game in mind. I'm sure we'd end up with a much more enjoyable and modern feeling killer.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Nurse only needs addon work

    Clown, Plague needs some work

    Justice for Trapper and Wraith

    Leatheface and Legionare oofs atm

    And Pig, she is alright still, but didn't like the changes for EGC, though I wish it was adjusted differently.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    I'd like clown to be able to throw bottles at a more fast rate, which mean less time between bottles and their projectile speed is increased. This gives him more AoE because more bottles will be thrown, which mean a higher chance to slow the survivor down. :)

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    The thread has been updated to reflect the results of the Straw Poll:

    Any further votes will not be counted towards the final results! Thank you to the part of the community that participated in the Poll. :)