Some other thoughts about netflix, Demogorgonkillers and Dead by Daylight

I doubt that there will be a DbD / Stranger Things Chapter. The reason for that is that the Killer of a Chapter like that obviously be the Demogorgon from Stranger Things. Thing is that MC said more than clearly that all DbD Killers that we have and those who come either are or at least used to be human, no animals, monsters or any kind of critters. This is also the reason why we haven´t gotten often requested Killers like a Werewolf, a Vampire, the Xenomorph or the Predator and so on (not even mention Pennywise who is a god, like the Entity). The Domogorgon is a beast... an animal wich kills for food and not to bring sacrifices. A Mashup would be a middlefinger to the lore of DbD... it´d be like the U.S.S. Enterprise coming to aid the Rebel forces in the Attack on the Deathstar... totally stupid.
Thinking about Netflix and what´s been going on with Disney through the last couple of month I think that Netflix desperately need some new Content to keep Netflix Watchers entertained, now that the Star Wars and Marvel Franchise is being taken from them... this means : Netflix needs new Shows. I wouldn´t be surprised if maybe we´re getting a Dead by Daylight Netflix TV Show in the near future and I´d enjoy that much more than a Demogorgon Killer in Dead by Daylight. By the way : Netflix is Producing The Witcher as a Netflix TV Show and it´s being aired in December... so we see, they´re interested in bringing games to the TV Screen ;)
Stranger Things already has it´s Moment´s in Fortnite and it´s even getting it´s own game... so there´s no reason to place more Stranger Thing in more games. It´s a great show by the way... good enough that it deserves it´s own Horror Adventure ;)
I´d be so excited if Netflix or Behaviour announced that we´ll have a Dead by Daylight TV Show like AHS in the future :)
Their's nothing stopping Netflix from making a Dead by Daylight show and putting Stranger Things content in the game you know?
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I know... I´m just saying that according to the DbD Lore a beast like the Demogorgon wouldn´t fit in the game as a killer. What would be next ? A Bear ? A Tiger ? Maybe a Lion, Shark or a Crocodile... they´re all Maneaters but that´s not what the game´s background story is about.
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I think if we get anything Stranger Things related in game it will be an event (possibly the summer event since that's the new seasons tagline). Could possibly be just cosmetics without the event tied in as well.
It's interesting to think about what the collaboration could be.
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Just to put this out there again. Behaviour has been hiring for an unnannounced game project.
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Yeah... it could also be that it´s just that. Behaviour making an interactive Adventure about 13 Reasons why. I kinda like my Idea though XD
Post edited by Ravean on0 -
Interesting thought
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Pretty sure they said they need to be humanoid, the demogorgon has limbs and other body parts just like an ordinary human.
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Either it's an event about Stranger Things with cosmetics, an actual chapter or a Netflix TV series on Dead by Daylight. I'm all for it. All of them sound so intriguing. Can't wait to find out.
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Well, now that DbD has fooped up their difference between Chapter and Paragraph, I wouldn't be surprised if this "chapter" was just a survivor, maybe they will do something different and add 2 survivors from the show as a chapter.
and why couldn't the deal be 2 way, DbD has a new chapter, Netflix has a new show. People assume it's only one will happen, and I say why don't we have both? (I really REALLY wanted to add the gif of the girl saying "Why don't we have both" but stupid gifs aren't working for me now, and I'm still salty about it.)
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Although the demogorgon isn't a humanoid character we could possibly get a survivor from the show sort of like how we have bill from left 4 dead.I think it would make sense because they could crossover without forgetting the whole killer being a human or close to it.
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Two legs, a torso, two arms , standing up, a head. That's humanoid.
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I'm guessing it won't be a chapter but a set of cosmetics instead.
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My question is "why was your original post edited by Mandytalk if you were not onto them being involved in a stranger things chapter?
Maybe you said a bad word so she deleted it. Maybe she knows it's an actual thing coming and she wants to like Stop whining about Stranger Things in dbd. Except she can't say because they aren't allowed to. Conspiracy theory 😱. Stranger things is coming, I can sense it.
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True... MC said in a Dev Stream last year that Killers have to be humanoid because of the 3D Models they use are not meant to be sculpted into anything besides humaoid forms. That was when someone asked for a Slenderman Killer and he responded this thinking about the tentacles on Slenderman. But a longer time ago, before this Dev Stream, he said that the Killers in DbD either are or used to be human... the ones we already had by that time and also the ones we get in the future.
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Needs to be Humanoid. Not specifically human. A demogorgon is still feasible.
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I asked myself that question too. Nothing that I´ve written was changed and I didn´t use any bad words.
The Truth is out there ;)
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Actually it has to be a human indeed... I know this so well because MC gave me this answer when I asked him a question regarding this in a Dev Stream long ago.
It was this : I asked him if the Wraith and the Nurse are ghosts (due to their abilities) or not. His response was that all DbD Killers in the game and the ones we would be getting in the future were human, ordinary people like you and I, at one point in their life. That is why I´m convinced that there will be no Demogorgon Killer. It might be that MC changed his mind about this by now but until now we´ve never gotten an animal as Killer and that´s why I think that a Demogorgon wont change this philosophy.
Animals don´t kill their prey because they just can or because their evil or because their simply psycho´s... they kill either for food or territorial things or for mating reasons but not because of the reasons humen kill for. Now the Entity is an old god and he feeds not only of the survivors suffering but also from the killers urge to kill, from the killers joy to kill and sometimes from the guilt a killer feels (we all know that the Wraith was no bad person)... The Demogorgon would kill to eat, not to bring a sacrifice and not because it´s evil or because it has fun doing it... it does this simply for food.
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The demogorgons also did things bc the mindflayer made them. So why can’t the entity do the same?
Also cats and dogs are capable of feeling strong emotions just like people.
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Maybe not a demogorgon but what about Billy?
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Trying to recall the details of the show, but all I can figure is the monster becoming another phasing killer.
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The Spirit is 100% a ghost unless the lore is complete BS. Also, BHVR said there would be no clowns or religious killers. The no non human killers was specifically for character models anyways. If it's still possible to make the character model without too many problems, the demigorgon would be entirely posssible.
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Well, I guess we´ll find out one day and I wouldn´t be surprised if I´m totally wrong and we´ll get the Stranger Things Chapter (which I would appreciate and buy) but I´d still be hyped much more for a TV Show of Dead by Daylight.