
I'm new to the game and I feel like there's a lot I don't understand as a survivor.

For example, are there specific killers that can go through pallets without breaking them? I saw the little guy (Legion?) scoot right across one yesterday. Also, I was thinking the nurse could maybe blink through them so I shouldn't waste time knocking them over? What are all the killers that aren' held up a few seconds by downed pallets?


  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Part of legions ability is to be able to fast vault pallets (Be careful though, he has an addon that breaks them as he goes over them).

    as for nurse, a well timed pallet drop can stun her while she's in between blinks, and you are correct she can blin through them.

    there is a perk that helps counter pallets quite heavily, it's called "Spirits Fury", and once a killer has kicked two pallets, the next pallet that hits the killer with be destroyed.

    there are a couple of killers that can "manipulate" pallets, the first being doc, depending on the addons he's using fake pallets can appear, if this is happening touching the pallet (running through it) will make it disappear.

    the second killer that manipulates pallets is Freddy Rework, he can create fake pallets that you interact with but will explode and do nothing to freddy.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    I am going to assume you are in the lower ranks, so with Legion, he or she can only vault pallets quickly when they have his or her power on. Nurses you may be able to use pallets to block hits and sometimes even stun (very rare in higher ranks though). But it is better to always try to lose line of sight with Nurse. Remember to try to make use of pallets by looping as much as possible before throwing it down, people in low ranks tend to instantly waste pallets. Above post is really good at describing everything else I missed. XD

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    here is a little guide to how pallets affect certain killers:

    1. Trapper: he can trap pallets, instantly downing you if you step into a trap. traps are visible on the ground.
    2. Wraith: has no tool around pallets. good wraiths however will try to bodyblock you from getting to the pallet while cloaked, using his faster speed to get in front of you.
    3. Hillbilly: he can destroy pallets very quick with his chainsaw.
    4. Nurse: she can teleport through anything, including pallets.
    5. Huntress: she can throw her hatchets over pallets, hitting you when you are behind them. very dangerous when you are in the pallet drop animation and she has her hatchet ready to be thrown.
    6. Shape: he cant do anything about them, but he can stalk you over them, increasing his power
    7. Hag: she can place traps that trigger a phantom to go off, to which she can teleport later. she can get you in tricky situations where, if you predict her next move wrong, you get hit. (if the hag is on one side of tha pallet and her phantom is on the other)
    8. Doctor: he can shock you, denying you the ability to throw down pallets for 2 .5 seconds. with add ons, he can reate fake pallets.
    9. Cannibal: he can destroy pallets quickly with hsi chainsaw
    10. Nightmare: he can place down traps that slow you down when you step on them. with add ons, he can create fake pallets.
    11. Pig: she can crouch, hiding herself from your view and then ambush you from one side of the pallet.
    12. Clown: he can throuw bottles that slow you down and make it easier for him to mindgame around the pallet ,due to the fcked up vision survivors get.
    13. Spirit: she can quickly phasewalk around pallets, she is invisible during that phasewalk, and then appear on the other side of the pallet.
    14. Legion: while in frenzy they can vaul over pallets quickly, but they can not down you.
    15. Plague: she can vomit over pallets, inflicting the sickness effects on you, when she hits. corrupt purge will injure you.
    16. Ghostface: he can stalk you over them, increasing his power and also duck away from your view, attacking from one side.
  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Don't forget that Spirit can fake phase walk, tricking survivors to vault to them. I fell for this once to a Spirit Beads Spirit. I am really a stupid survivor XD

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Legion can vault over them

    Hag can teleport only if she placed a trap on the other side

    Nurse can blink thru it as if it wasn't there in the 1st place

    These three are the only one who can technically ignore pallets if they get thrown down

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I like how you said wraith has nothing at pallets but pig can stealth. Wraith can do the exact same thing lol. Pick a side, uncloak and catch them when they commit to a side, like pig.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @Carpemortum yes and no.

    the big difference here is, that pig can get out of her stealth quickly and attack, by simply standing back up or by starting a quick dash attack, surprising survivors who lost track of her.

    wraith does not have that choice, once he tries to leave his invisibility, he makes a directional sound, combined with a big slowdown and visual clues. he is very easy to spot and therefore can easily be avoided by the survivor just vaulting the pallet. all in all his uncloak just takes too long.

    so yeah, he could potentially do that, but it wouldnt help him - at least not against decent survivors.

  • CatLady
    CatLady Member Posts: 4

    Thanks! This is very helpful, especially Mister_xD's detailed explanation!