Maybe Rework Nurse?

Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

Tbh, I've never had much against Nurse or Nurse Players in general if you're good with her, then good on you. The real problem is the absurdity of how fast she can just down everyone, ignoring almost all mechanics to the point where if you face at least a semi competent Nurse most likely you're dying swiftly.

I'm posting this because I know they're reworking maps to have alot more unsafe/mindgameable pallets, so how does change go well when you already have a killer that completely ignores said pallets and mechanics?

I understand SWF is a problem and this isn't a post to try to take out THE best killer in the game, but let's really just understand why she's THE best killer in the game and who the actual best Killer in the game is.

As I've stated before, Nurse is THE best killer in the game, but on what basis? Why is she the best?

It's because she's able to ignore mechanics specifically for Survivor defenses and can generally go to any area of the map almost instantaneously.

Windows and Vaults are there to help put distance between a killer and Survivor, yet she can just easily ignore it.

She can even go into buildings almost at the speed of light.

She's not balanced, tbh her current iteration isnt. And yes I know it seems she the Golden child response to SWF, but is it all really still needed with many changes and aura perks and map reworks?

The game isn't the same anymore compared to when it was first released. I say she needs a change.

Also, the actual best killer in this game is spirit. Because she actually allows Survivors their defenses and can still outplay them.

Why isn't anyone really talking about these things. I understand Nurse Mains will come and defend her, but I'm not attacking anyone just acknowledging that in all honesty....she may not be a healthy killer for the game.

Post your thoughts below and please remain respectful, thank you.



  • Ksoni
    Ksoni Member Posts: 607
    edited July 2019

    Why are you arguing? Who cares! Devs won't even bother to look at post like this.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Her addons are mostly useless. They could use some love but otherwise I see no reason for her rework. I have went against plenty of survivors that had NO issue with going against the nurse.

    Sure, she can down survivors quickly... If they are stupid enough to hang around each other. Leatherface, myers and billy can do that as well so why should survivors playing stupid not be punished.

    It's not like she can instantly be on top of everyone unless you all reveal yourself and taunt.

    Hell, I got domino many time with trapper so is he overpowered too? You don't loop nurse but break LOS and make her guess wrong. Plenty of survivors learned that and but you clearly didn't.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Maybe git gud?

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    i think im better nurse than you but you might more killed with nurse cause you looks doesn't have conscience

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143
    edited July 2019

    Hello! Thank you! I even explained in my initial post this wasn't to actively attack Nurse then look at all these people overreacting. Same like how they did with GhostFace claiming "They Gutted him" no they did not, oh please. And he's still a solid Killer.

    Tbh, I've started to come to that conclusion as well, Plague is actually solid and so is GhostFace, but Everytime there's a killer not nurse status or Billy status they claim it's another "Freddy", like what do you want the devs to do at this point?

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    Maybe be original, because that was predictable. But I have another one for you, maybe you could add to a discussion instead of being an echo chamber.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    Nurse is actually the only killer i like to play against because i like outplaying killers and lose them during a chase.

    Rather rework all the looping and the rest of the killers so they all would become nurse kind of a killer.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143
  • kimukipi
    kimukipi Member Posts: 137

    Like others have said, base nurse is fine. Rework her range add-ons to not be stackable and maybe increase the rarity of additional blinks. That's all the changes she need. Also, there are plenty of counters/builds that works well against a nurse. IW, DH, DWM, QQ, Distortion etc. While some can argue that DH rarely works in high ranks, its still pretty strong against a nurse since its a bit tricky to bait it out. Against a nurse, your entire team has to be on point though, keeping her busy at least for a minute. Don't expect to 1 vs 1.

    Regarding balance, yes, the game looks balanced today because it was horribly imbalanced before. Doesn't mean killers have it easy now. Also, let's please not have these posts every other day. Maybe mods can have a separate sub forum for "nErF nUrSe" posts for sanity.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    @Gardenia It can also be argued that SWF and everyone running around like headless chickens because they "are not scared" of all the other killers is unhealthy for the game.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Ok I'll bite. How exactly would you change Nurse? Saying you want change is easy, you should say what you want her changed into.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    That's why I said it in my initial post, I said it was gamebreaking. Did ya see it?

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    As horvath said in a recent stream shes high priority right now, i hope will be the next killer to be reviewed, an addons rework isnt enough when she can still ignore the game mechanics

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    Base nurse is balanced, if you're better than the person playing her you'll win, even if you're worse you have a chance to win depending on your teammates.

    Nurse shouldn't be changed.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Nurse doesnt break anything. Nurse bring another experience to the game. If you want to play against her like you play vs the rest of the roaster, thats up to you, to me you're lazy and don't want to adapt your playstyle.

    I hope we have more killer like her. Different for the game experience and interesting for the skill and gameplay curve of learning.

    Instead of thinking about nerfs and other negative "to the ground" mindset, one may better think about diversity of experience and richness for the game.

    You want a roaster with 40 115% killer that bring nothing to the game ? Fine. Watch this game die then.

  • ROBERTxC69
    ROBERTxC69 Member Posts: 1

    Leave nurse alone and get rid of swf.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    That's because he doesn't play his own game at Rank 1. If he played a good SWF team, a nurse with addons, Huntress 1-shot hatchets is weak and doesn't stand a chance.

  • killerman
    killerman Member Posts: 20

    It's survivors like you. That Just don't get good at the game. Get good at the game! this is what makes this a Survivor game. nurse and a hillbilly maybe the spirit are the only Killers good at upper ranks. So why the f*** are you complaining get good learn how to play the game just because she ignores a lot of it doesn't mean she's overpowered changing how she works makes it to where there's really no killer great at rank one just because she wrecks you at mid ranks to low ranks doesn't mean she needs to be changed. It means you need to learn and fix your mistakes if you're making the same mistakes every time then yes you deserve to get wrecked I'm a rank 1 Survivor and a rank 1 killer on four separate accounts and I am saying that a nurse even fully competent still has their problems it's just you don't know how to deal with her so you want a change with her so she's easy for you to run around and Escape that's not right the Devs need to make the killers do their job which is just to down you hook you and destroy you and make the survivors where you are actually working on Surviving not actually like just f****** around and running around in circles all day

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Killer mains don't want to admit she's overpowerd (and has been since release) because they refuse to get better at the game period.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    The problem isn't nurse, it's a lot of survivors used to playing a certain way that works on all the other killers. Nurse is different. You have to adapt your playing style and use a lot more stealth. You can't just run around in the open, because she can spot you from quite a distance. I'm not calling anyone a bad player, don't get me wrong, but there is counter play to nurse, it's just a lot more difficult to master. Watch tru3's videos on YouTube of him going against nurse. He can teach you quite a bit.

  • killerman
    killerman Member Posts: 20

    Thats a lie i put hours in to all the killers and know what killers are great for stoping gen rushing servivers like you

  • killerman
    killerman Member Posts: 20

    And yesi seen i spelt survivors wrong

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    What an ignorant statement. You are aware Nurse is among the hardest killers in the entire game to master, right? You literally HAVE to be good to be a good Nurse.

  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116

    As a nurse main, this post makes my head hurt. You can outplay the nurse, you can outsmart the nurse, and the nurse can outplay and outsmart you as well. She is not fundamentally broken. You need to learn how to play against the nurse. It might take just a bit of time and effort to learn how to properly run a nurse, but once you get it, you'll get it.

  • Zertix
    Zertix Member Posts: 122

    @Wubsyy__ Then you are not a good nurse, period.

    I reach red ranks every season and nurse is the most killer that I go against. If she has any counter play, me and everyone else would have learned it by now and you wouldn't see anybody complaining here.

    A killer that teleports ignoring all the survivors' defenses with no reliable counterplay is not fundamentally broken?

    If she is not fundamentally broken, then why don't you show us a video of you countering a god tier nurse? I would be more than happy to watch it.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148
    edited July 2019

    And I do awesome as trapper as well when survivors steps into my traps.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Base nurse is fine. And she's the only killer who can keep up with the BS in this game.

  • Zertix
    Zertix Member Posts: 122

    @PickCollins Just because she has a high skill gap does not mean it is ok for her to be broken.

    If I play survivor for 3000 hours, is it ok for me to dominate every game and win consistently?

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    You want to hear something broken? There is literally no killer that can win against a well organized SWF group. Trapper? They can tell each other where traps are (same happens with hag and freddy's dream pallets). Even strong killers like the huntress and Billy can still be easily looped depending on the map (which SWF can also choose where to play, dont you think this isnt strong?)

    It's absurdly how fast gens can be repaired, I play survivor on purple ranks and just by having 2 survivors on a gen with prove thyself, it can be repaired in less that a chase ends.

    Combine this with the ######### tons of perks survivors have for 2nd chances, and you say the nurse is broken?

  • The_Trapper
    The_Trapper Member Posts: 186

    Nurse is fine, but I admit a couple of specific add-ons do make her very difficult to dance with.

    What I like about her is the fact she promotes stealth, Tru3Ta1ent also has a lot of videos against high-prestige nurses where he makes mince-meat out of them and he's not even a good survivor.

    What I like about her even more is that she's one of the original killers who actually makes the game a better place.

    Lastly, she solely relies on her power. No M1 capability, which means her power is high risk-reward.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,151

    Only thing bad bout her is the amount of blinks she can get to fix the mistakes she made

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    One good survivor can't beat a god tier nurse but FOUR good survivors can.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148
    edited July 2019

    You don t even play nurse first of all and i would like to play against some got tier nurse to disprove this bullshit and i dont even play lately so im trash at the game but i know how to play againt nurse.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Where's my downvote button?? This post needs one.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Survivors complain about Nurse, because you cant 1v1 her, like the rest of the killer roster. You need a good team to deal with a good Nurse. No weak links are allowed.