HEX: RUIN slowing down the game

One of the most broken perks in the game even if you can predict where it is going to be likely wont be where you found it last costing you a precious 15-20 minutues (4-5 generator could be fixed in that time) just to find it and by then you've all been hooked by killer likely twice by now or all least once for sure on small maps for sure. I just wish there was a perk survivors could have that would slow the game down for the killer such as fighting chance: every 60 seconds restore a random pallet to its location to be used again or a character that could trap the killer for 3 seconds so time could be spent on getting the hex ruin my question is why killer get a perk that is literally made for slowing the game down there should be one for slowing the killer down even a perk that makes killer movement speed 15% slowing when chasing.
You are looking for ruin 15-20 minutes?
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If you're looking for the totem for 15-20 minutes, that's a you problem. Simply power through the skill checks and get gens done.
As for Hex: Ruin slowing down the game . . . no kidding? Really? That's the entire point of the perk and perk-slot, by the way.
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"costing you a precious 15-20 minutues"
"every 60 seconds restore a random pallet"
"a perk that makes killer movement speed 15% slowing when chasing."
What rank are you?
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15-20 minutes???
It's lucky for Ruin to last for more than two minutes.
And in 15-20 minutes you can do all the gens anyway, Ruin or not.
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I assume I upset killer mains I am rank 4 survivor as of today lost rank 3 for playing with randoms but ok I forgot that complaining about anything killers have in the game is considered toxic ill just deal with it even tho all low tiers use the skill with other OP perks
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This must be high green rank. Because survivors on purple and especially red power right through ruin like your not even running it. I've seen 3 gens pop in 1 min while running ruin multiple times. I even see it in green ranks sometimes... Yeah, no
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The point of Hex: Ruin is to slow down the game. It's a good thing, it means everyone has more chance to score points and pip and stops survivors rushing the match. It works just fine as it is.
If you are having trouble finding it, try running with small game or detective's hunch; it makes them easier to find.
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I don't believe you. Not if you spend 15-20 minutes searching Ruin.
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more like 15-20 seconds.
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Rank 4 survivor who can't find ruin in under 15 mins. Have you tried running Small Game? It helps a lot.
Post edited by Boosted_Dwight on2 -
Nice bait attempt, but this fish ain't biting.
Wish I could say the same for the other fish.
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FFS I've been powering through ruin since survivor rank 18. If you're rank 3-4, then I don't want to be in red ranks any more and will happily sit on 8. The only time I prioritize ruin over gens is when others are working on gens, since I'm good at stealth
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Gr8 b8 m8 r8 0/8
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Ruin BROKEN? lol hiding spots are probably the one broken.
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Excuse me, but what the ######### is this post?
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Down vote needs to come back just for this post
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Usually when I run Ruin it gets broken in the first two minutes, unless I actually get a match where it is well hidden and not in a lame obvious location, which happens 1 out of 10 matches.
If you are taking 15-20 minutes to find it, I think the issue is you, not the perk (not trying to be salty here)
In general if the totem is not broken in the first 2 or 3 minutes, just forget it and start fixing gens, some times eventually the totem is found just by pure luck while running around looking for the gens.
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Look at the bait, wow
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I actually expected someone asking for a ruin buff. But not this 15-20 minute nonsense.
Rank 3-4? You sure?
Sounds boosted.
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Survivors who freak out about Hex: Ruin are the DBD equivalent of people who forget how to drive as soon as it starts raining.
Power through the skill checks, or gen tap. Ruin is not the issue you think it is, and there's no reason to abandon gens if Ruin is active. The biggest problem my buddy and I have with this perk is that most teammates we get matched with don't know how to handle it, and spend the match running around in a panic while we do everything.
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Power through ruin. Hit great skill checks.
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Just let them be, hopefully they'll get that they're being baited.
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Have you considered that maybe your way of addressing Ruin is beyond suboptimal? Check totem spawns near a generator, then work on the generator. Hit great skill checks. Finish generator and repeat. You have 3 other teammates who can also find Ruin. You're doing it wrong if you're doing laps around the map looking for Ruin. You can just finish a generator in that time.
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This has to be a killer main posing as a survivor main attempting to make us look bad.
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Ironically, getting more than a single use out of a pallet, trapping a killer for 3 seconds, and slowing a killer's speed all already exist in the game without perks. Looping, stuns, and both misses and hits. But if you have yet to find a perk that slows things down for the killer or wastes their time, allow me to help you find one of those difficult to locate perks:
- Borrowed Time
- Adrenaline
- Decisive Strike
- Dead Hard
- Balanced Landing
- Lithe
- Sprint Burst
- Head On
- Mettle of Man
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Ruin really isn't that bad. If you have troubles with it, bring Small Game, a Map or Stake Out. Small Game and a Map will help you find it. Stake Out will give you greats for you goods if you have any stacks.
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i am not convinced that you are serious
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I’m R4 on both sides and I say don’t look for the totem. Try to hit great skill checks and just do gens through ruin. Check corners and areas that the totem can spawn at if it is on the way to your gen.
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Highly doubt that honestly.
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I'm going to be honest here: if you were really rank 3, and you spent that kind of time searching for the totem, and you couldn't power through the skill checks, never mind hit Great Skill Checks, then you should not be Rank 3. I think you might actually need to de-rank at this point.
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laughs in rank 20
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Or, you know, you could hit the hex skill checks and wait until someone else finds the totem?
I have been doing that even before they fixed the framerates in console, its not that hard, just practice and you will get better at it
Friendly advice from the doc
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This is why I hate playing survivor. Low experience teammates that have almost zero map knowledge.
I actually believe you when you said it takes 15 mins to find Ruin. Even at rank 1, I have games where Ruin is never found.
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Working through Ruin while certainly more time consuming than without ruin is far FAR faster than looking for it if you don't find it right away.
I did the math and it's like 100ish seconds delayed from ruin over the course of a game if everyone works through it semi-competently (sometimes hitting greats and never missing entirely)
Not a meaningless amount in the slightest of course, that's over a generator of extra repair time. But it means that if you spend 2 minutes between all 4 survivors looking for ruin then you are wasting your time.
You should never spend more than 25 seconds looking for ruin.
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The number I gave goes way down if everyone is hitting greats btw. 100 was estimated from a 50% great skill check rate.
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This thread has more details regarding that. Hex Ruin really isn't THAT bad. It's an excellent stall perk. But it's only slowing the game down by just a little bit. The big stalls come from the psychological aspect