A killer's perk that add telephone booths to a map.

Neot Member Posts: 40
edited July 2019 in Creations

I made this perk concept since there are people who want secondary objective in the game, and the scene of people calling someone for help on the phone is a mandatory scene in slasher films.

Killer perk: Call for help

Summon 4 telephone booths(or payphone on a wall) across a map. Survivor need to use these phones to call for help from outside world. While calling there will be a series of difficult skill check appear at random position of the screen, any fail skill check will reset the progress(just like how you get out of tier 3 madness). Each successful phone call reduce the gate opening time by 5 seconds.

At the start of the game increase the opening time of the Exit Gates by 20 seconds.

Sound Effect: after the progress bar is filled by 75% you will hear that someone(cop?) pick up the phone but they couldn't hear anything from survivors' side, and the line is cut off eventually.



  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Ooh, that's an interesting concept in needing to interact with something to lower the gate opening time. Could even be considered the frequently asked for second objective.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    Let me say i love the idea. I'm not sure it being a perk would be the best, but i love the mechanic. Who knows, maybe when the Entity will improve its ways to create scenarios to best immerse survivors (to increase their hope for survival) it might actually make sense to see these extra things! 😁

  • CasualArmor
    CasualArmor Member Posts: 12

    i just imagine a survivor being so confused by seeing a London style phone booth out of nowhere