Now that the Freddy rework is upon us, who should get the next rework/major buff?



  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    This is 100% true, it also applies to pre-rework Freddy.

  • HeroHero
    HeroHero Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2019

    The Devs have a whole buffet of choices when it comes to buffs to Legion.

    • Increase the running speed and vaulting speed whine in FF
    • Remove the miss penalty or drastically decrease the stun duration
    • Bring back the ability to FF stab in order to decrease the mend time and eventually down the survivor
    • Remove the 50% penalty for hitting survivors with M1
    • Stop putting him out of the power for getting stunned by a pallet

    These are just from the top of my head. I'm not saying that all of these should be implemented. Just underlining that you could do many things. Most of the buffs are fairly easy to implement (I think). Devs will either have to delete code or simply change variables which shouldn't be that hard (I guess. Who knows what they use to program this game?).

    I really do agree though on the purpose of his power. It stalls the game. However, stalling the game doesn't mean winning it. We learned that lesson with old Freddy. Just making the survivors to mend for some time and then go back to being an M1 killer is not good enough to do well in games. Survivors just mend and go back to Gens while you are getting looped to death. I believe that letting you down Survivors with FF is one of the most important buffs.

    There shouldn't be any consideration about the Survivor's ability to simply ignore mending by doing Gens. It should be a thing. The only action you should be able to do is mend. I really don't know about what exploits, other than looking at the ground in a chase, you were talking about. Nobody is arguing that the timer is supposed to go down during the chase again. No idea what you mean by "tunnel stab stab stabby". This is what killer does. He hits people until they go down. I'm probably missing something. Could you please explain?

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I remember the devs saying that the next killer they look into is Nurse

    Scared praying intensifies

    Then I remember them talking about Leatherface and another killer I don't remember

  • MightyBardin
    MightyBardin Member Posts: 14

    Well I love the legion, in fact he’s one of the two or three dlc killers I got. But his feral frenzy could use a rework. I could be mistaken here since I haven’t actually faced off against a legion player but when I play as legion, it seems to me the start of mending stops the bleedout timer. Which if that is correct kinda makes it pointless because the second they shirk off the legion they can just start mending immediately and nullify any bleedout so even if the legion catches them while they’re mending then basically nothing has happened. I could be wrong on that though. However if that is the case I think there’s a simple fix to the mechanic. Once the victim of feral frenzy has escaped from the legion, the counter doesn’t stop until fully mended or another chase ensues. Mending is already a fairly quick action so I think this would be a decent counter balance.

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    He needs like the smallest amount of tweaks. Just a few minor value changes and animation adjustments to match.

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    He only has one set of addons that are viable. Nothing else is worth taking on him.