Daily Ritual Countdown Timer


I would love a countdown that shows when your going to get your next daily ritual. I often forget what time I did my daily the previous day and try to do them daily, and knowing when you will get your next one will making syncing my playtime easier.


  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Would be nice. Also it changes siomehow with summer time, and not each summer time is at the same date. I think I have to adapt 4 times a year. Which is not dramatic. But it would be a nice to have.

    Another addition to dailies. I think a lot of people are sparing several dailies. For example to stack some BP when going to prestige a character or before a new chapter is released, to get a higher level more quickly.

    And therefore it is pretty annoying that the daily page opens after every match. The notification of ready dailies is already there. If someone thinks it is too less, let's add a pulsation to the exclamation mark or something. But opening the page after every match is not necessary. Maybe when you just finished one within this match, but I'd rather prefer an acoustic signal and maybe the daily icon flashing three times instead of opening the page