Favorite/Least Favorite maps as Surv and Killer, and why?

Just a thread to harbor discussion. What's your favorite and least favorite maps when playing Survivor and when playing Killer, and if you care to elaborate, why are they so?
Personally, I have no favorite or least favorite map as a Survivor, but as Killer, my favorite map is Wretched Shop on Autohaven Wreckers. It's not teeming with safe pallets like, say, Blood Lodge is, but it's got a fair deal of hiding places/chase obstacles that make it fun to find and catch Survivors. The map just feels more engaging than most. My least favorite is Lery's Memorial Institute: ridiculously close-quarters, WAY too enclosed, dark, and filled to the absolute brim with safe vaults and pallets. I get it's the Doctor's realm, but that map was made for him and NOBODY else.
Yes but why on the "Off Topic" subforum?
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@WolfPad06 said:
Yes but why on the "Off Topic" subforum?If you take a look at the rest of the off-topic subforum, you'll notice it's about 20% non-DBD content and 80% "This is about DBD but doesn't fit in any of the other General subforums".
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Since I don't play Survivor often, I don't really have a favorite or non-favorite map either, and for Killers, it really depends on the killer, as some maps are better than others. Example: Haddonfield and Hillbilly (which has occurred both times I've played him) does not work because he needs open space (I'd say the same for Lery's and the Game, and Leatherface and Huntress suffer pretty much the same) but those same maps are AMAZING for the Doctor, who I play the most (Especially the Game).
I'd probably say Red Forest for Killers though. Again, depends on the Killer for other maps, but Red Forest is pretty openly friendly for all Killers.
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Both of BlackWater Swamp's maps but if i had to pick the worst one i would go with The Pale Rose because it's foggy like someone brought every fog increase add-on and has a ton of grass that survivors can hide in
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@SNTD said:
Both of BlackWater Swamp's maps but if i had to pick the worst one i would go with The Pale Rose because it's foggy like someone brought every fog increase add-on and has a ton of grass that survivors can hide inGrim Pantry was a close second for me as my least fave Killer map. I really hate it and those two annoying little buildings that feel so easy to lose chases/and or precious time in.
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@VolantConch1719 said:
I'd probably say Red Forest for Killers though. Again, depends on the Killer for other maps, but Red Forest is pretty openly friendly for all Killers.
I like Red Forest myself because it feels a lot more like a "classic" DBD map (MacMillan, Coldwnd, Autohaven, and Disturbed Ward) but looks EXCEEDINGLY prettier than any of those. The wet look and the shiny everything is just—HNNNNNG
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Backwaterswampsucks Backwaterswampsucks Backwaterswampsucks Backwaterswampsucks Backwaterswampsucks Backwaterswampsucks Backwaterswampsucks Backwaterswampsucks
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It depends on who the Killer is for that match. As of now I can't remember any maps I have more bad than good games on, but I do get sick of seeing Autohaven Wreckers six trials in a row.