The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Goodbye and good riddance

Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

tl/dr - I'm done with this crap.

Dead by Daylight is a great game with so much potential, but ruined by its increasingly toxic player base.

I actually gave up on this game a while ago but came back because I missed it. Since I came back, around a month ago, I've found the game to get increasingly more frustrating and rage inducing. As much as I love the game concept, and despite the bugs, there is so much potential for this game to be fun. However, for me, these issues are ruining the game.

1) The ability for high ranked players to get into a low ranked killer's lobby in order to bully them. It's become nigh on impossible to have a fun killer round of late as every match I play finds me matched with players who are WAY above my level. For example, one match saw a rank 19, rank 12, rank 6 and rank 2 in my match - I was rank 12. The only person to die was the rank 19 and she was carried by the rest. It's not fair on anyone.

2) Killer who camp, tunnel, slug - I know it's a viable strategy but when at least 2 of these options is happening on 8 out of 10 matches, you wonder why you bother playing. It's just not fun, especially when you're the first one caught with no way to be rescued - guys, it's no fun being left on the side to watch the match when you're out within the first three minutes.

3) Survivors who do everything they can to spoil things for the killer and other players alike. For example, switching to all 4 with torches in the lobby just before the final 5 seconds, trying to get players to play the way the way they want and then when they don't get their own way, they run the killer on to these players. They hide in corners, doing nothing then expect you to hurry up and die on the hook so they can leave by the hatch. The list could go on.

4) The DC'ing - you get a lobby, the killer quits. You get a match, the killer quits. The killer's totem gets bust in the first few minutes, the killer quits. The killer finds a survivor early on, the survivor quits. The survivor gets hooked, they quit. They quit to prevent the killer getting the points for a sacrifice. All you do is screw everyone over.

I know there's good killers and survivors out there and this isn't directed at you. Some matches have been great and even though I didn't escape, I had fund and have messaged killers when possible to thank them for the fun match. Over the last few weeks, this has been few and far between and on the occasions I've wanted to message someone, just to say 'good game', their messages were blocked; I can only assume it's to avoid the toxic crap that salty players send - have had some myself. SAdly, I think the good players will either leave or become as toxic as everyone else as it seems to be the only way to be able to make and progress.

This week, apart from one day, the game has driven me mad with frustration because of the behaviour on both sides; the games are no longer fun and several times I've asked myself why I still play this. After three matches today, each which had been losing my temper and swearing in frustration (something I'm not normally known for doing), I've given up. The game has been deleted - permanently.

So goodbye to what was a great game and goodbye to the few great players who have made the game a fun experience - you are few and far between and I fear becoming increasingly rare. And good riddance to the toxic majority - you've ruined the experience for me for the last time. Do the remaining nice players a favour and go lose yourself in the fog.

@ The Moderators - please feel free to remove my profile from the forum - I will no longer be needing it.



  • Tower_XVI
    Tower_XVI Member Posts: 109

    To be completely honest I'm not sure the types of people you're complaining about even spend time on the forums to be honest, those types of toxic people tend to have no stake in the long term health of a game. Moreover, it feels like strange threats and whining to dramatically quit. I appreciate that this game was not for you, the bizarre community we've built is a natural home for hyper competitive people playing an unfair game at its core.

    That said, making posts about quitting when your itemized points seem to be pointed squarely at players you can't even seem to contact. I'm not sure what rank you play at, but I tend to start at green at reset and make my way to red over the course of my games. I play solo survivor when I survive and killer quite a bit as well and I haven't seen much quitters since before ghostface. The only quits have been due to toxicity yes, but I personally just either requeue immediately and move on or just do something else. You've chosen the latter and I support that, hopefully something that doesn't upset you. The developers have already indicated time and time again in the few posts that I DO read that they're working on everything that's been brought up in some form or fashion.

    It can be upsetting when these things don't happen as quickly as we want when the game is all we want to play but the unfortunate reality of a smaller, pretty independent team working on a game where they can't even push out hotfixes as soon as they like due to the console certification process.

    I can only hope you end up finding what you're looking for.

  • Remi1993
    Remi1993 Member Posts: 88

    I agree about people who quit, its really going on my nerves and devs should do something about that.. if they quit 3x times then they wont be able to play for 20 hours for example... I dont get it, this is JUST A GAME and people quit? Really? You live in this game? You will lose something in your life if you quit game? I saying this to people who always quit... Oh, yes, when survivors see a Mori then they also quit at the start of the match before the game fully loads and we lose that Mori, wasting time playing to get blood points, level up a character and those no lifers who have never seen a girl in their life they quit nerd ragers.

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    Shes uninstalled the game and is getting rid of the disc

    I enjoy my self alot but at times yeah when every damn game is getting face camped or 4 flashlighters running looking for you as soon as the game starts rather then do gens cos they want to piss you off it gets downright annoying. I love the game but my sister is less used to online gaming then me as she just does not like toxic behaviour in general and in this case she has been pushed too far with near constant bullshit.

    I used to get the same sort of frustraion with BF series but I go to other games when I get fed up and come back a few days or months later.

    She was just under green rank at the time she had only been playing for a few month and found it to be brutal, she got facecamped by every killer she faced for her first week

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    I had a ritual to mori as Plague yesterday, the victim quit as the animation started but the game counted it as a kill plus I got the dc bonus for her quit, stupid thing tho she had played a BPS offering!

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    It gets to everyone but smart people take a break from pvp once in a while. Play some co op multiplayer games with friends only, something pve or solo. You can always go back to dbd until it gets to you again.

    And you have to admit that regardless of everything you said there are also fun moments. Take care.

  • plaguesquid
    plaguesquid Member Posts: 11

    Bye then?

    Really, if you can't have faith and patience moving into the game then what kind of fan were you anyways.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Stopped reading when you talked about tunneling and slugging.

    Sounds to me like online games are just not for you - because you cannot expect anybody to not do everything they can to win. You cannot expect people to live by unwritten and unenforced rules.

    I wish you well in your future endeavors.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    play sthg else for some time and you'll find yourself wanting to play this game again.

    thats what happened to me (twice) ^^

    till then!

    have a good one

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    It would be nice if they focused more on actual gameplay, glitches, map problems, killer issues, survivor issues, and optimization, but it seems like cosmetics and now mobile DBD are more important.

  • gambit92
    gambit92 Member Posts: 58

    Guess a freddy rework and july update isnt coming out and in the ptb right now huh?....... You on console bud.... Or just blind to patch notes

  • semaj_leachim
    semaj_leachim Member Posts: 48

    I'm fine with the games, the forums are awful.

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167
    edited July 2019

    I dont think anyone here appreciates your unhelpful pessimistic views. Online gaming is fun and you should not suggest her to avoid online gaming because she points out very valid truths about dbd, aka bottom of the online gaming totem pole and we all know it. You should keep it to yourself in the future because no ones asking for your advice on whether to play this or not. This forum, after over 3 years of development with almost no progress towards fixing the core issues of their 1 game mode, needs more real player posts like this. And less pathetic suck ups that would rather say good riddance to the player rather than admit this games endless faults. Admit that a multitude of people quit this game regularly and never come back, instead of wearing a mask that the player base has been consistent. Look how many new players there are recently... so why isnt the player base going up? Everyone that plays is new, because once you get enough hours you become fed up with the inconsistency within the game code and you eventually quit. It's a cycle every time they release a new licensed killer, an entire fan base erupts because they enjoy the theme of that killer (I only got this game because I wanted to play as amanda the pig since I love saw movies). Eventually experiencing the lag, switching, tunneling, camping, dcing, broken lobby's, sandbagging teamates, pallets not working, models breaking, teleporting over maps, never getting hit then dying, having question Mark's over your head when the killer swings at a window then you get teleported back into the window, realizing reporting is just an autoban system with no appeals, you watch a Dbd stream and see how little the devs understand their own game, how they conduct themselves with such narcissism. You need to stop living in fairytale land where we think they did a pretty good job so far. Wake up and give the feedback the devs need to hear to fix this mountain of issues. Stop putting sprinkles on it. It's been 3 ######### years and they've made mountains of cash. For a game I love, it's hard to say it but its time to earn your stay dbd team because open your eyes, the game has been dying, and new killer every 3 months isnt enough life support to keep it going.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    You'll be back this game has a curse.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    I'll see you in 2 weeks

  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328

    Honestly, I'm also currently thinking about just not playing anymore. I have played this game almost every day, sometimes for hours, but my friend who I played with has lost motivation due to too many unplayable games (bad and useless teammates, dc's, toxic plays, extremely sweaty killers). It's gotten so bad we rarely see a normal or fun game for both sides anymore. And playing solo is even worse. So I'm really starting to understand why people are quitting - I'm starting to think about that myself.

  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328

    Edit: forgot to mention that the nonstop bugs play a big part too. They rarely get fixed, and it just gets worse every patch.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Good lord dude chill out. Online gaming is fun but if you think this kind of toxicity is limited to DbD you're living under a rock. Every online gaming community is going to have a vocal amount of toxicity. If someone is that bothered by that kind of atmosphere then no, it's likely not healthy to keep oneself exposed to it. You can call that pessimistic if you like but at the end of the day I don't care about your opinion, I'm just making a suggestion to OP.

    Obviously the game has some distance to go but it's easy to forget how far it's come in the last year. Dedicated servers are gonna change a lot and after that they're going to have more time and resources to invest in overall game health.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Well it's a PVP-only "horror" game about killing and surviving, which are mutually exclusive. There are knives, machetes, chainsaws, swords, hatchets, rusty meat hooks, pallets and flashlights involved. Draw your own conclusions about what kind of crowd this game attracts.

    I expect everyone to do whatever is within their reach to accomplish their objective, which will generally piss off the other side. That's the reality of this game.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    You say that like shes and others are being forced to play the game.

  • Haraak
    Haraak Member Posts: 119

    All those probles are not because the community, but because the game itself

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    She plays them too with me, this was one of her first pvp experiences and like how it was for me in COD the community itself is what has made feel pushed out and fed up

  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    Honestly, I recommend doing the same I do, play other games and play DBD once in a while. DBD becomes a stress simulator after some hours.

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    She played it to play with friends, they have all just about left for the same reason. For all the ppl here that made comments along lines of shes not a fan of the game etc:-

    She only started playing this year, she's a nice person and tried as killer and survivor to play without being toxic, she just wanted to have fun but the way most play this game these days has really gotten to her, out of the 2 of us I am the one thats been here a while (about 2 month before Freddy was added).

    Its how she feels and I know plenty others that feel the same and have stopped playing, hell some of the best players I know in DBD have cut back on stopped playing atm because they are sick of the "win at all costs" mentality, as a Killer or survivor, win or lose like me she did not care about that, what she hated was ppl running entire flashlight squads and them going after her, random survivors with BOND running killers onto her in order to save themselves, being that person who saves anyone on the hook and then being left to die as soon as she is hooked. Those that DC as soon as a game starts etc.

    We were both in a round together just ater the anniversary event ended, there were 4 Gateux in play and the killer quit as soon as they lost ruin 3 mins in, its stuff like that that gets up most players noses when its almost constant gameplay action for her.

    She quit playing a while back, but missed our friends that play it and to an extent the game itself but then the bullshit started back up and yep shes deleted again.

    She wont be back, the acts of other players have made her hate the game itself.

    Now the more ppl that act onlong thelines of "Haaaaa GIT GUD etc" think what happens over time as this behavior continues, I have already seen players saying they dont care about the lock out for DCing when it comes into effect, they will still quit whenever its a Freddy or GF or whatever killer it is they never learned to deal with.

    As a killer once she saw 3ppl quit in the game within a few mins leaving on Feng min on her own, so she let that person go because she felt bad for them, but they both got points.

    If you call yourselves true fans of the game think how much damage over time the toxic bullshit is doing to the games rep, less youtubers are covering the game now that I used to watch purely for the DBD footage, they have had enough themselves and quit.

    Prob my last post on this because whats the point? More of the community will go one about how its her fault without ever considering a game is supposed to be fun, what fun is it to be ######### over by your teamamates or a raging murder boner killer that sees 4 or 5 BPS for example and then runs the game down in a few mins, no one gets any points, they feel like they have wasted the offerings and they get fed up. It builds up over time I could see this coming, out of the 2 of us, she is the calmer person but she snapped because of how ppl in theis gaming community act.

    PVP does not actually bother her, its what she percieves as unfair or no fun gaming, like me she has a job and has limited time for recreation, she no longer enjoys the game so shes binned it

    Oh and the devs/mods/whatever, the amount of posts I see complaining about this kind of thing from her OP, you think you would react faster. I know you have a team workng on a new game, way things are going, the rep this toxic ######### is building up, your sales of the new game on release could be affected by the fact ppl remember how fed up they got here in DBD and wont give the next game a chance.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    To have a nice, intense, entertaining, 100% friendly and funny experience when playing with a friend, we play Overcooked. Seriously. And I'm a grown man, been here since the days of the Atari 2600. When we want some mission-type game, we play Monster Hunter.

    Any game that involves killing other human players will draw the most ruthless behaviour from most of the playerbase. In this kind of games it's unrealistic to expect people giving hugs, holding hands and singing La-la-lá.

    This game features chainsawing a guy in half and eating the guts of some chick, do you realize that? It's not rude to suggest finding another kind of game with another kind of playerbase.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2019

    It's part and parcel with online gaming unfortunately. You need to have a really thick skin at times and if not then it's really something not worth subjecting yourself too.

    I think stopping playing is probably for the best as it's obviously gotten to the stage where enough is enough.

    One thing to keep in mind is if it's in the game camping, tunnelling, being slugged, looping, certain perks, taking hits etc it's fair game. Personally not likening them is one thing but none of it is bad behaviour or toxic that only happens after a game in chats.

    PVP games are notorious for having bad communities. It never used to be that way originally but over the years it became a way for people to troll others and act like they probably don't have the balls to in real life.

    At the end if the say something derogatory I do feel a bit sorry for them as they must not get much satisfaction from real life. It's kind of sad and I blame a big part of it on how online gaming changed players.

    When I grew up we played in a room with all our friends taking turns and having a laugh in between or having lan parties at friends houses. Now people sit alone in a room with a headset on. Times have changed and along with that so did some people's attitudes.

    I hope you find a game that suits you better and this situation becomes a distant memory for you.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    This right here. Indeed I had to turn texting off and I even blocked all friend requests because of this game. I play it only because I'm a fan of horror flicks, but that's it.

    So, to the OP of this thread, yes there are a lot of games with a healthier and friendlier environment. Hopefully you find lots of those games, if you consider pursuing this hobby for a long time.

  • beastmode1694
    beastmode1694 Member Posts: 4

    I left half a year ago and came back to start playing, some games i get are toxic but honestly i have the most fun when someone gets super pissed of at me because they're the only ones who die and they message me angrily telling me to kms, or to stop playing the game for focusing them, in my opinion the best way to enjoy the game, and this is my opinion, is to play killer by your self and survivor with friends, and prasing killers who do a good job and ignoring toxic players that message you. I usually play dbd when i get bored of overwatch so i play super casual and at low ranks, so i dont know how it is at higher ranks, but i also hardly ever get leavers, I'm not sure how big of a problem it is at other ranks but im unaffected. (Rank 18/19 for killer and survivor for reference)

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428
    edited July 2019

    While I dont condone toxic behavior, but as others have said, you will most likely find it in these type of games.

    Camping and Slugging?

    Take it up with the developers. They have literally created perks that encourage those two... don't like seeing it too much? Well many killers aren't good at anything else so they heavily rely on them, and the ones that don't still use them because they can become a good strategy in the event that you got survivors being ultra altruistic.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    edited July 2019

    If the in-game reporting worked as intended, a lot of toxicity would be toned down. I just in-game reported two survivors for helping the killer. I had done so in the past too yet they're still there. I know, and I'm sure, I will be seeing them again later today and tomorrow and the day after, because nothing happens. If you go into a game and survivors are helping the killer find you and kill you, then it's no fun. And since nothing is done, people think they can get away with it. People even celebrate such behavior. They go into forums, into FB groups and talk about how "cool" they are just because they help killers kill other survivors. And I've submitted tickets and lots of in-game reports and those players are still there and I run into them every now and then. Should I "find" a new game simply because people are breaking rules and nothing is being done? Now everyone is using SB again. I see SB in 2 or 3 survivors per match. Nothing is going to be done either. I'm not trying to preach, but there's a limit to things. I don't care if people are potatoes or pros. I care about people being a-holes and getting away with it, because there are a lot of people that love this game and end up leaving for a new game because if you play "lawfully" you die, if you cheat and troll and abuse bugs, you will most likely escape.

    Post edited by Gorgonia on
  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    Being heavily carried in the backpack of their monopolized licensed killers. Who would never sell their licenses to any other game because thats direct competition. Its a monopoly. So when people want to play a game like this they likely only have 1 unfortunately broken option. You cant play as scream or myers or jigsaw or leatherface or freddy in any other game of similar fashion. And so many many people are originally attracted to this game due to their favorite killer/survivor being added.

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    That's all nice words but no where near the realistic experience of playing either side. You did point out one important issue though. The lack of balance. Playing to win shouldnt be such an incredibly despicable experience for the opposite side. So much so that it literally incentivizes new players that try it, to uninstall. Something must be changed at that point.

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    Overcooked is awesome! we play it too, just got to get the last 3* doneon the campfire cook off DLC for the 2nd game and thats 100% trophy out.

    We also play 7 days to die, fallout 76, gore and death ing ames didnt bother her that much, losing didnt either, it was more just being killed within a few mins because some killers spotted she was new by how she played at first and would down and face camp her as fast as they could, maybe cos she was claudette?

    Idk, she plays other games and she does like DBD, its just the frustrations and attitudes of some players got her so riled the game stopped being fun

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    One for all so all for one. Another logical fallacy. This game is toxic and all games are toxic and therefor all community's of those games are toxic so therefor you wont like online gaming. Disgusting logical fallacy that makes absolutely no sense.

    Other games are not like this. This is the only game where I literally feel like I am constantly betrayed by my own knowledge and understanding. This games coding, or the way a certain situation is perceived on my screen, only seconds later to have my jaw dropped, astonished that the game coding resulted in the way it did, even after invoking a feeling of safety and security in what I had just experienced. Its definitely something unique to Dbd.

    For such a bland beta vanilla game mode that's incredibly repetitive where your only necessary key is M1, I can always trust that I'll still continue to be surprised by new bugs I never even fathomed could exist.

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    Agreed, its what has finally done it for her, when I started playing this game I knew 1 person that played it and he gave up after 3 weeks for the same reasons as my sister, I have made over 40 friends playing this, I am down to maybe 4 now that still play from time to time. I used to play for3 or 4 hours at a time, now its more like 2. I just follow my own rule : if not fun, stop playing it and come back later. She tried that but it just got worse:/

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167
    edited July 2019

    I understand just like I'm sure tens of thousands of people over the last year have. I play this often and I do everything I can to try to make this game reach its potential because at the end of the day I've gotten to experience some peak performance gameplay after 1k hours and its fantastic. But when I try to figure out why it's so rare I have one of those fantastic games, this is the realization. Killers control the game. And if a killer is good playing a good killer and doesnt like you. Or maybe you just made 1 good play. Or maybe he just doesnt like your name. Guess what happens? Face camp tunnel. Promoted by the devs. It literally feels wrong. Not just speculating or being a biased hater. On bother killer and survivor side, when tunneling off the hook happens or face camp happens. I feel so dirty, like I'm doing something I'm not supposed to be doing. Similar feeling like you're cheating in a game and you're getting away with it. It's not right. Anyone can easily win the game as killer without tunneling or camping. If borrowed time was base kit before the doors were powered. It would solve almost all the issues in regards to protecting the integrity of the survivor experience. And stop converting everyone to killers, like 70% of the community only plays killer. No wonder you hear so much complaining about not being able to kill survivors. Honestly, with a spread like 72% 4k ratio on the game to 55% 4k ratio on suffocation pit, I dont see what's to complain about.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Overcooked rocks, man. That's a fact.

    Yes there is a lot of griefing in this game. Unfortunately that's something that hasn't changed and people even get vocal against any suggestions. I've asked a lot of times in this forums to balance around ranking brackets, determine rankings around total playtime as each role - and thus eliminate deranking - and that way let new players face only new players as them (or the occasional smurf too, but on a new account and without the full perk array and loadout of a veteran player).

    But a lot of people defend their precious rank resets, deranking practices and matchmaking exploits (such as swf with low ranks, to face low rank killers). The experience you get as a new player in this game is rough, there's no denying that.

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167
    edited July 2019

    Another fantastic suggestion that would actually solve a lot of core issues and problems. Let's throw potatoes at him, make illogical arguments for why this wouldnt work, then spend all our time complaining how there arent enough flavorful feng min skins that we wanna use and get 800 upvotes on the post.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Don't worry, I've already shelved that idea along with my karate uniform and my electric guitar.

    *old guys like me will understand*

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    When the game was free on PSn while back now there were ppl bragging how they had deliberatly gotten de-ranked so they could hunt the noobs.

    I have faces over last month rank 14 survivors as killer that clearly from their perks and skill in game are more red rankers (been there myself so know what to look for) but now they are going for quick games where they don't rank upso the can keep scoring quick easy wins and feel good about themselves, I am an avg player myself but try to be fair tomy own code of play.

    As killer I refuse to tunnel UNLESS that person was Toxic AF (Ie flashlighting me when I have not even seen anyone to chase hiding and waiting for me to pass near a pallet to slam it again, I am not in a chase, just on my way to check a gen for survivors.

    I only camp if its end of the game to try and get a kill (lets face it that can soon become 2 or 3 kills or 0 kills dependong on the team). I will admit if someone has really pissed me off I have facecamped them. but I hate it, I prefer to hunt and chase ppl and fidn that more fun for the most part, its a better way to learn the hunting and ambush tactics then staring into thier eyes as Nea ahem the entity has them for lunch!

    as survivor if I run a killer onto someone either a firned or a random my response is always the same "OH CRAP" and then I try to get the killer back onto me.

    I do however not consider it to be camping if like today as killer you hook someone, turn around and all the other survivors are there running around like idiots, that just means the killer is notlikely to move very far and likely dooms the victim on the hook.

    The sheer amount of times too I hook someone chase after someone else nearby and noone even tires to save that person on the hook, I feel bad for them to some degree, its like "I am chasing someone else, why are you not going for the save?"

    when it all comes together, the game can be a great tense game of hide and seek and chases and can have me laughing most of the game, but of late I want to bang my head on the wall as yup here comes a survivor with bubba behind them for the unhook and down we both go

    DBD is a marked game of highs and lows for certain

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    That last part about bringing Bubba along just made me laugh. You're right, there's lots of boneheads playing this game and screwing people over.

    I actually think the dumb unhooker should get points substracted from their total in a situation like that and also completely lose a hook stage to discourage that kind of gameplay. That is, assuming they had no Borrowed time.

    But a lot of mechanics in the game are just stuff you'll have to put up with and tolerate, if you want to keep playing. Sometimes you'll wonder if it's really worth it, though...

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Bye dude- thanks for letting us know you are leaving. Don't want anyone worrying where you have gone.

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    Great attitude. I wonder how you conduct yourself as a killer 🤔🤔🤔

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Phew! Now that you've graced us with your presence, we can finally set aside all of our worries, too.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    For online co-op I found Monster Hunter World really good. Overall most of the community seemed really chill, it's a pretty expansive game and I had a lot of fun with it.