[Discussion] Should BHVR allow us to select what color auras are?

Hello everyone. So two nights ago I was speaking to a good friend and he brought up how Freddy sees an aura before teleporting to generators. I told him I never noticed any auras when teleporting due to the aura being white and the dream world being quite bright and then this idea came to mind.
I've seen people asking for the developers to add a color blind mode to Dead by Daylight but I've never really seen people asking for options to choose the colors they see. For example, when you open settings and go to colors, you will see buttons for each aura and upon clicking on that, you see a color palette with a range of colors and then a slider to determine the shade of that color.
This will solve issues where auras are hard to see on certain maps without the devs needing to fix it themselves due to the players being able to change and then it will help color blind people due to them being able to change the color to ones they might be able to differentiate from the others easily or to pick a color that might stand out a little bit more.
If it lets me see on Ormond then you have my vote.
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I support any change that would help people with colorblindness enjoy the game.
Even rudimentary settings would be nice.
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only read the title
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As a creative guy, I just LOVE customization in games. Any option for customization and I go whoopee over it... slight exaggeration, but still. Being able to change the auras man, I'd be happier than a metaphor thinking of a good metaphor to use. I 100% say...
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This would also conveniently help with more rare versions of colorblindness other than the standard red green.
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I agree with OP, and I just want to comment that we've been asking for this for a long time now. We have a thread in the wishlist that has been active for a whole year, asking for the possibility to select aura colors and adjust their brightness.
Hopefully they finally consider adding these options to the game.
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Thank you all for the up-votes :) I'm unaware of any posts suggesting the ability to change aura colors with a color palette with a slider for the shade so I decided to make this post.
I've always been a fan of customization in games and just a simple feature such as being able to change the colors of a aura can go a long way.
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I thought they fixed that? My auras have been working fine the last time I played on there. Is there a new bug?
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Possibly. The only problem I can see is survivors trying to hide their auras with gens. Being able to change the survivor aura to one that's a completely different color than the generator auras would give killers than tinker with their settings an advantage over those that don't. If there were colorblind accessibility options that changed both auras from red to green/blue, that would be fine, but I don't think that people should be able to change everything separately.
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Yes, but that is exploiting the knowledge that gen auras can block you. The point of aura perks is to show killer location. How do killers hide their aura from you? Again just because it is in the game doesn't mean it should be. I brought an aura perk to see auras. I expect it to function and not be counter-played by something I can't disable. (Gen Auras)
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From a killer POV, gen and survivor auras should be the same color always though.
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Colorblindess is a problem so yes.
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That's hard to do since some perks change the generators color. I do agree if it said Survivor and Generator Base Aura Color.
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It's refreshing to see a post with so many people in solid agreement about an idea. Hopefully the devs notice it.
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i mean... i wouldnt mind it but ... idk
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@Peanits If you don't mind me asking, could you give some feedback on this? This post looks like it is liked by quite a few people and it would be a nice addition to the game.
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