Do Killers Need A Buff?

I've been playing DBD on PS4 for a year and I main survivor but recently started to play killer, and in 2 hours went from rank 19-15 and every game I killed all survivors. Is it different on PC and when I get lower what are some tips for Billy?
Best Answer
That's fair, maybe fix a few and introduce a few more?
Yes killer needs a buff. if you look at the high ranks you see most time only billy nurse because they are the only killers that can do something against survivers. Even noed or ruin most of the killers aren't strong enough against good surviver. the objectiv the gens are no challenge. you need for 80 sec for one gen and thats not hard when the one that gets chased now how to loop the killer.
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So killers need a buff because survivors do gens (only objective) and use pallets and surroundings to lead a killer on? The survivor has no defense without pallets and are slower the almost ever killer. Maybe the game needs work, but buffing killers won't help besides tip an already unfair power balance.
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I agree, killers are in a decent spot. The problem I am feeling right now is that suvivors and killers both need another objective. Rushing gens and murdering are the main mechanic in this game and they work. However, something else needs to be, perhaps an idol that the killer collects to bring to an altar and get a buff from the entity, while the survivors can find and hold onto them to keep them out of the killer's hands. This can help survivors decide if the toolbox gen rush is worth letting the killer have a buff.
What would be the buff? I dunno, what if mori was no longer an offering and instead was an objective?
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Yes, but a scaling one. The fastest Killers are currently viable, but the slowest need a way to keep up. I suggest fast-travel points around maps.
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I would agree, If they added a bit more to make the game less 1 dimensional it would make it easier for those learning while adding a fun spent to those at rank 1, and the slower killers should either be long range or teleporting to counter loops like the Nurse. I feel the problem is the maps are designed to be either really killer friendly or really survivor friendly, and the gen placements will screw survivors over a lot if not careful
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Get to red rank first, then ask again.
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Map reworks first, and then appropriate killer balance changes, please...except in the case of glaring issues such as Legion (and Freddy 1.0)
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I do not think Killers need a buff exactly. If anything the maps need a major rework, less safe pallets/Infinites if using lithe/Balanced, and more pallets that are not 100% safe and can be mindgamed.
Though if Killers in general would get a buff and not just say 1 killer, i'd say add a new gameplay mechanic. Maybe something that can slow the game down? Something that can net both sides bloodpoints maybe?
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Map design needs a nerf.
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Killers could collect bones from broken hex and dull totems to repair their hex totems?
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I think you should've gotten out of the low ranks and started playing at the red ranks before asking a question like this.
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It's not that hard? As killer as far as I can tell from playing it's a matter of time, you can hate but in my experience pipping is really easy so it wouldn't take that long
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I will admit I've only gotten to rank 15 but with SWF I have gone against green ranks and still killed them with ease, so experience tells Me the lower I go the longer the game but same results, which is why it's hard for me to wanna play killer since it is always the same game after game
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Balance is fine for both sides anyone who disagrees is being biased.
A few killers needs some addons to be in their base kit.
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We actually do not know the state of balance in the game and have only a vague idea about what the devs consider balance to look like.
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Some Killers need to be nerfed, some need to be buffed, for example Nurse's addons that gives her more than 2 blinks etc, Bubba's chainsaw slowdown being slower than Hillbilly's etc.
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On red ranks the gates are powered within the first 3-4 minutes. Survivors that know how to keep you busy for 5 gens and that power through ruin.
On rank 20 to 15 you can't literally depip. On red ranks you could get 4 kills + max bloodpoints and still only safety pip.
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Single gen takes about 1:16 if you hit all the greats skillchecks.
Its more than "possible" to get 3-4 kills even under that time you mentioned above.
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Single gen takes 80 seconds for a single survivor, when you hit normal skill checks and don't use toolboxes. Since great skill checks are RNG you could get 1 or 10 during the repair.
Usually 1 survivor gets chased and loops the killer through a jungle gym while the 3 other survivors repair gens.
It's not unusual to see 2-3 gens done before the killer hooks the first survivor.
Hook phase is 120 seconds from first hook till death. From there one survivor unhooks while the other two repair.
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Survivors would have to be literally jumping into your arms to be hooked, one after the other or making majorly poor decisions.
The hook process is intentionally longer than the time it takes to do a generator, by a substantial margin. The last time the base generator progress speed was increased(from 70 to 80 seconds), each stage of the hook was increased by 15 seconds not long after(from 45 to 60). It takes a full two minutes for someone who isn't rescued to die on the hook.
Then add in the time for chases, which also keep increasing with no corrosponding increase in the base time for generators to be repaired and killers getting very little in terms of chase-shortening options. All we get is stuff for saving time, not making better use of time.
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Shrinking maps would actually do a LOT to balance the game. It wouldn't be too big of a buff to the already-top Killers, but the slower/lower tier ones would get a huge leg up.
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The pipping requierments increase with rank. Its easy to pip in double digit ranks, especially since you are likely playing against survivors who don't know what they are doing.
From purple ranks and up you start to face good survivors and the pipping conditions are much more strict. You can get 3 kills and just black pip or even depip. And it get worse in red ranks.
Get to red ranks, not even rank 1 and see how you like it. Then we can discuss killers pros and cons.
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certain ones do
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As per the wiki (remember each emblem awards 0-4 points each, so there are 16 to get in total):
- Rank 20-17, 9+ emblem points to pip
- Rank 16-13, 10+ points to pip
- Ranks 12-9, 10+ points to pip
- Ranks 8-5, 11+ points to pip
- Ranks 4-1, 12+ points to pip
As you can probably see, it gets harder to continue to pip unless you equip time wasting perks like Ruin, hook multiplying perks like BBQ, or for survivor you pick time wasting perks like Adrenaline or DS.
I personally wish generators would change the map more to invalidate areas for hiding or looping (it's a completed area - no-one should be there anymore), looping around a single pallet had entity intervention like windows (the game should direct you to be chased across the map otherwise the other survivors are bored) and I wish building windows had limited total uses (e.g. 1 use) because even streamers don't touch the the buildings of ironworks, suffocation pit, torment creek, rancid abattoir and mother's dwelling for how safely they extend chases, with pallets nearby for if the windows do trigger the entity, I know suffocation pit fails to due to its length even as a 115% movement speed killer, which didn't make for a fun game.
I might even prefer a one use building route per map that actually lets you escape the killer because at least then you can go and patrol other generators rather than pretend a 3-5 gen loop is fun for the killer or the survivors who are just holding M1 elsewhere.
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The map shrinking as generators are completed could actually be interesting, but if gens towards the middle of the map just made a big round obstacle, that would only benefit Survivors in most cases.
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If your first chase goes that long you already doing bad.
What you say is that three survivors doing gens while one get chased. Thats a definition of a bad play from killer perspective. Its obvious to monkey that gens will pop up very fast in that case. While survivors fix gens very fast when split up they barely able to fix gens when killer keeps them all under pressure. How fast game snowballs in killers favour when killers gets to find a rescuer. While survivors task is to split up killers task is to bring them all together.
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Mayhap a shrinking map would also be interesting. I can see killers having a field day if they have to search nowhere for survivors though, especially movement and one hit down killers.
I was thinking more about slowly removing pallets, jungle gyms & immersion friendly objects where there are neither uncompleted generators nor one of the three exits nor the basement, since I don't have fun being baited into what will be an adrenaline ended chase after five pallets away from the trigen. Though either your or my idea wouldn't be friendly to any survivors ranks 20-10.
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Even so, in all my time playing you rarely get this combo to work, unless you're in a SWF group sweating. Usually somebody misses a skill check, ruin slows it more. When a survivor is hooked it's almost 100% certain 2 survivors are not on gens and going for the save which gets 2 survivors down. What I'm getting at is that won't always happen, you can't claim that without adding room for error because not everybody is that good
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I agree that the killers don't necessarily need any buffs. Map adjustments and secondary objectives could work out well to make the game less straightforward and easy to win. I've gotten to rank 1 easily on both PC and console with a few setbacks but nevertheless it wasn't that difficult to pip. Survivors always will make a mistake that you can catch them up on to get an easy sacrifice, it's literally just how you get your playstyle in and what you do with what you're given.
TLDR: They don't need to be buffed, you need to stop complaining.
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A LOT of maps need a rework first of all.
Killers in general do not need a buff. Certain killers either need a rework or quality of life fixes. General killer buffs would only make killers like Nurse EVEN MORE powerful while only slightly buffing killers like Leatherface.
Some killers are in a decent place like Hag. Some are VERY strong like Nurse and Spirit. Some are VERY weak like Leatherface and Trapper. There needs to be a way to give weaker killers QOL changes and NOT buffing killers like Nurse and Spirit.
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Its killers job to provide survivors with secondary objectives like saving each other healing each other not devs job.
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Your experience comes from consoles and low rank pc.
Consoles are nothing like pc. Its a whole different meta.
I´d recommend you to reach rank 1 killer on pc and then we can talk about survivors not hitting skill checks or games taking forever.
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rank 15 killer??? and you're trying to talk to us about balance?
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Which when you look at the gameplay it's a lot of the same, you can claim the meta is different but the results are the same, you play killer you win games easy without needing to try up to rank 10, even then you have the ability and knowledge to compete at the high ranks, just because some not everyone can 4k with every killer does not mean they need any buffs, just a few changes
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Uhhh yeah? If you say killers need a buff because of red ranks on PC the all the other ranks are gonna be screwed. Console isn't as good as PC and yet killer is too easy to play on console. What I'm saying is if it's killers getting bullied in a single color of rank on 1 platform is it the really the killers fault? Or the fault of the people?
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honestly, i dont think we need buffs for killer right now.
what we need first is the devs finally fixing objective times and map reworks.
oh, and the emblem system needs some reworks (e.g. a "cought" score event for the chaser emblem that counts grabs or a "trapped" score event for the chaser emblem for trapper specifically)
i dont think killers need an overall buff, rather fixes at some points (e.g. trap hitboxes).
the only killers i see actually needing a real buff right now would be Bubba and Legion.
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@GrootDude are we really discussing about the easy rank ups of a rank 15 killer?
Consoles have lesser frames, downgraded graphics and different controls than PC.
Maybe if we had cross play, then we could see the differences more clearly.
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Have you reached rank 1 yet? Since it's so easy.
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I don't think killers need buffs. I think we need all maps need to be the same size with the same general setup(doors in the same spots, possibly hatch in the same spot, same amount of pallets per map, maybe not in the same locations but the same amount definitely) so that any map is not killer or survivor favored specifically. If all killers perform the same across all maps, we can then address killers that are weak or strong.
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Killers are fine. Its maps that need tweaks.
Burning Haddonfield, Red forest or Crotus prenn and taking balanced landing should not be an almost guaranteed win.
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I don't see why someone's point is invalid unless they've hit rank 1. Yeah survivors are easy in the lower ranks, but when I was rank 15 I would sometimes be matched with purple and red ranks. It seems as though people only want killers buffed because of experience in the high ranks; but when you do that then it'll make it even more difficult than it already is for the lower ranked survivors to do anything.
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Killers don't need buffs. Maps and perks invalidated by mechanics changing need to be looked at. I'm down for QoL changes on a lot of killers, but if killers in general get buffed it'll just mean "more of the same but stronger" rather than a restructured and better distributed balance.
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All Killers? No.
Some? Yes. Clown, Plague, Leather Face and Legion come to mind.
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Honestly get to read ranks before you make a decision.
You literally can't rank down from 20 to 15 so it incredibly easy to rank up from those levels as long as you're competent.
Not saying anyone needs a buff or not for now just it'll little help you get a better understanding.
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No killers don't need buffs. It's easier than ever to play killer now.
What the game needs is a nerf to survivors. Specifically, some sort of limit to how fast they can do generators. Do that and you instantly make every killer below Billy viable at high ranks.
And when I say "nerf" I mean that whatever it is, it only ONLY affects survivors that rush gens. It should not have any impact on survivors that pace themselves (eg. low rank survivors). Just so that killers have opportunities to make plays.
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I'm glad you asked, and the answer is no. But since we are on that subject, I don't have any fun playing killer, it's too easy. The survivors can't put up a challenge even when I'm going against green ranks. I'm not even using a godly build, or using my power that often (i.e. maybe 2 times a game) or even sweating. If you'd like I can share my channel so you can see what I mean if that would help you understand what I'm talking about
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I understand what your saying, and I agree I should probably get a little lower and see how things are, but the issue have is I when I hop on to play killer I can maybe get 3 games in before I get bored, cause every game is pretty much the same, only difference is the amount of gens done which, for me, is never less then 2 gens left maybe 1. So while I do understand what you're saying, and I agree, I just feel there isn't a challenge especially when you take into account that people either wanna 2 pip or don't care as survivor
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I'll be honest, just saw this comment. Annnnnnd you're trying to argue PC is harder than Console? Cause you're right, it is. But if you saw my earlier comment it isn't balancing if it's at one tier on one platform, maybe cross play could fix the issues we have maybe it would make them worse, but my guy. Are you honestly trying to argue with people who are giving opinions and facts? Cause I don't think you've said anything other telling people to get to rank 1 on PC before their point is valid, and I'll apologize for not wanting to spend $1k on a gaming PC to play a game to get to rank 1 killer to prove my point
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It was hard to read, but I think I understand, and yeah looping is an issue, but until the survivors get an alternative to pallets for surviving I can't blame them, in a game where the killer is faster and has powers there isn't a lot a survivor can do besides loop and get it over as quickly as they can. If you have ideas for survivors to have a different way to live longer I'd love to hear them, and then we can talk about killer buffs