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Do Killers Need A Buff?



  • Member Posts: 117

    If you see my latest comment to Tsulan, we can talk about it after you check it out if you'd like

  • Member Posts: 117

    Perhaps an addition to bloodlust that makes it if the killer is spending too much time in one spot the entity makes a noise and blocks the pallet? Or maybe a totem that if the killer praises too they get a 5tg perk that's random?

  • Member Posts: 117

    I'm interested but don't those killers have teleporting powers or traps? Maybe give killers that have less than 115% speed and give them a 1% movement speed increase with every hit, but it maxes out at 10%? But in return they get a 1% decrease is recovery when missing swings, abilities, or when survivors struggle on their back. Killers should get this option through getting a totem?

  • Member Posts: 117

    I feel in my experience pallets are fine the way they are, but maybe make the window on the infinites max out at 4 and then it blocked for the game? And maybe since its the killers shack make it more balanced to the killer so when the survivor enters it they slowly lose this mind due to the entity unless on a hook or killers shoulders

  • Member Posts: 117

    It's a good idea, but I feel killers wouldn't care about it when they are busy chasing survivors, maybe make them repair after a certain amount of gens are done?

  • Member Posts: 117

    I've stated this a couple times if you haven't seen, but I like reply to everybody, i don't think my opinion is invalid because I haven't played killer much, i have mained survivor at higher ranks, it's pretty much all the same up to purple ranks

  • Member Posts: 316

    Once you go purple you will see that killers need a buff

  • Member Posts: 117

    On paper what you said makes sense, and that's why at rank 1 I can see this being an issue for really good survivors, but what I've noticed and you never mentioned players play style, or the pip system, which if a survivor wants to pip they need to go and save or do every gen and never go down

  • Member Posts: 117

    I honestly hope so, cause when I go down their and if the game isn't any different I'll be upset at all the people complaining about killer buffs

  • Member Posts: 119

    So you have not idea about playing rank 1 on pc but you are telling us whats strong and what isnt xD

  • Member Posts: 117

    I mean, I'm not? I'm saying killers don't need a buff, we are playing the same game so if you think my point/question is invalid because I didn't drop $1K to play this game on PC then oh well I guess? If that's the case then you really can't talk about killers needing a buff (I know you didn't say it but you seem like a killer main that complains) X3

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    @VCDiamondFinder Killer is easy at lower ranks but once you get to purple and red ranks you see an obvious change in their skill level. You can’t play Leatherface against a good team and expect to win. The only four killers that are very viable against good survivors are Nurse, Spirit, Hag, and Billy. Billy can get looped and destroyed by a good team and Hag takes FOREVER to set up and is countered hard by flashlights. Which leaves only Nurse and Spirit to play if you don’t want to get bullied to an oblivion.

    Don’t get me wrong, there are still potatoes at high rank, I can crush potatoes as Plague and Trapper but it doesn’t mean I’m good. You’ll never win as a low or even mid tier killer against survivors who know how to loop. You’re stuck playing the only two viable killers in the game against good survivors.

    A lot of times I have to prey on their altruism but if they’re smart they won’t fall for it. They will just get the generators done.

  • Member Posts: 117

    And I get that, but what I'm saying is it shouldn't be 4k everyday easy till rank 10 and then pure frustration to rank 1, but I still think it isn't that hard if you play your cards right and punish the right survivors on the right time, I might just be lucky, but a buff to killers isn't the answer, just like taking even more pallets out and removing safe pallets also isn't the answer, I would love to bounce ideas to balance the game off you since im a survivor minded person just trying to figure out why killers need a buff

  • Member Posts: 651

    Killers don't need a global generic buff. But a few of them could use some QoL/redesign.

    Its more about how the maps are designed/generated and the massive way add-ons and perks can effect the ebb and flow of the game.

    Survivors don't need anything to be effective. Perks and add-ons just make their job easier. Meanwhile most killer are very add-on and perk reliant, as their base power are not effective enough and easily dealt with by any half competent survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    I’m not in the camp of “killers need a buff”. In general I believe killers are in the most balanced spot they’ve been in ever. Many killer players are very whiny and feel entitled to a 4K every game. You can play Nurse and Spirit and EASILY 4K regardless of players skill.

    It’s a lot of maps that need a rework. Haddonfield is WAY too survivor sided and can spawn literal infinities. The Crotus Prenn middle building is the strongest structure in the game, it is terrible and you can loop the killer for the entire game. The Game should not have over 10 safe pallets. When you have the safe room of doom above the bathroom and the two safe pallets beside the hallway of the bathroom and then 8 more scattered around the map it makes it very irritating.

    Some maps are just way too damn big like Rotten Fields, Red Forest, and Yamaoka.

    DBD is the most balanced it has ever been but map reworks would help A LOT. Killers don’t needs buffs. Although the lower tier ones need changes.

  • Member Posts: 1,148
    edited July 2019

    Addon dependant means that you just have to equip addons for them to get good? So do it.

    BP is not an issue when you have nurse and bbq

    If you going to remove survivors perk then you ll have no surviors to play againtst

  • Member Posts: 651

    It mean the base power is underwhelming and among the mountain of crap add-ons there is only 2 or 3 that are good and actually do something. Rarity is irrelevant. Some brown add-ons can be excellent and some red are useless garbage.

    Nobody is talking about removing survivor's perks. I'm just making the point that survivors don't rely as much on perks and espcially add-ons as killers do.

  • Member Posts: 117

    Objective wise that's true, but if survivors wanna double pip I can assure you even 4 perks cannot save them, on base power 1v1 is a killers game, 2v1 is the same, 3v1 is a hope for survivors while a 4v1 can go either way, perks and add-ons are what divide the good and bad these days, and if you feel survivors don't rely on perks, looks to prem, borrowed time, adrenalin, lithe, balanced landing, self care. My point would be killers could use a couple more viable perks so it's not always BBQ, NOED, Ruin and a random 4th perk that is pretty much always a hex or a teachable

  • Member Posts: 117

    I will agree the lower end ones could use changes, and sorry for assuming you thought that way, just a lot of comments to read and I get mixed up, but I'm interested to hear what you think could balance maps out for killer and survivor

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    @VCDiamondFinder - You've been playing for a year so you have picked up killer skills simply by playing survivor. Rank 15-20 is where the new players live but it gets harder from there as you will soon get very experienced solos that only play occasionally plus plenty of casual SWF teams that have an advantage just by using comms.

    Ignore people that suggest your opinion doesn't matter if you haven't achieved rank 1. The game needs to be balanced for all ranks.

  • Member Posts: 939

    Red ranks (I think ranks 1-3?) You literally have to max out every category to double pip. Even if you destroy the survivors under 3 minutes, you're going to get punished.

    I mean, come on. If you stomp on a team, it gives you a black pip. That's basically the system saying "oops lol I guess I didn't weigh the skill of both teams correctly. This match doesn't count, my bad!"

    It's incredibly insulting.

  • Member Posts: 117

    I understand it'll be harder the lower you go, which is the point if a ranking system (today I'm going to get as low as I can on my stream) but I have a few tests to run on rank 15-20 and so far it makes it impossible to survive if your not someone who is willing to learn everything to win. I've also faced some green ranks recently roughly 5-7 ranks ahead of me and still 4k them, is that just the lobby being weird or SWF?

  • Member Posts: 117

    And it won't be fixed with a general killer buff, and I have been on both sides if you read every comment, I was a survivor main for a year and had this happen a lot where the killer got gen rushed and the game ended in 5 minutes, the thing is that game there was no pressure, nothing to stop the gen progression, and the killer was swinging widely everywhere, there we plenty of mistakes on his part. I think both sides could use more perks but with survivors getting more specific to help solo or hook effects while killers could use more viable perks, I'm thinking it's not always the killer, but the perks they can use since all the good ones are teachable

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Rotten Fields- Shrink the map. The map is literally 90% corn and 10% tiles on the outside of the maps with the killer shack in the middle and a few combines. It makes the matches long and boring while it takes killers with little map pressure a LONG time to traverse the map. Maps between the sizes of Coal Tower (132) and Azarov’s Resting Place (168) are perfect. Red Forest is another one that needs to be shrinked, even more than Rotten Fields.

    Crotus Prenn- Make it so there is only one window that is accessible. There is two to three VERY safe windows downstairs and many drop off upstairs that can make it an infinite with Balanced Landing. Not to mention there is FOUR safe pallets in an already safe building. You know there is an issue when killers have to abandon chase when survivors get to that area.

    Haddonfield- Literally every building can be an infinite. The Myers’ house is the worst offender along with the basement area where you can see which side of the stairs the killer is coming from. It’s so bad I don’t even know how to change it. The whole map should just be scrapped and re-done. It is so bad I’ll DC sometimes depending on the killer I am playing.

    Ormond- Scratch marks are barely visible and auras are very faint. The middle building is pretty bad as well but not as bad as Asylum. It’s a beautiful map but my frames drop heavily on that map.

    Off topic but I also HATE the newer jungle gym tile layouts on every map after Yamaoka.

    If you watch Scott Jund’s video titled “Operation Styptic Agent” he goes into detail about changes to killers and map changes that I think are very balanced changes. I don’t agree with removing collision from Spirit while phasing but I’m probably bias.

  • Member Posts: 469

    Maps need tweaks.

    Killers need tweaks based on maps.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    Most killers need buffs/QOL improvement to aid them at higher ranks (like wraith, doctor, legion, pig, etc.) other killers dont really need anything though, but maybe some add on nerfs/buffs would help (like nerfing Prayer Beads, Omega blink, 3 blink + range add ons, but then buffing other add ons so they arent literally useless.)

  • Member Posts: 1,148
    edited July 2019

    Just play like i do. Play slower when there are 2 survivors left. Let them save each other etc. 2 survivors cant do anythnig. If they give up just keep on bullying them.

  • Member Posts: 117

    So far I'm with you my guy, but would you mind getting a link to that guys video? I have never heard of him before

  • Member Posts: 117

    I can understand Legion, I liked the Freddy rework, but Wraith is already a pretty good killer in good hands, if his invisibility was nerfed a little I wouldn't mind new or better add-ons that are easy to get, but The Pig is a good killer based in what I saw, she just is a harder killer to play then most and her perks aren't the best, so maybe introducing more viable perks? The Doctor is just a meme at this point, I haven't met anyvify who plays him for any other reasons than farming, but if they wanted to buff him, in my opinion, remove his shock state and make it passive so it does a pulsating shock every 5 seconds to every survivor in his killer radius, and every swing also shocks survivors?

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    @MegMain98 please don’t underestimate LF, he is pretty underrated. Killers don’t need buffs but reworking maps would help a lot.

  • Member Posts: 156
    edited July 2019

    the main problems is that you have against strong survivers long chases and the gens are too easy to be finished. We need something that slows the gens or a second objectiv that would be a great buff for killers or not so many save pallets that you can mindgame them. and a another problems are the perks some surviver perks are stronger then the killer perks then many of them has no counter and perks like bbq, ruin or noed has counters that aren't that hard.

    Post edited by Just_Playing on
  • Member Posts: 117

    I'll do this in parts

    Slow the game down huh, Overcharge? Ruin? Haunted Ground (opinion)? BBQ? Some perks don't say they slow gens but add a ton of pressure and make staying on one gen harder, also strong survivors? So the ones that belong at a Red rank? We need to counter survivors that are good at the game?

    A second objective would be cool but removing pallets still isn't an answer, also save pallets? That all of them, so if you think a way to balance the game is to remove a survivors only 100% defence against killers is kiiiiiiinda stupid. Unless you mean safe pallets in that case you mean to have only 1 or 2? Cause then that would leave almost 5 pallets in a map, unless you want more unsafe ones that nobody will use.

    Perks? Like? Adrenaline is only good after gens are done, Sprint Burst is useful for escaping a killer as soon as they see you but doesn't always work, Self-Care is just better than a med-kit. What other perk is stronger than a killers? If you can figure out who has what perks then it should be fine. But what do you suggest they do? Remove them? Nerf them? To what extent? Also counters? Like what? You hit them and they can't use it? Killers perks are easy to counter only if you expect them so is it that hard to expect killers to expect a player running these strong perks?

  • Member Posts: 156
    edited July 2019

    So where should i begin First: i don't want all save pallets nerfed i want mindgameable pallets not save or unsave pallets. Idk where i said "remove all save pallets" but ok i just mean that you should have 6 or 7 save pallets but not 10 or 11 save pallets. Perks like Balanced landing, or Adrenalin have no counter some perks like Dstrike have a counter but wait 60 sec until Dstrike is over is just a ridicoulis time waste and in that time they can easy finish 1 or 2 gens. Perks like overcharge or pop goes the weasel doesn't really slow the game down. Yes we need to nerf the surviver because if you don't play nurse or spirit it´s ridicoulis how long a good surviver can chase a killer even the killer is good. i don't think you play on rank 1 as killer but if no pls go on rank 1 play somematches and i hope then you will get what i mean.

    Post edited by Just_Playing on
  • Member Posts: 117

    See I don't think you actually understand what I meant, with pallets being removed, removing more won't do anything. BL and Adrenaline? What counter do you suggest they have? Because 1 works only at the end and the other doesn't work if you have exhaustion, so any killer chase they can only be used once unless you let them escape. The thing is if you wanna balance the game at rank 1 then you make it unbalanced at other ranks, the game should should be balanced at all ranks but you can't do that, no game is balanced at all points. And I have issues surviving at rank 10 as survivor because killers are hard to play against when you aren't good, so I play killer and am pretty much 4k everyday, it's not a challenge, and I feel rank 1 would just be a longer version of the same and if not then I need to get better not complain the game isn't balanced because I'm not that good

  • Member Posts: 156

    So i see with you comment you aren't really a high rank player. First of all yes maybe Adrenalin is a end game perk but its not really hard too surviver until all gens are done if you know how to play. And i never said we can balance this game 100% but we could balance this game much better. Yes surviver would have problems on the other rangs on beginn but that is normal i mean surviver are in the moment the stronger side and if we would change that they would have problems to beginn but is that a reason why we should let this game so unbalanced ??? it shouldn't be easy as surviver it should be harder to escape but it isn't. I mean rework some pallets not remove them. 10 or more save pallets is to hard for a killer we need mindgame pallets so we can do something against good survivers. Maybe for you on rank 10 or idk its for you easy but play on rank 1 killer some matches then you see it isn't.

  • Member Posts: 117

    I really wish you were right but I've been facing green and a couple purple rankes, and aside from the flashlight save that was MY FAULT, I honestly cant say playing killer is any fun because it's way too easy. In survivor I have to worry about doing everything to pip even once, and survivors depip just from being tunneled, I just played 3 matches as a survivor and pipped once because I got tunneled and camped off the bat and didn't have time to even live. Sure killer can be hard but when I sit there and look at the higher rank killers and see something wrong they tend to blame survivors being too OP. And yeah losing is apart of the game, but it isn't fun to play 20 games as killer and have only 1 survivor live, I don't see it as fun (I have a stream I had about this) and it's not really making things better when killers call for nerfin survivors only survival tool. And Freddy in my opinion was bad, he's a lot of fun now but it took time to make him truly a massive threat without seeing him as a free win.

  • Member Posts: 117

    You know everybody keeps saying to get to rank 1 like it's some sort of way to dismiss others opinions, and you probably aren't but it feels like you're saying I don't have a complete sense of the game. For me I don't play every day, I play with friends and when I'm bored, so it shouldn't have to be a grind to get perks and frustrating losses because the killer decides to camp or tunnel. I find it hard to pip at rank 13 let alone rank 10 survivor, but maybe I'm bad at playing survivor. And honestly I feel that people complain about survivors because 1 or 2 escape maybe all of them, but it shouldn't be that every game is only 1 maybe 2 escape, it should be how it is, yeah some pallets could use changes, but I can promise you that changing pallets and perks, with buffing killers will only make the game unplayable for the people who don't put every waking moment into this game. I like playing it, but honestly I just feel it's in an tender place where if you tip the scale a little its gonna make everybody freak out and make one side too overpowered

  • Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2019

    You don't have to spend one thousand dollars on a PC to run DBD.

  • Member Posts: 850

    So nerf gens

  • Member Posts: 704

    simple answer. yes, killers need a buff.

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    Increase gen times by 20 seconds, increase hook times by 30 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Wouldn't say nerf gens i would do a second objektiv because it's boring doing a gen for 80 second tbh and maybe a second objektiv could be a fresh idea.

  • Member Posts: 117

    If you increase gen times you extend the game longer which can either be really good or really bad for killers, if you're a killer that has trouble with ending chases it will just extend it longer and make it not much more fun, or if a survivor crew 3-gens themselves and the killer is good at patrolling it become impossible to even get them done without a sacrifice or 2, or a barindead killer, it's not a bad idea I'm just not sure how well it would work out

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited September 2019

    What? You're giving the killer more time meaning he has more of a chance to get the survivors. There is no scenario where more game time doesn't benefit the killer. If anything, the killer needs to learn how to chase correctly. More hook time would be necessary to prevent camping and punish it. It as a whole improves the game for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 117

    Okay, there are you're mostly right but that just hurts survivors more than make the game balanced for the killer, especially when the survivors end up in a 3 gen situation. While the killer does need to learn to end chases correctly if you applied that logic to every aspect of killers we wouldn't be asking is they needed a buff or a better tutorial or something, sorry to say nothing will prevent camping unless you add a stun or a way for the survivor to physically move or teleport the killer, on paper is sounds like a win-win but in practice is has holes, but like I said not a horrible idea

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    In my opinion, Killers don't need buffs. Not in general. They are already getting map reworks, which will buff the weaker M1 killers anyways. In fact, killers like Nurse, and maybe even Spirit, need some small nerfs. Maybe even Billy, who is the only top tier killer who will benefit greatly from having more mindgameable loops.

    The low tier killers, like Doctor, Wraith or Clown could need some small buffs, but that's it. But they need to be buffed individually. Buff either their chase potential or their map pressure.

    I think some people just think gen times need to be inreased because playing as killer can feel very stressful at times. And then they accosiate that with killers being underpowered.

    I mean many say Nurse is balanced, but as far as I can see a really good Nurse 3k's or 4k's practically every game, no matter how good the survivors play.

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