FPS issues post 2.0.0

not_Queen Member Posts: 1,114
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

Hello everyone!

We have noticed a large response after the 2.0.0 update about FPS drops, mainly on console.

Please answer this post with details like

  • Which platform are you playing on?
  • What map were you playing on?
  • What side were you playing (killer / survivor)?
  • What killer was in the game?
  • What actions (ie: dropping a pallet, using a power) were you doing when you experienced the FPS drop?
  • Any other useful information!

Anything not related to this topic will be deleted.
Thank you for your input!



  • Noodle
    Noodle Member Posts: 103
    edited July 2018

    PS4 Pro
    Actions: Roaming the map, chasing survivors, using chainsaw sprint, kicking gens, vaulting, moving the camera.
    Other information: During chases the game would freeze for 1-2 seconds and moving the camera would cause it to 'skip' and 'jerk' in random directions.

  • LiveActionQuad
    LiveActionQuad Member Posts: 11

    Xbox One
    swamp,Forest,The game
    Starts to freeze each time a generator is done and starts in chase

    DRAGOON Member Posts: 126
    edited July 2018

    Asylum (Cortus) / UPDATED - any map
    The Doctor
    When walking around in treatment mode it was unbearable with how low the frames were and would continue to be very sketchy. Frames seems to drop more when chasing a survivor and shocking them.

    Lery's treatment center
    Simply walking around, drops more when chasing a survivor

    Summary: Basically pretty difficult to play killer, lots of choppiness on all maps, especially when more than one survivor is around.

    Any map
    leather face chain saw attack when near by survivor getting downed by it, drops frames like crazy.
    when any status effect such as noed, franklins, killer weapon add-ons etc drop frames upon hit on me or team mate.

    if a killer dodges or I dodge as killer and return back to menu, huge drop in frames for 4-6 seconds.

    --will update post with anymore noticeable findings--

    Post edited by DRAGOON on
  • KingSavageGaming
    KingSavageGaming Member Posts: 148
    PS4 everything is choppy!!! 😢😢
  • Red_Blob_King
    Red_Blob_King Member Posts: 10

    Xbox one
    All maps
    Bubba, billy, hag, trapper, Myers
    Opening exit gate, unhooking, repairing gen, after taking hit

  • Zetara
    Zetara Member Posts: 31

    All maps:
    Doc, hag, Leatherface 
    durning a chase when bloodlust activates 
    when a gen pops
    after hooking
    shocking (doc)
  • P3Myers
    P3Myers Member Posts: 58
    edited July 2018

    all maps
    Survivors: when a killer hits near a pallet i cant drop it as the fps stutters, pallets take a while for the drop
    to appear as well. skill checks on gen stutter as well when there is action nearby such as chase.
    Doctor: shocks near trees while survivors are running cause fps to drop severely

    Post edited by P3Myers on
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    eek. im glad i dont have these issues
  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    Xbox one s
    BIG drops on Haddonfield and Autohaven Wreckers
    Killer main
    I was Hillbilly
    general framerate issues, no specific moment
    Tried playing as survivor and framerate was much better

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    Xbox one 
    Auto havens and coldwind farm
    Miss Piggy when I swing for a survivor 
  • x_im_solo_x
    x_im_solo_x Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2018
    Ps4 pro
    All maps(pale rose, Haddonfield, the game and red forest are the worse)
    Playing on the killer side with nurse
    Blinking and blink smacking survivors will drop frames making it harder to turn efficiently and hit them. Ive also noticed using the nurses new cosmetics makes the fps worse when they are equipped.
  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 171
    Ps4 pro
    All maps but crotus and swamp have been the worst
    Playing against Doctor and Billy more than others it seems.
    And all actions really just when thing move quickly or a lot of action
    WINTERS Member Posts: 127
    Red Forest
    Playing as the Hag
    I was chasing a Dwight and I froze for a few seconds. 

    I played as survivor and the nurse had thanataphobia and everytime a survivor was hit we'd freeze for about 1 second then continue which then showed thana taking its effect on us. And we were on the swamp map. Pale rose. I believe.
  • QuailHead
    QuailHead Member Posts: 11
    Xbox one X
    Various maps

    Playing as clown, hillbilly and doctor and just moving camera around is very choppy, making it very difficult to hit and locate survivors. The very first map I played on 2.0 was Haddonfield and the FPS was very bad in general trying to do anything and occurred numerous times on various maps.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    Shelter woods the game bedlam
    The Doctor
    Major stop and start when in treatment mode. Actually produced a feeling nausea it was at times so disorienting.
  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Ps4 Pro
    Every Map
    Doctor, Nurse, Wraith, Hag
    There is just constant studdering and freezing especially during chases and when bloodlust starts, along with attacking. I've missed so many times because of the freeze when I swing. There is also serious frame drops after the round when you see your score/bloodpoints/etc, both survivor and killer. I don't remember if it was there before, but I certainly notice it now since the patch.
    Besides this, love the update :)

  • browalker15
    browalker15 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2018
    Playstation 4
    Rotten fields, Macmillan estate Lerys institute, torment creek
    Freddy, huntress, doctor
    Using freddys power had a bit lag, when survivors dropped pallets, when I swung my weapon, when I got a hit, when I picked them up, and hooked them. Basically any animation caused a good deal of lag plus some regular walking frame drops. Same for huntress. When I threw her hatchets they would immediately break even though I wasnt hitting anything. Doctor had just consistant lag.

    Post edited by browalker15 on
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Xbox One

    Map: Depends on how severe the "Fog" is. Offerings such as "Murky reagent" "Hazy reagent" and "Faint reagent" seems to make lag/FPS more worse. I experienced this FPS drop on Autohaven Wreckers: Blood Lodge but I haven't played other maps with "Fog" offerings.
    Killer: Nurse
    During when I'll use her power: FPS would drop when I initiate the blink especially when their is more fog in the map. This has became slightly more severe ever since the 2.0.0 patch.

    As always, thank you for showing your ever growing love for this community :)

  • GHOST5X0
    GHOST5X0 Member Posts: 1
    Ps4 Standard

    Almost every map (shelter woods was the worst) 
    Playing killer and survivor.

    I played the doctor right after the update came out and I got mothers dwelling and I could barely turn or swing or even use my power because it would drop so many frames.  I haven't went back to killer yet because survivor is a lot better, the frames still drop hard during thanatophobia or EW3 popping up.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    Xbox One X
    As survivor, frames drop whenever a UI pops up, like status or hex. If you get hit by Huntress hatchets and she is running add-ons that inflict someone the frames drop for a full second or more. EDIT: Also literally anything Doctor.

    As killer, frames drop when I use my power usually. Freddy, lags when someone actually falls asleep and you can hit them. As Huntress, lags when you throw a hatchet sometimes.

    EDIT 2: I'm also noticing a lot of frame lag on the scoreboard screen. The whole UI feels like it's crashing.

    Post edited by thesuicidefox on
  • SanKa_Games
    SanKa_Games Member Posts: 201
    edited July 2018

    Shelter Woods
    As any character, Being near or looking to the center of the map drops FPS drastically.

  • Toriel
    Toriel Member Posts: 3

    Platform : PC
    Specs : GTX 1050, i3-3770k (I think), 12 GB RAM
    Seems like post 2.0.0, several maps, like Grim Pantry, Shelter Woods, are more unstable then they used to be.
    I used to get solid 60 everywhere, but now I am stuttering sometimes, which causes it to be really unstable.

  • Geometry
    Geometry Member Posts: 1
    PS4 Base Model

    Mother's Dwelling,Haddonfield,Lery's Memorial Institute,Badham Preschool.

    Killer Side


    Freezes when drawing traps,teleporting to traps ,when Bloodlust activates,when lunging.  
  • arcticxlia
    arcticxlia Member Posts: 53
    Ps4 Pro

    Every Map

    Killer & Survivor

     Well, there's no specific because it's mostly every Game (against any Killer & survis)

    IT freezes when I wanna unhook, or drop a pallet. Even using a Power causes drops or being in a chase. Or, dunno If it's a frame drop, but with a very good Internet connection the survivors are laughing while being in a chase and even when I play Survivor the most killers hitting in the Air while i am a bit far away to be in the hitbox but they hit me anyways. 
  • ConsoleNurse
    ConsoleNurse Member Posts: 170
    Ps4 Standart cuh1216b

    Every map 

    All time Killer and mostly survivor

    Hag when teleport my triggered traps,huntress when trying to aim,nurse completely (she is unplayable),doctor in general,cornfield,macmilian estate,huntress map

    Also when i play survivor in macmilian estate; while i am doing gens if i look up side,FPS drops 15-20
  • F_Demiside
    F_Demiside Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2018

    MacMillan Estate - Billy / Autohaven - Doctor / Springwood - Billy
    On all 3 maps I played it seems like while dropping a pallet there is a bit of an animation delay where you just stand there with your arms up and nothing happening for 1-2 seconds. FPS issues when fast vaulting, after hook rescue (being rescued and performing the save), after successful hook sabotage, being healed from the dying state, after scoring event "basement time". And Specifically on Springwood, skill checks in preschool basement. While this could be due to connection to killer I am fairly confident this is not the case because I was not in terror radius and the only other times I have had skill check problems in the past is when a laggy killer is close by.
    Hope this helps, and other than these few bugs 2.0 has been a blast so far! Can't wait to get my hands on the Clown come the 9th.

    Post edited by F_Demiside on
  • HertZ_Bad
    HertZ_Bad Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2018
    Xbox One X
    All maps 
    Nurse during the blink is extremely choppy and after the landing blink the frames drop making it hard to read a surviors movements. Turning is extremely limited mid blink. As each survivor dies frames improve slightly. There are to many past threads saying she is unplayable or hard to play in console. 
  • iTzFederico_
    iTzFederico_ Member Posts: 1
    [PS4 PRO] i noticed when you open the store in game where you can buy skins etc... then the game will freeze and frame drop, but if you restart the game without going in the store the game will run smoother
  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    edited July 2018
    PS4 Pro:
    Shelter Woods noticed a huge drop in FPS whenever you are in a chase or working on generators, makes skill checks unbearable especially Hex Skill checks.
  • DogeFace2020
    DogeFace2020 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2018

    Doctor in Treatment mode giving me FPSDrops

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    xbox one
    doctor & wraithbae treatment and using bell
    all maps

    no issues on survivor

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604
    PS4 and killer!

    Some traps from the Hag are also acting strange - some will make the teleport noise all game long every few seconds
  • aquelebr
    aquelebr Member Posts: 5

    PS4 Normal
    All maps mainly father's campbell chapel
    Chases,Breaking Pallets,Using threatment mode,Shocking Survivors,Hitting Survivors.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Just played first match since the update on base ps4. Bad ham with Leatherface was choppy right from the start. Horrible to play had to quit.

  • Skrzydlata
    Skrzydlata Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2018
    PS4 Base Model
    Macmillan Estate
    Survivor side
    Killer Huntress
    After loading the map, I could not do anything, the inscription with the name of the map did not disappear. The map was dark as if there were no generators. Huntress hit me twice but I did not see her. She killed me through memento mori.

    Nightmare has the same error every time. While hanging on the hook (when I play survivor) in the animation, I am next to the hook, it is only after a moment that I can see it normally. Also at hits it is sometimes far away from me. It happens on every map.
  • ragingraven
    ragingraven Member Posts: 1

    Playstation 4
    Every map
    Survivor Meg
    Killer The Shape, The Pig, The Trapper, The Wraith
    My sprint burst would cause me to go a lot farther than it was meant to. Pallets would pause after i tried to drop them. Killers could down me after I vaulted a window and ran pretty far away.

    That's the first time.

    The second time I was playing as The Wraith and he will lag out when I would switch from being invisible. That was on multiple maps. Also on the PS4.

    The third issue I had was I was playing as Laurie and I was on the Auto Haven Wreckers map and the killer was The Shape. I was in the middle of a chase with him and wasn't injured at all. He turned around to chase another survivor then somehow Mori'ed me when I was totally healthy. And it wasn't a grab then a Mori, it was instant. I don't know if this was something new that was added or if that was an issue. Also on Playstation 4

    4th issue:
    Gideon Meat Plant
    Killer side : hag
    Once I loaded in the game it was totally dark and I couldn't see the generator auras. There was one survivor but it was showing he was idle. I hit him two times and picked him up. (The survivor was a Nea I'm pretty sure). When I picked him up, he didn't wiggle. Took me a little bit to find a hook because I couldn't see those auras either. I have the video on my playstation still.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Xbox One X. Played a match as Huntress on Haddonfield last night and the frame rate was awful. No myst offers either. It felt like my camera was jittering whenever I would look towards the middle of the map. Survivors that were 3 feet in front of me would just disappear and I would had a hard time moving my camera to go where I wanted it felt like I had stick drift or something. But the 2 games prior and 2 games after I did not have this problem, and they were all on the Auto Haven, Macmillan, and Coldwind maps.

  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    edited July 2018
    Xbox One S
    Pale Rose
    During a chase/ at all times
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    Here is a clip of the scoreboard frame drop on Xbox X > https://1drv.ms/v/s!ArDQJhViBOPmjzYI0c_XKOmxTqy2

    The pixelation is the DVR on the Xbox not the game. But the frame rate was what you see.

  • SquirtleSurgeon1
    SquirtleSurgeon1 Member Posts: 70

    PC + PS4
    MacMillan Estate - Shelter Woods
    This map was perfectly fine for me before the 2.0 update, but in the PTB and after the update was officially released, every time I load into the map my game has a 50% chance of crashing, or I go from 60 FPS to 10 FPS when looking anywhere except the edge of the map.

  • Cl0wned
    Cl0wned Member Posts: 6
    Xbox one

    9/10 maps I get into, seems the closer I get to a Survivour the worse it gets
  • Why_Are_You_Salty
    Why_Are_You_Salty Member Posts: 138

    Father Campbells chapel
    Just chasing someone is when the drop kicked in
    Haven't experienced before only lag with other killers and survivor this was the first time I had a fps drop.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    All maps
    Killer and survivor (especially playing as or against doc/freddy during recieving or giving shock therapy and dream transition and in dream world)
    Faced against all killers
    Pallet stun: would stun the killer and recieve a hit, the killer would appear on the same side as me then warp over to the other side after stun animation has finished.
    While in dream transition the prompt to pull down or vault is not present.
    While running beside another survivor, they can be swapped over to the side of the killer if someone throws pallet down
  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436
    edited July 2018

    Various maps such as Coldwind, Ironworks, Autohaven, Gideon Meat Plant, Treatment Theatre, and Badham Preschool
    Hillbilly, Pig, Freddy, Wraith, Nurse, Hag
    FPS Dropped at the beginning of the map and continued to throughout. Actions such as the Killer making a basic attack, vaulting, pallet dropping cause a major drop.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    PS4 base (to specific, the model is CUH-12XXB)
    Map is Crotus Prenn Asylum (Disturbed Ward)
    FPS dropped when I was chasing a Survivor who was in Madness 3. It wasn't a major drop, so I could still play fine. It was still pretty noticeable though.

  • merplegend
    merplegend Member Posts: 1
    - Standard PS4
    - All maps but definitely the larger maps; specifically the swamp, hospital, macmillan, and autohaven
    - Mostly play survivor but sometimes play killer
    survivor: worst issue in game is definitely any sort of pallet interaction; pallets very unpredictable while running through them and trying to throw them down on the other side. I find myself having to drop pallets much earlier to guarantee not getting hit through them. Also I’ve had occasional issues with vaulting in general do to lag/low FPS. Running by completed generators sometimes is very choppy.
    killer: worst experiences I’ve had have been with huntress and nurse; anytime you try to use their power creates a dip in FPS. Additionally Doctor and clown using their power creates a lot of lag, especially on the survivor side.
    Additionally navigating any of the menus, scrolling over characters/perks/offerings/items/add-ons, and especially the end-game screen is visually very choppy/laggy.
    I hope you guys are able to optimize console! So far many experiences have been unpleasant.
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    PS4 Pro : 

    Ive noticed slightly more severe frame drops on Nurse than normal. Nothing super detrimental to what I’m used to seeing, but it’s there. 
  • chefdave12118
    chefdave12118 Member Posts: 193
    PS4 slim, doctor, new map . I'm not new to this game and know when to swing for a hit, but on this map I have to get on their ass like they have dead hard to connect a hit . First time I played this map with the doctor a wiffed 75% of the time because of the stuuters . I now know on this map to practically be up their ass to get a hit .

    Love this game and have confidence this will get ironed out. Glad to see not queen posting this. Off to get my double blood points :)