Rework mom/fix Mom

Before the nerf the perk was to good i agree.

Right now Mom is litterly useless, nobody uses it anymore. Why because taking a protection rarely works and if you play survivor you whil know.

I think dbd need to take a look at this perk and fix protection hit or rework the perk.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Tbh if they fixed protection scores and/or reduced hits to 2 it would be fine

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Milo It wouldn't be fine. 2 tokens can be obtained too easily for such a powerful effect.

    This perk should just get reworked and get a completely different mechanic.

  • Jonathanskilz
    Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403

    @NoShinyPony since you never get 3 protection hits dont think 2 would be an issure since its so rare to actielly get it

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,124

    Two things can be done, 1) You should be able to get stacks of MoM from Safe Unhooks OR 2) You can use the perk while uninjured (when you are able to use the perk). Both options would NOT be at the same time, either it would be one or the other, either of which would make the perk better without making it how it used to be before the nerf.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    a complete rework is likely the best solution

    however, i don't know how realistic this is, as several survivor (and killer) perks are even worse than current MoM. think left behind and monstrous shrine. a lot of perks need reworks

    for the time being, protection hits need to more consistent

  • ygnea
    ygnea Member Posts: 116

    I doubt they rework MoM when things like left behind which are 100% useless exist.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    old borrowed time 20sec and rollback its condition to active

    this perk shouldn't be one free hit, than its better than ds

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @prettyf well MoM conditions get you out of your way to "lose" 3 health states to get 1 block when only injured... We cannot say it's a free hit anymore

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846

    Mom useless. Rework

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 503

    If it were changed to protect the unhooker like borrowed time protects the hooked person, it would help against hook campers. It would be like having half of the old borrowed time, just only let it be usable once a match.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Make it a self bt.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623

    I thought it was nice when you needed to unhook, but most killers said it was "too easy" when it was not, maybe another surv was closer and get the unhook. I know that borrowed time made it pretty powerful. But a SWF team could not have all MoM because it was pretty useless. The protection hits are inconsistent, even if you get the protection score bonus you could not get the stack for it.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    Left Behind is the worst, though. Most killers will just close the hatch. You don't get a chance to use it at all.

  • βLAKE
    βLAKE Member Posts: 544
    edited July 2019

    Maybe make it so that you have to get two tokens however, you get 1/2 of a token when you safe unhook and the other half comes from fully healing the injured survivor.

    This makes it so there are many ways to going about this:

    Heal other survivor equivalent of 4 health states (2 tokens)

    Safe unhook a survivor 4 times

    Safe unhook a survivor and Heal one health state for 1 token or do this twice and you get two tokens.

  • noneofyourbusiness
    noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532

    Then BT+MOM is like old BT, still fuc** broken #########, too OP, just git gud.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731

    I think they should make it have a few different requirements. So you need 1 protection hit, 1 generator completion, and 1 unhook. So you have to do a variety of things. (as in you have to do each one, not any of those for 3 total, but each one individually has to be accomplished.