Trapper could REALLY use a Quality of Life with his traps

I'm not saying that he needs to hold all his traps or even more than one trap at a time. But traveling across the map is such a waste of time and hurts so bad in high ranks. It pretty much is for SURE you won't ever see him in anything past green ranks. At least not very often.
I think just putting traps on the floor of lockers, like huntress hatches will be fine. Just a tweek to the UI and things will be fine. I think this will at least let the trapper mains more float around green and purple ranks with out all the stress of having to pace out and miss out on two traps for the WHOLE game.
I just want one thing for him than anything else:
Give him more base Traps to carry. He is too much add-on depending.
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Trapper should start ( base) with three traps on with a max of 4 he can carry with add ons.
Two traps should alweardy spawn open like iridescent stone and he should have vacuum when walking by a closes trap
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It seems really odd that he is both limited by the number of traps he can have overall AND the number of traps he can carry. The devs really did double-dip on giving him drawbacks.
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That last thing is one of the things I really want for Trapper - easily picking up closed traps. Half the time I walk past one and intend to pick it up but go too far, and spam spacebar while I slowly back up just to pick it up! Otherwise, I just want traps to not spam in random corners, maybe have them spawn closer to the center if they're still on the ground. It feels like a 3-day journey just to get those sometimes.
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My ideal for Trapper is spawning with and carrying two traps, but having a "respawn meter" fill constantly, replenishing a trap each time it completes. Since it would stay at full if Trapper already has two, that means there's a total base stock of 3 traps, along with no need to play fetch.
The other option is to give him 3 traps with no replenishment, but add traps to lockers as hatchets are (since picking them up from vault spots often makes Trapper vault for want of an action cycle button), and then increase the amount of lockers slightly.
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This did not actually used to be the case. It was only more recently that it became no longer the case to grab traps by hitting spacebar as you walk over them.
Requests were made ages ago too to be able to set a trap where it is laying without having to pick it up first, useful for when you are already carrying traps.
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How recently? I've noticed it since I started playing him about a year and a half ago.
Also I forgot about the resetting traps (without a bag) being a pain, that'd be cool QoL too.
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I play trapper as one of my three mains, and am rank 1 with him (thought i do have 1250 hours). I agree he needs a QOL update, but not what you suggested. Instead they need to slightly increase the trap hitbox as sometimes people can run practically over them. I also think he should be less addon dependent by making him carry two traps by default, and be able to reset traps on the ground without picking them up
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He really needs to be able to reset traps without picking them up. It makes no sense that he can't do that.
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traps need to also be much darker without addons.. they stand out super hard... especially people running nVidia Freestyle (which is like evrybody)
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I don't think it was an intentional change; I can't find any mention of it in the patch notes. I can't find when they changed the setting animation either and my first thought was that this is when it happened.
It's infuriating that sometimes I go to pick up a trap only to step in it.
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I didn't say they could get to rank one. I said they are almost never there, and when they are. It is a risk to go out of your way to pick up traps across the map where there are NO gens to guard just for ONE trap. My goal is to increase the number of trappers I see at high ranks. Simply improving the hit box will not do that.
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I disagree, i think any buff has an affect on the rank. Also ontop of that i suggested that he can open traps on the ground, and by default carry two traps. I think that is enough. Whilst i see what you mean about wasting time, i think often you end up going to all parts of the map anyway, and them being spread out helps encourage you to spread your traps out (between loops). My one suggestion for that would be stop them from spawning right in the corner / against the wall in maps, so the distance to go is less far
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if he would start with more/all of his traps he would be actually an really good killer. but we all know what happened to ghostface :/
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I'd love it for Trapper if he could reset traps without having to pick them up first. That alone would save him so much time!
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Trapper’s bear traps should never trap him - unless he is carrying a survivor.
He is the only Killer who can be defeated by using his own power against him. Killer hit boxes are larger than those of Survivors, which allows the latter to run by traps while the former cannot.
Instead of changing hitboxes and possibly making stuff worse, just make Trapper able to walk over his traps freely without getting caught, unless he is carrying a Survivor. It’s that simple.