Why Can't I Snap Ghostface Out of his Power?

I main survivor and I find a lot of Ghostfaces but most of the time I can't even snap him out of his Power and then I get exposed and die. I would be okay with Ghostface if this wasn't a issue, and I get that it takes time because the old Ghostface before the buff was way too easy to snap him out of his Power and I still think the Ghostface rn is rlly balanced but it just won't let me snap him out unless I stand right in front of him. Lmk if you guys have the same issue.
Because you aren't looking at him right and it's a bit inconsistent sometimes.
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you can't snap a leaning ghostface. :)
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This is incorrect, you can snap a leaning ghostface, however, because he's leaning, most of his body is hidden, enough to stop the snap. Either you have to be at the right angle or move to the right angle.
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Also be aware that there are some addons that reduce the range from which Ghost Face can be revealed. Maybe you faced some of these addons? If stacked together you really need to be close and can't reveal him from afar. 🙂
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my point exactly.
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It does seem to be a bit inconsistent.
But as others have said, add ons can make it hard to break GF out of stealth.
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This is honestly why I just run or use LOS blocking if he’s leaning, it’s incredibly fast, you just don’t really have the time to reangle yourself to break him out before he gets you exposed it’s better to make sure you’re at a strong loop and block LoS. Also you can’t move the camera, much at all, it has to be focused, makes chases interesting but I don’t find the shroud in a chase that much of a problem anyway to bother trying to break him out after being exposed, especially if I’m not in a safe area.
Personally since the update on console he’s a lot easier to break out to me, it’s much smoother, I found it a lot harder before the update even without the drivers licence addon.
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It is insconsistent and people will deny it. I've been face to face with him, full body in view, dead center on my screen and he's still got the stalk. I fear this will just be the way he is.
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Here's how I usually deal with Ghosfaces:
I'll either hide behind an object, and reveal him from somewhere he can't see me, or run straight at him and force an M1 when he's close enough
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this happened to me twice today. ik im late
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Happened to me aswell, he was standing on the other side of a pallet 2 meters away from me and it took me 3-4 seconds to reveal him (with him being on the exact center of my screen).
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How close as it is 100x harder if you are basically face to face imo, id say a good 10-20m away is your sweet spot (10 might still be a bit too close though)
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That's your problem you were too close detection us harder from that distance
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All the other times I had no problem though. As others said it's incosistent.
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There’s also times where survivors can still reveal ghostface even after he hid behind something seconds ago. I’ve even revealed ghostface by looking at him for a bit and turning 180 degrees and still having it reveal him a second later. It’s BS for both sides.