Spirit Build?

Howdy! I am wondering if this is a good build Sloppy Butcher, Ruin, Thanatophobia, and Monitor and Abuse. I am still new at status effects and such. Does this seem viable? What should I change? Am I wasting a slot?
I'd swap out M&A
Thanataphobia isn't optimal but it's not bad either so run it if you want.
Ruin is great
Sloppy is great on spirit
M&A can be counterproductive. When you are phasing anyone not in your terror radius is given a que, so having a larger TR means you can get the jump on people from further away. Only use it if you are running prayer beads (in which case you want surveillance and discordance instead of sloppy and thana)
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Ahhh! Ok cool! Good to know mang! I don't have much in the way of perks unlocked for her to use. What should I use in place of M&A? Maybe spirit fury? I am having an issue with tracking in phase. I am a horrible tracker in general. Lose people all the time. I really appreciate the info!
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Hex: Ruin, Barbecue and Chili, Pop goes the Weasel and free slot, those go well usually, Nurse's Calling, Sloppy, Bitter Murmur, anything works really, you could play her perkless and still play really good.
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so M&A is pretty solid then? I mean they could potentially hear me off in the distance, but maybe not so much with generator noise and such?
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Oh sweet! I ddnt even think of running whispers on her. I just unlocked it on my Leatherface and it is amazing! Helps immensely with my tracking.
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Normally: Barbecue and Chili, Make your Choice, Nurse calling (or Haunted ground), Ruin
Difficult game: discordance, Surveillance, ruin, Barbecue and Chili + beads bracelet
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I use Ruin, BBQ, PGTW, and Surveillance. However you could probably switch the last two perks out for something like Nurse's + Sloppy. If you want a gen grabber build, you could switch out PGTW for Discordance and use a speed add-on + Prayer Beads. Running M&A on that build instead of BBQ will allow you to get closer to Survivors before they hear your TR. Replacing Surveillance with Haunted Ground or Make Your Choice can be really good as well due to the Spirit's mobility.
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Nurse calling is the best on her. When you see the aura of a survivor healing: Go back a little, face another way, activate your power and make the now downed survivor ######### their pants :-D
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LOL! Noice!
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Spirit Main here
I change mine up all the time so that games don't get (too) repetitive. I have had 3-4k success with these. Feel free to try:
The Grudge -
BBQ and Chili, Make your Choice, A Nurse's Calling, Hex: Ruin
The Ring -
Hex: Devour Hope, Rancor, Hex: Haunted Ground, Thanatophobia
Ghost in the Machine -
Hex: Ruin, Overcharge, Pop Goes the Weasel, Discordance
Poltergeist -
Franklin's Demise, Sloppy Butcher, A Nurses Calling, Whispers
City of Bones -
Hex: Devour Hope, Hex: Ruin, Hex: Haunted Grounds, No One Escapes Death
Hexposed -
Make your Choice, No One Escapes Death, Hex: Haunted ground, Hex: Devour Hope
and sometimes i just play without perks .. :)
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It's not bad. I'd consider Distressing instead of M+A for terror radius manipulation on Spirit. Distressing might seem counter-intuitive, but survivors can't hear you phasing inside of her terror radius, and yours will be large with that perk. But if you're not married to changing her terror radius, you can't go wrong with BBQ or Nurse's Calling.
I'm a Spirit main and my 3 locked perks are Stridor, Nurse's Calling, and BBQ. Stridor is more for tracking Iron Will users and healthy survivors.
My 4th perk slot is a flex slot. I flip between Make Your Choice, Ruin, Pop Goes The Weasel, Devour Hope, and Agitation.
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Most uses build I see is BBQ, Nurses, Sloppy and Ruin. Those might be the most optimal, but none of them is required.
Some good perks also to consider: Whispers, M&A, Pop, Haunted Grounds, NoED, Discordance.
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Whoa! Thank you for this! So the build "City of Bones" I would love to see the lobby chat after that match! You should call that "City of Salt." I am going to try all of these! I am missing some of the perks, but will have them all in due time. Thanks!
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Sloppy + Thana is actually a strong combo. I would ditch M&A for a tracking perk like BBQ or Nurse's. Other than that seems fine.
My go to build is BBQ, MYC, Ruin or PGTW, and Stridor. BBQ + MYC and BBQ + PGTW are both very strong combos. MYC in general is very strong on Spirit, you are giving the best chaser in the game a one shot. Stridor is necessary to counter Iron Will and improve your tracking during phase walk. Ruin is just always good to have.
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My base generic builds are
BBQ&C, MYC, Discordance, and PGTW
When I'm feeling lazy and want to take it easy.
BBQ&C, MYC, Ruin, and PGTW
This build let's me have huge snowball potential from the combo of BBQ&C and MYC while giving me excellent gen control over the game. I regularly 4k with 4 to 5 gens still up while still double pipping. Common addons I use are the green and yellow charge speed addons stacked.
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Why would Sloppy Butcher be good on Spirit? I don’t see the significance with the Spirit having that perk
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Because Spirit relies on sound. If someone is injured they make a loud noise which can be used to track them, this reduces the number of potential jukes they can potentially pull off significantly.
Plus, Killers like Spirit, Nurse ect are particularly dangerous to face if you're 1 shot.
So thus having them be injured for Longer increases the amount of time they are forced to be loud and easy to down, and also slows them down when they try to heal in order to remove those disadvantages.
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Ah okay! Thanks for the response. I hadn’t thought about the sound aspect of it